Showing posts with label designer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label designer. Show all posts


Spring Decor.....

 (Lillian August)

Its funny how a post will take a life of its own....

Every image I was attracted to had a beautiful and feminine feel to it...
I had no clue where I was going with this.... 
it developed as I was creating it...

  Every image was prettier than the next...

A celebration of spring

(Mary McDonald)

 A lot of people change their decor with every season....
new pillows, flowers, decor they even change their slipcovers....

(Michael Smith) 

Do you change your decor every season?

(Lillian August)

(Mary McDonald)

We have very mild seasons in Southern California and I think that's why I don't notice the seasons changing like the rest of the U.S....
I keep the same old decor all year long......
I do put out fresh flowers...

 but I'm not a big holiday decorator either.....
I like things very simple....

 I celebrate spring with fresh hydrangeas around the house...and I love orchids.

(David Kaihoi)

I adore this is gorgeous! 

(So You Think You Can...Tumbler)

(Alina Cho)

I do change things around my home a lot...
the hubby never sees the same thing twice.....
I'm always experimenting with new ideas....
the neighbors use to tease us...
they would say..... 
the Taylor's walls are thicker than the rest of the homes in the neighborhood because Julie has painted them so many times....
like it added to the thickness!
 Ya right!....
what can I say...

Who wants to live with the same old decor all their life!  
Creativity is an occupation hazard!  

(Ruthie Summers)

(This is Thyme Tumbler)

(Belgium Pearls)

Isn't this a beautiful image.... the hot pink is just sexy looking!

(John Saladino)

(This is Thyme...Tumbler)

(Fernand Toussaint)

I'm taking a few weeks off from blogging....

I have to finish up with a few projects and life.... 
I'm also going with the hubby up to Santa Barbara for a couple of days....
we are going to a wedding with good friends... 
I can't wait! 
I will be back....see ya soon!
Don't have to much fun without me.... 


Palm Interiors...

We had a great weekend...
It was beautiful here. 
It was sunny and warm Saturday.  
We spent time with old friends Saturday night...
They had a chef come to the house and he made wonderful appetizers and Sunday we went to brunch with friends and cleaned out the garage...
Well, my husband cleaned out the garage while I made tortilla soup.... 
One of my favorites.
I found these images and wanted to show you....

Dana Lyon is the designer at Palm interiors...I was drawn to her work because it has such a calm and relaxed feel.....


Simple, but interesting 



Sophisticated but comfortable 


Classic and Creative  

and Cozy....
A perfect way to be inspired for the week!


Murphy Mears Architecture

Designed by Eleanor Cummings, photo, Tria Giovan, Verande

I was impressed when I saw the work of Murphy Mears Architecture.....
and when I noticed where they were located.....
Well I should of known....
and I wasn't surprised......
Where else but Houston Texas! 

Eleanor Cummings, Photo- Tria Giovan, Veranda

Every time I see work that I love...... 
 9 out of 10 times its work from designers and architects from Texas.....

Eleanor Cummings

Eleanor Cummings

This kitchen looks like the cabinets were found and saved from old buildings and creatively pieced together.

Eleanor Cummings, Photo- Tria Giovan, Veranda

Eleanor Cummings,Phot- Tria Giovan, Veranda

Eleanor Cummings, Photo- Tria Giovan

Eleanor Cummings, photo- Tria Giovan

Designed by-Eleanor Cummings, photo- Tria Giovan- picture below also

 Love this!  

Peter Vitale

I have always wanted a bay window like pretty


Peter Vitale

Peter Vitale

Adrienne Bullard, photo Paul Hester

Adrian Bullard, photo Paul Hester

Designed by Cherry Curlet, photo- Paul Hester

Designer and antique dealer Kay O'Tools home.... was also featured in Lonny Magazine this month

I love this is perfect!


I could move right into her home.

O'Tools home photo- Tria Giovon and Benjamin Hill, Veranda

  To see their work go here.
Have a great weekend...


One Kings Lanes

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