Showing posts with label Wintersweet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wintersweet. Show all posts

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Oh, So Sweet"

5¾ x 5¾"
Watercolor on mounted Arches Cold Press (Art Boards)

I am sorry it has been so long since my last post.  I have been crazy busy teaching kindergartners, and last weekend I took a much needed break and went skiing.  The photograph does not do the blues justice on this one.  I waited too late in the day to take the photo, so had to resort to scanning the painting.  My scanner does not always produce the richest of colors, so it's slightly flatter than the original.  The trickiest part of this one was getting the outer petals to look slightly transparent.

Reference photo was taken on January 23.  This is the most amazing Fragrant Wintersweet tree.  I was walking up the path from the Asian collection, when the air was filled with a wonderful sweet aroma.  I looked around and saw this fabulous tree whose yellow buds were just beginning to open.

I could feel my whole body relax as I stood taking long deep breaths of this luscious fragrance.  I wanted to replicate that experience yesterday, but while visually the tree was beautiful and in full bloom, the aroma was not as strong and intoxicating.

Note to self: visit the Wintersweet in late January, or better yet - plant one in my yard!