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Showing posts with label Malcador. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malcador. Show all posts

Monday, December 22, 2014

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 062++++ Malcador Heavy Tank WIP 2

It took me three and a half hours but the left side of the Malcador is very nearly done, lack of sponsons aside.

The road wheel axels were made by using some Oyimaru to mold a copy of that part of a chimera. It worked pretty well, though not all the rivets came out well.

I discovered the perfect tool for tiny rivets today: a regular ball point pen. It won't punch all the way through the thin plasticard as it has a rounded tip, which was the issue with my prior rivet making tools.

Now I'm off to the shop for our league night. I have so much painting to get done it's sad.

Monday, December 1, 2014

++++INLOADING DATAFILE 058++++ Malcador Heavy Tank WIP 1

My local FLGS is planning a 'bring a tank' event in which every player has 250 points to take a single tank in a free for all battle royale. I haven't built any tanks for my renegades army yet, so I decided that I should best get started!

After looking through what supplies I had I found a really old Atlas Tank Recovery Vehicle kit I picked up about 5 years ago. This was never forgeworld's best kit, the boom arm for the winch was a poorly constructed piece and so I never decided to put it together. I only paid $10 for it though so I held onto it hoping to use it for something someday.

I decided to use it was the basis for a Malcador Heavy Tank by chopping the top into two separate pieces to make room for a turret.

The tracks were done rather quickly, it is moving along quite fast so far, though obviously I have a lot of additional detailing still left to do.

More to come on this later, the sides will be an interesting challenge.