Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Meet Phoenix

Cute little bundle of joy!

She is such a snuggle-bug!

I am ashamed to say that most of the pictures I have taken of Phoenix were from when she was a week old... or younger. I decided to start doing better today, and this is what I got:
Sadly right now she is an incredibly fussy baby. I don't know if it is colic, or what, but she screams from about 6:00 p.m. until 11:30 p.m.
Since I've never had a baby with colic, or even one who had a scream like Phoenix, I'm not sure what to think, however I'm hoping that it is something she grows out of, and completely forgets so I don't have to deal with it when she is 2! :)

And speaking of 2-year-olds... Check out this little cutie (with attitude)!

She has officially hit the TERRIBLE twos! This week alone she has successfully (nearly) flushed Jarom's pajamas down the toilet, and a pair of his shorts... just to get a reaction out of him! She was jumping up and down laughing... he was not!
Flooded the kitchen (almost) because she discovered how to work the water in the fridge.
And successfully flooded the bathroom while giving her "babies a drink"! (I was in the shower for that one!)


Dawson Family said...

Oh man, I am so sorry about the colic! That was miserable with McKenna and nothing worked. She just one day grew out of it. And wow about Taysia! She sounds like she is bored. Brylee gets into the most trouble when she is bored. Unfortunatley you are busy doing a million other things besides paying attention to them so they find their own crazy things to do. Brylee painted out whole bathroom in soap the other day if that makes you feel any better, lol. When my kids are back to being healthy I will come take your kids for an outing. Hang in there!

Dawson Family said...

Oh yeah, thanks for the updated pics. She is adorable!

Jeff & Ashlee Olsen & Family said...

Tayci was a colicky baby too & it was MISERABLE!!! Just hang in there. You're such a patient person, I can't imagine you doing anything less. I love all of the pictures. She's such a cutie!