May 23, 2010

Catching Up

Well I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. So many things have happened so I'll have to do a brief recap. I guess I'll begin with April. Of course there was Easter. Coloring Eggs and Easter egg hunts. As always the girls had a ball. The bad part was there was still so much snow on the ground in Kamas that it wasn't hard finding eggs and also we didn't get to fly kites at the Crandall's this year. It has become a tradition that the girls really look forward to every year and they were pretty bummed that they didn't get to do it this year. I don't think their dad was too bummed. 3 girls, 3 kites to put together and get in the air and of course I have to stay inside with the baby. Nuff said.

Ally B., Alley Mack, Shyanna, Gracie, Hayden,

and Chandler at Aunt Kay's Easter Egg hunt

All the Crazy cousins at the Averett Easter Egg Hunt

Next was the bridal shower we had for my younger sister Jamie. She and her boyfriend met last summer and planned on getting married in May. They weren't officially engaged however and she had given him a deadline because the wedding plans were well underway and they were scheduled to have their engagement pictures done so of course she wanted to be "engaged" for them. So my older sister Shelly and I threw her a shower the day before the pictures were scheduled. Jamie brought Justin over to meet all the friends and family at the shower because most of them hadn't met him yet. After he had been introduced he said "I guess now I've met everyone I'd better make it official" and got down on one knee and proposed in front of all of our cousins and Aunts who were there. It was quite the surprise even though we had an idea it was going to happen at some point. I sort of expected him to just hand her the ring and ask her if she wanted to get hitched. That happened to someone I know :).

Next, my nephew Jordan came home from serving his mission in Boston. What a cutie! We went to the airport to meet him and it was a lot of fun. The girls were excited and had never been to the airport. (Sad, I know) As we were pulling into the parking Garage, Chandler said "mom is this Boston?" I'm not sure who was more excited to see him. His mom or his 7 year old little sister. Even Greg choked up a little when she ran into his arms the second he walked off the escalator. 2 years is a long time when you're 7. Poor guy didn't even get a break. He came home on Thursday and had to start back to school the next Tuesday. This fall is going to be challenging for me and Greg. Jordan is playing football at BYU and we're going to try our hardest to cheer for the Cougars. It will be hard but we've had a couple years to get use to the idea and football season is still a few months away. I'm very excited for him and super proud.

I think that's enough catch up for now. I hear chaos going on in the other room and I have to go discipline some little people. Ahhh remember the days when you really looked forward to summer vacation? Those days are looooong gone!

2 clever comments:

Billie Sue said...

Oh my goodness! So much fun at your house. I love reading the cute little comments from the little ones. The "Boston" question is the best! Your girls really are beautiful. All the pictures are so cute! Great post!

The Gunnerson Family said...

Well, it's about time! What is happening over on County Lane that is keeping everyone from their blogs?

I love the quote on the top of your blog, it couldn't be more needed right now.