Friday, 6 February 2015

The Way I See Things

It's been one of those weeks . . . the kind you pray are few and far between. The details are not for sharing but the feelings come out as I play with my photos.  From the pool of words said and emotions expressed and beliefs exposed can beauty and truth and healing come forth?

Oh, yes it can . . . I know it can.
There are layers of beauty to be extracted, dreams of destiny fulfilled to be unraveled from deep disappointments and hope to be rekindled that dear ones embrace the good plans He has for them.

I can sit in the mystery of how things will unfold, 
trusting the heady aroma of grace will be poured out.

The blue-green abstract piece is composed of the two images on the left, which were then given a watercolour treatment and layered together with an assortment of textures and treatments in a variety of blend modes and percentages. Linking to Photo Art Thursday.


  1. No matter what you know that in the end it all works out. - Your piece is very emotional. I like the pretty flowers in the collage, they would cheer me up.

  2. I will enter into prayer with you dear friend... I feel in the first photo all you could not share and see in the others the hope and faith within you believing for something beautiful... because of who He is.
    Blessings dear friend, grace and peace be with you and your beloveds as He leads us on the path He has designed for us

  3. Blessings to you Ida. Prayers for peace for you and yours. Isn't it great therapy to be able to express yourself through art? Very moody photo, which is very cool. Thanks again for linking up! We'll get this meme up and going yet!!

  4. Life is sometimes, as the first photo depicts to me, a swirl of unanswered hopes and questions. Saying a prayer for you and your loved ones.
    Love your edits, along with the image of sitting in mystery. Beautiful.

  5. A very strong piece of Art Andrea - stormy, dark and brooding. Interesting how that evokes a stronger reaction in me than the two pleasant images you used as the base. Now how does that reflect in life?


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