Badass Panels, Volume 5: Batman Adventures #3
As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to the definitive portrayal of the character, it's hard to beat Paul Dini and Bruce Timm's Batman: The Animated Series. You can get pretty much everything you need to know about Batman in the opening sequence, which features both an explosion and Batman looking awesome in front of a bolt of lightning. Plus, that scene where the criminals see him on the rooftop and Batman narrows his eyes and uppercuts one?
Seeing that was the moment I became a man.

Tonight's Badass Panels selection, however, was pencilled by one of my personal favorites, Ty Templeton, and it is, without question, the defining moment of the Joker.
For the first two issues of The Batman Adventures, the Joker was behind the scenes, manipulating Catwoman and the Penguin into doing his bidding while attempting to remain anonymous... right up until a henchman accidentally turns on a light, revealing his identity a few pages into #1 and getting shot dead for his troubles.
Yes, this is a kid's book. And yes. It is awesome.
By the time #3 rolls around, the Joker's ready to make his move, and so he kidnaps Comissioner Gordon and takes over the Gotham City airwaves, broadcasting from an undisclosed location in an effort to do nothing but make a point. What follows is a sequence where each panel is more badass than the last:

Tell me that's not terrifying. And it gets better.

Even more than Alan Moore's The Killing Joke, that single line for me encapsulates what the Joker is all about. The look of pure, abject fear on Jim Gordon's face, a split-second loss of composure--is just icing on the cake.
What happens next is one of the best pages all time, presented here in all its glory:

And Panel Five? That thing's a masterpiece. The Joker, sweating from the exertion of beating a beloved character with a vintage bat that he took the time to explain, peering mad-eyed and evil from behind his hands, and all the while smiling. I'd never seen anything like it. It was awesome. And it all happens by page seven
Of course, Batman comes up with a clever plan to stop the Joker, and by that point we all know how it's going to end: A little chat with Mr. Fist.

But even after he gets clocked in the jaw, the Joker manages to make his escape, leaving Batman empty-handed and the Commissioner with a set of broken arms. That's not exactly a happy ending in the traditional sense, but it does wonders to reinforce the Joker's point: He's still out there. And he's got a bat. And he's laughing, because there's no one who can stop him.
Except Batman.
Best Joker Story Ever.
It does look like a good one.
2/07/2006 7:37 AM
I really hope that DC returns this practically PRIMAL FORCE OF NATURE back to being the top villain Batman could ever face. Right now, he's kind of pathetic and forgotten between issues. Maybe the upcoming annual might remind us to 'sleep tight'.
2/09/2006 10:40 PM
Back when my first nephew started digging at my mouldy comics collection and I realized that, well, 4-year-olds shouldn't be reading about the KGBeast and other Starlin/Aparo era horrors, I decided to take a look at Adventures, because I'd heard good things about it.
And the panels you scanned really explain why I found it disappointing: you need to read the text to figure out what's going on. The linework (and maybe the words) look kid-friendly, but the layout is the same uncommunicative mess you see in most regular comics. Ironically, Jim Aparo was much, much better at visual storytelling than Tempelton ever was.
Now I realize that there's a specific problem with the page you scanned, and that one reason it's hard to follow what's going on is that the artist is avoiding showing us the actual baseball bat smashing down on Gordon's arms. And we know he's doing it not to freak out grown-ups, because kids that can't read the captions won't really follow what's happening, and kids that can will freak out anyway.
What's the point of telling a story that you can't tell clearly? The word verification sound effect, 'ujmhg', really captures the frustration this makes me feel.
7/04/2006 9:50 AM
dotan: I disagree. I think the fact that the actual hits are not shown actually adds impact to this. Because what you image while seeing the reactions is worse than what they could draw.
4/13/2007 6:32 AM
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