Aug 23, 2011

It's that time of year already?!

Today is the first day of school! Where did the summer go?

I am sooooo not ready for the warm weather to end.

But I have to admit I am ready for the girls to go to school. I think they were ready to go back as well. They were a little nervous but excited.

Gracie is in 5th grade this year. It's in the Middle school here and she was

super nervous to go to school with so many older kids. Once we met her teacher

and saw her classroom she felt much better though

Hayden is in 2nd grade this year. We'll see what this year brings for her.

She has a male teacher this year and I'm not sure how it will go. I hope she's

like me. My 2 favorite teachers in elementary school were men.

2 down and 1 more to start kindergarten on thursday.
I hope we can all have a great year and the summer weather lasts an
exceptionally long time this year!

1 clever comments:

Billie Sue said...

It is fun to see your children grow and progress. You always worry for them...but it will work out. With a great Mom to support them and help them get through it, they will be fine!