Showing posts with label Lundy Lake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lundy Lake. Show all posts

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Flying Over Lundy

 In the past few years I flew one of my older drones over some of the lakes and other Eastern Sierra areas that I called "The Silmaril Series" to highlight a few gems with aerial photography. I decided to transition into something I am calling the "Flying Over..." series. I have gotten a little braver in flying my drones longer distances. The emphasis is more on my videos in doing this than the pictures, but I will still take pictures. In the future there might be some repetition as I might fly over the same areas, but hopefully during different times of the year or with other weather conditions. Also, it is mostly over lakes for now, but if I see dry areas I think are worth flying then I will show them.

So, there was a long winter this past year that really caused a lot of water runoff in areas I had never seen streams before. In May, the ice and snow had not quite melted as it would through June and July which created new streams. When I was in the Eastern Sierra during May I noticed a lot of lakes had a murky look to them where trees and other plant life were in the water due to the high levels of the lakes. However, when I went to Lundy Lake the icy snow on the mountain side had not melted yet. I assume a lot more water went into the lake over the summer because of this.

So, I flew the drone from the other side of the lake and took this picture. A bunch of people were fishing at the lake.

As I pointed out, a lot more water was going to get into that lake this summer. 

This is from the side I launched from which is by the "town" of Lundy. 

I circled the house (with a blue color) that collapsed with too much snow over the winter. A lot of houses and cabins needed repairs this past summer.

Please check out this video I did for this on Youtube: