Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Change and Turn: Catherine Windsor

Change and Turn

Change me,

Change me into gold and flamelets

Fire me up and in between

Burnish with equinox turnings.

Deliver me into

A spinnery of birch and larch

Where hive, alive,

Hangs on soon leafless limb

Under a robin's egg blue sky.

Turn me,

Turn me into scarlet,

A paper coverlet And drop me down

Not to be trod under human feet

But to pillow hooves and paws,

And claws.

Above, frost-steeled ground

Beneath, silently moving furries with tails

And murmuring voices of woodland

Thrilling as high-hued leaf

Rushes along coldering stream

Toward unknown disappearing.

Move me,

Move me toward winding flames

Flying in flock toward silent

Destinies of aging life

To find only alien snows

As day turns to night,

Zenith to nadir

In time of change and turning…

Turning in spring to life.

~~Catherine Windsor~~