Mar 28, 2012

Gracie turns 11!

Well since the only time I ever post anymore is when someone has a birthday it's Gracie's turn. 11 years old! What am I going to do with a pre-teen! Or tween I guess it is. I'm not sure I'm ready for what lies ahead. Although I guess I can't complain too much so far. Gracie is a pretty mellow kid. She's a total bookworm and is such a good student! So far this year she has gotten a 4.0 three times in a row! It's a good thing she gets her smarts from her dad because I'm pretty sure I never even came close to straight A's! What a great girl she is and we are so proud and thankful that she is ours!

Happy Birthday Gracie Jo!
We Love You!!  

Nov 19, 2011

Another November Birthday!

Well it finally happened. Our Hado Tado turned 8. She has been counting down to her birthday for months. I finally had to tell her no more talking about your birthday till at least October! She gets so excited and loves the countdown for birthdays and holidays. She got to start the celebration a little early when we had a family party for her and Quinsie at the Rec Center pool. I mean who doesn't love to gorge on pizza and cake and ice cream and then put on a swimsuit? Next of course there's the party at school so your slacker mom has to stay up till 1am making cupcakes. Then there's the "friend" party. A gaggle of 8 year old is always a lot of fun ;) So basically her birthday gets stretched out into a 2 week celebration. No wonder she looks so forward to it every year! The next celebration will be her baptism and she's just as excited for that. The next countdown is in full swing!
Our Hayden is a spitfire! Sassy yet sweet. Smart and so talented! She has such a fun personality and you just can't help but love her. We all do and we hope her birthday was worth all the excitement and anticipation. Love you Tado!

Nov 10, 2011

My baby is 2!

I say it all the time but where has the time gone? I can't believe my little Quinsie is already 2! I love this age. 2 or 3 is my very favorite. Everyone always talks about the terrible twos but I have always really enjoyed this stage with my kids. It seems like they learn something new almost every day! Their personalities start to develop and grow and they're not quite so dependent on everyone else.
Our Little Quinsie is such a sweetheart! We call her our little blond sheep of the family. No matter where we go we hear at least one comment about where we got the blondie. It's become quite a joke to us all. She is really starting to be quite the chatterbox (so she fits in well around here) and she has definitely caught the reading bug from her sisters and loves to look at books. One of her favorite things to do is get the biggest picture book she can carry and sit on someones lap and point to every picture in it and ask "sthat?" It gets really old after about the tenth time through the same book but as long as it makes her happy we'll keep reading to her. She got her very own 'pack-pack' for her birthday and she loves to put her books in it and carrying them around. We were leaving to take Chandler to the bus stop the other day and of course we were in a hurry. We were just about to walk out the door and she ran in the other room. I was yelling at her to come on and when I went to go get her she was getting her pack-pack so she could be just like her big sis. She's even fallen asleep in it a couple times because I couldn't get her to take it off before she fell asleep!
She is definitely loved! My favorite part of the day is when each of the girls come home from school and they are so cute with her. She gives them the biggest hugs and she is so excited to see them. I hope they will always like each other this much. Having only 2 sisters myself I know there will be bumpy times but I also know what good friends they will always be.
We love you little Quinsie Fritz. Don't forget, you will always be our baby!

Aug 26, 2011

Chandler is in Kindergarten!

I can't believe it but another baby went to kindergarten! She did so awesome too! I put her on the bus and then followed it to the school so I could be there as she went in and she just followed the herd like an old pro!

The only bad part was that she wanted wear a skirt and sweater so by the time she got to school on the bus she was sweaty and her cheeks were bright pink and all she had to say was "I'm firsty!"

Then after school the wrong information got put on her bus tag and they had her in line to get on the wrong bus. Luckily big sis Hayden was watching out for her and grabbed her so she didn't end up in Peoa! I don't think we would have talked her into going back the next day.

She even got into the same class as her favorite friend from preschool so it made it lots easier!

Now if mom can just get use to the new routine! I have 3 bus schedules to keep up with so i basically sit around and wait for someone to get on or off the bus 5 times a day. I guess I better get used to it I have a feeling it only gets worse from here :)

Aug 23, 2011

It's that time of year already?!

Today is the first day of school! Where did the summer go?

I am sooooo not ready for the warm weather to end.

But I have to admit I am ready for the girls to go to school. I think they were ready to go back as well. They were a little nervous but excited.

Gracie is in 5th grade this year. It's in the Middle school here and she was

super nervous to go to school with so many older kids. Once we met her teacher

and saw her classroom she felt much better though

Hayden is in 2nd grade this year. We'll see what this year brings for her.

She has a male teacher this year and I'm not sure how it will go. I hope she's

like me. My 2 favorite teachers in elementary school were men.

2 down and 1 more to start kindergarten on thursday.
I hope we can all have a great year and the summer weather lasts an
exceptionally long time this year!