so while Pete was busy getting frames made so we can net the fruit trees
I pulled out the roll of wire that has been sitting in the shed and began the task of making the fence higher....... of course it was not long when I had to make the decision of whether or not to put in a couple of new posts and fence in the recently established boysenberry patch which sits to one end of the vegie garden........ the raspberry patch garden sits up the opposite end of the vegie garden, also outside of it and so I figured it made sense to put in a few new posts and enclose the whole lot!
Unfortunately I ran out of wire after making it to the raspberry patch....... so Pete helped me put up a makeshift bit of wire until I get to the hardware shop tomorrow after work to purchase another roll.
I have an "added" garden, as you can see above, which I put in on the outside of the fenced vegie patch (the small black fencing) when I ran out of room....... last year it just had potatoes growing in, so it wasn't a problem with the chooks too much....... but this year I have some zucchini's, cucumbers, some lemon balm, and sunflowers in it. I'd also like to plant a couple more things in there, so I will be fencing that off now as part of the vegie patch. I may also put in a little gate near the raspberry patch too if I can, so we can access it from up there.
I pray you have all had an enjoyable Sunday,