You know, as I meander my way carelessly through today's modern Comics Blogger lifestyle, people are constantly stopping me on the street or at my local pornography store to ask me, "Chris, how do you do it?"
Well, imaginary fan, it's simple! In fact, You Too can crack wise at the expense of fifty year-old comics and stuff like Darkhawk if you just apply yourself! Yes, even you, Spencer.
And that's why tonight's ISB offers you a chance to make with the funny.
Take, for instance, this shot of Superboy taking a header into the ground during a mission with the Legion of Super-Heroes:

And that, gentle reader, is where you come in. Simply add your own "wacky" sound effect, and your job as the funnyman of the comics blogger set is complete! Post it here for the adoration of your internet peers, or better yet, print it out and amaze your friends and coworkers with your unstoppable hilarity.
And if they ask, tell 'em Uncle Chris sent ya!
My money's on "PLOTZ!"
4/09/2006 4:37 AM
4/09/2006 4:46 AM
"POONT" has a nice ring.
4/09/2006 5:49 AM
"JUMP"?! Awesome.
Not in the same league, but there's also Alan Davis' run on Excalibur--which features a lavatory exploding to the sfx "BA-THROOOM".
4/09/2006 7:36 AM
4/09/2006 7:45 AM
4/09/2006 1:51 PM
You don't land like that and walk away.
4/09/2006 2:36 PM
(Sorry, that's a TF in-joke.)
Verification: rivvrkke, which is a decent alternate choice.
4/09/2006 2:45 PM
4/09/2006 3:17 PM
A snap, yes, but not SNAP! More like the subtle, barely noticeable, not-even-included-in-early-reprints "snap" that offed Gwen Stacy.
'Cuz Superboy's a Super-bitch and gave up his corn hole to the Green Goblin.
4/09/2006 3:35 PM
The sound of anyone getting hit on the head should be "HAL".
Word verification: ytyleosb, which spelled backwards is bsoelyty.
4/09/2006 8:49 PM
word ver: ailtkzo - what Superboy's gonna need to take after that landing.
4/09/2006 9:42 PM
My word verification from another blog today works well as a sound effect for it:
4/09/2006 10:10 PM
4/09/2006 11:13 PM
4/10/2006 11:35 AM
4/11/2006 8:55 PM
Yeah, well, your momma thinks I'm funny. Oh!
4/12/2006 4:49 PM
No one said PLOP yet?
4/15/2006 12:26 PM
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