


I’ve been quite disappointed. The days preceding the Kate's book's publication were exciting and promising, and I was expecting that Yesterday would climax into something grandiose.
It didn’t.
One British PM doesn’t make an exciting day since the so much missed “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister” days.
We thought the Media would be discussing today how mistreated were both the couple and the case by the incompetent Portuguese.
That we’d have new refreshing passages about how Edgar had come brilliantly to the conclusion that there was a lair somewhere near PdL.
Looking back now, it was probably Edgar and his “lair” that outset Kate’ terrible, and quite graphic, nightmares.
And we’re talking about those she has only when she’s NOT looking into a mirror or any other surface that might reflect her face back at her, as then, I imagine, no other possible nightmare could try to occupy her mind besides that terrifying one right before her.
So I stocked up on popcorn, dimmed the lights, told Fred he would just have to shush up as I couldn’t care less if May was Champion’s League month, and glued my eyes to the little screen.
And what for? For the UK PM to tell me that he is to review a case where he has no jurisdiction upon, and to tell me that the Scotland Yard are NOW going to get their hands FINALLY in the case, and, surprise, surprise, we’re now learning, have intended to do so, secretly, for the last nine months.
Let’s then pretend that we don’t know that the Yard has been on it since May 2007, around about the same time as all other existing UK Police force, then and now.
We’ll just look awed and pretend that we've forgotten that Jose de Freitas, from the Met, was involved in 2007, and if memory doesn’t fail me, found some excuse not to come to the trial in Lisbon in January 2010…
We’ll even pretend that they have all been looking for an abductor.
If the matter at hand wasn’t that serious and if we were all still in kindergarten, I would even say we have been watching a game of “cops-‘n-robbers reverse style”…
The Guardian in Yesterday's article "How the Met misled courts, parliament and public on phone hacking", by Nick Davies and Amelia Hill, is quite clear on how trustworthy the Yard has been: “The Royal Courts of Justice have heard hundreds of criminals claim that the police are bent. yesterday, it was a respectable group of public figures including three Cabinet Ministers and an erstwhile Police Chief who claimed that Scotland Yard had twisted the truth and buried the evidence in their case."
Let's hope that Scotland Yard, who now have some new women at the top of the force, will act with integrity in this matter.
If they will, they have a very easy task ahead of them. Complex, but simple. We’ll even give them a clue: it’s not only a couple, nor is it just a small group of 9, sitting or not, around a RESERVED BIG ROUND TABLE…
But it’s not about the Met that we’re talking here today. We’re talking about… today.
You know, a pretty, pretty boring day, unlike expected.
What else did we have? Oh the usual and expected interviews with the usual and expected interviewers asking the usual and expected questions and all be nauseating as usual and expected, as is example this opinion from Chris Freind who has gracefully sent us.
And that’s basically it.
I will not get YET into the details of Kate’s book, because I haven’t been able yet to get hold of one.
About that a quite telling story did happen. I asked a friend of ours to buy me a copy. This friend first thought I was joking, but when I, again this morning, insisted, realized I was really serious, showed to be very, very reluctant to go and buy it.
My friend even joked about going to shoplift the book.
As far as I know, this friend has never, ever committed the slightest felony consciously, and was now joking about stealing a book! Probably using humour to detract me from my objective…
It was not because of being afraid of being seen buying it. This friend had been Yesterday at a bookstore (by the way, the bookkeeper didn’t know where exactly the book was when my friend asked for it) and had read through it without buying it, which seems to have been the most habitual technique for that particular book to be handled, as she commented on how she had conversed with other people present about the shamelessness of the whole thing.
So it wasn’t also about any kind of fear or shame of being seen reading it in public. It was just because it was, and still is, for my friend, disgusting to spend any amount of money on that particular product.
Thankfully, I convinced my friend that I would be paying for it, and it would lay on my conscience the evil deed.
And the book was bought in a 3 books for the price of 2 offer, so not exactly flying off the shelves
I’ll be waiting for my book then. Paid for. Unlike many, outside the UK, that have read Gonçalo Amaral’s book and not paid a cent for his effort and courage.
Only when I have it with me, will I provide an opinion about its content.
Now that I’m anxious to comment, I am! Especially after having read some very important contributions from the segments that we were allowed to see in the tabloids from what the authoress allegedly wrote. And I do hope to take the "allegedly" out of the previous sentence as soon as I may!
We do understand that our readers are anxious to know what is going through our minds at the moment.
Well, first of all, as I’ve told you, boredom and deception.
Second, a slight shake of the head on how Cameron let himself get caught up in this. There was no need.
And all it has achieved is that in the various fora UK is present, the shameful way the Nation has handled this Maddie Affair will always be there as the noise made by rubber soles on a wooden floor, needless and annoying, and the blatant revelation of the incapacity of choosing footwear in accordance with the floor one has to step on.
Third, I know you want to hear my opinion about this book, at this point in time.
I think it is the “last installment” that “The Club” (made up of all those swingers present and all their usual and IMPORTANT business transactions that do happen in these highly selective and by “invitation-only" events, as well as their hosts (let us not forget for a SINGLE second the hosts…)) that the McCanns are due, or have made it due to them during this time with the help of some friends in high places, that meanwhile, unfortunately for them, have stepped, or been pushed, down.
Kind of a mob-style “charming” operation of “Hey, ya listen well McCanns, this is the LAST favour YOU gonna get from us, capicce?".
So, in my opinion, this is it, the end of the road for the narcissistic, now desperate, couple, so they should make the most out of it as they can.
After this, the "boat" will just go down-stream as the current will take it to go… no more arms to man the oars.
The cold-shoulder given by the most of the media, and the best result, thus far, being a letter from the PM stating the obvious, although in very nice and polite terms as only politicians are capable of filling paragraphs with very little, I dare say, is very little.
By next week, either the book sales build up, or I’m seeing the McCann name starting to be slowly to be taken off the marquees… and then from all billboards. Now, the fact that the PM did respond, still indicates that those handling the strings, have not slackened their hold in any way.
But they’re just a little too tired of putting up with this shameless couple, and there are many out there that won’t forget how arrogant and narcissistic they have been, and how ungrateful they've shown also to be, leaving those that having protected them in a time they needed it, have found themselves needing protection themselves..

I hope the involvement of Scotland Yard will ultimately get the case re-opened.
ReplyDeleteThe public are disgusted how Kate has written about Madeleines body so graphically, comments everywhere are asking for the case to be re-opened and the Mccanns investigated.
Brown covered up for the Mccanns, why? this we will only know if a proper investigation takes place, so much time and money has already been wasted, the Government owes it to the public to get this case resolved as soon as possible, no more cover ups, this last week has been nothing more than a media circus, with the mccanns attempting to make even more money from madeleines memory. The entire group are all guilty and they should all be made to answer for the crimes they so foolishly and arrogantly believed they could cover up.
Well done Textusa.
De acordo total com o comentário das 07:38.
ReplyDeleteTem sido cá uma " animação " desgraçada.
Bloqueios por todos os lados; só visto ! No blogspot; no twitter!
O medo deles cresce, cresce.
I'm only afraid of one thing, that the PJ is forced to hand over the uneleased files to the british. You see, as Textusa wrote, Cameron must have been "advised" to issue a quick reply to the McCanns and he might very well also have "advised" our prime-minister Sócrates that it would be in Portugal's best interest to colaborate. Portugal is in desperate need of the finantial good will of other european countries, the UK being one of those. I bet Sócrates would never dare to say NO to any demand from the Cameron right now, the country just cannot afford to.
ReplyDeleteMartin Brunt wrote in his SKY blog:
"What Next For Madeleine Search?"
"Stand by for Cameron to take a personal interest.
And why not, at a time when his government is poised to bail out debt-riddled Portugal with a £4bn hand-out?"
Why on earth would he have written that...? As the portuguese say "were there's smoke, there's a fire"!
Narcissus or Narkissos (Greek: Νάρκισσος), possibly derived from ναρκη (narke) meaning "sleep, numbness," in Greek mythology was a hunter from the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia who was renowned for his beauty. He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis saw this and attracted Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the waters and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died.[1]
ReplyDeleteMay 13, 2011 9:55:00 PM
There are no unreleased files from the PJ to the UK. This has to do with three reasons.
The first, a cultural one, the obsession for the defense of rights of anyone that befalls under the rightful attention of the Police, a persecutory complex that the Portuguese have yet overcome, so to hold in some “secret vault” some parts of the process unknown to all but to those that ran the investigation, is, unfortunately, unrealistic. Before God would be able to forbid, some “law-theologists” like Marinho Pinto would throw a tantrum bigger than a Gerry McCann in a night that his daughter is supposed to heve been kidnapped but knows she hasn’t.
Second, the investigation itself was run by the British side, with the submissive acceptance of the Portuguese authorities. The Portugal had PJ put Gonçalo Amaral play the role of cop, but sure that he wouldn’t have to play it, because Mr Smith would have come forward in a timely manner, and the “Noble British Entourage” would return home as if they’ve come back from India. The problem was that Gonçalo Amaral did play the role of cop, and at first the Brits tried to contain things by pulling the couple out of the hostile Country as soon as they could, and when seen that that was not enough, made sure that the cop was no longer a cop in the process. That’s why things went to the UK and never returned, and things that happened in the UK never came to Portugal, like Carol Tranmer-Fenn’s photofit she did on May 8th , 2007 of a blonde man. No, there are no things hidden things from Portugal to the UK, but many the other way around.
Third and lastly, as we’ve stated before, this book deal began in October/November last year (soon after Jim Gamble had to take a bow and leave the stage), and was long before the dire situation in which Portugal finds itself in, today. So, no, in my opinion there’s absolutely no linkage between the two.
That theory that there are files unknown to the Brits, is a myth fed by the Black Hats so that they’ll always have an excuse not to explain something with absolutely baseless phrases like “It’s not clear that all documents have been handed over to the British…”
They have. And those that have them now they have all there is to have. Except courage and decency.
E tudo circo. Mais um numero para esconderem o verdadeiro desejo: a nao reabetura do processo.
ReplyDeleteOs Mccann querem desesperadamente, ver-se livres dos tribunais portugueses em definitivo, antes que Socrates se va embora. Vai haver eleicoes em portugal brevemente. Nao tem nenhuma garantia que Socrates seja reeleito. Sem Socrates, terao de iniciar um novo processo, agora com o terreno mais sinuoso, de corrupcao ou manipulacao.
Sem Socrates sera mais dificil destruir a PJ.
Os donativos ja viram melhores dias e o livro parece um fracasso anunciado, pelo menos para as expectativas grandiosas que a autora nele depos. Sem dinheiro, nao ha vicios, portanto sera impossivel "untar as maos" de quem possa continuar com a jogada da manipulacao.
Uma semana de serializacao no "The Sun" serviu para mostrar uma KAte violenta, desiquilibrada, Mal educada, Obscena na forma como se refere aos atributos fisicos da filha e mais uma vez mentirosa porque em poucas paginas consegiuiu desmentir-se a si mesma.
Alem do episodio da cama partida, fascinou-me aquela passagem sobre o interrogatorio da PJ em Setembro, depois da intervencao dos caes e quando os dois foram constituidos arguidos. Kate escreveu que o seu advogado Pinto de Abreu lhe disse, depois de regressarem do interrogatorio, que a "PJ TINHA MUITAS EVIDENCIAS CONTRA ELA PORTANTO ERA MAIS QUE CERTO QUE IA SER CONSTITUIDA ARGUIDA NESSA MANHA".
Portanto, querida Kate, para o teu advogado, o trabalho dos caes foi credivel e as evidencias da PJ nao foram fabulacao de GA e muito menos foram fabricadas ou usadas para te pressionar a fazeres qualquer confissao. O teu livro e um suicidio e espero que o Ministerio publico olhe para ele com os olhos bem abertos. Ele pode ser a evidencia que faltava para reabrir o processo e mostrar ao Sr. Cameron que a Scot esteve la desde o dia 1 e foi substituida quando comecou a suspeitar de voces.
A carta que o sr. Cameron vos enviou prova que ele nao fez o trabalho de casa que o cargo lhe exigia. Muito pouco, muito pobre para um PM.
My translation of Anon's May 13, 2011 11:49:00 PM comment:
ReplyDeleteIt’s all a circus. Another act to conceal the true desire: to not reopen the process.
The McCann want desperately to see themselves out of the Portuguese courts, before Socrates is to go away. There will soon be elections in Portugal. There’s no guarantee that Socrates is reelected. Without Socrates, they will have to start a new process, now with more sinuous ground, of corruption or manipulation.
Without Socrates will be harder to destroy the PJ.
Donations have already seen better days and the book seems an announced failure, at least according to the grandiose expectations that the authoress deposited on it. Without money, there are no vices, therefore it will be impossible "to anoint the hands" of who may continue with the manipulation game.
A week of serialization in The Sun "has served to show Kate as violent, unbalanced, rude, obscene in the way she refers to the physical attributes of her daughter and once again a liar because in a few pages was able to deny herself.
Besides broken bed episode, it fascinated me that passage about the interrogation by the PJ in September after the intervention of the dogs and when the two were made arguidos. Kate wrote that her lawyer Pinto de Abreu told her, when returning from interrogation, that the "PJ HAD A LOT OF EVIDENCE AGAINST HER SO IT WAS MORE THAN SURE SO SURE THAT SHE WOULD BE MADE ARGUIDA THAT MORNING."
So, dear Kate, for your lawyer, the work of the dogs was credible and the evidence of the PJ were not GA’s fabulation much less been made up or used to pressure you into any confession. Your book is a suicide and hope that the Public Ministry (Public Prosecutor) will look at it with wide open eyes. It may be the evidence that was needed to reopen the case and show to Mr. Cameron that Scot (?) was there from day 1 and was replaced when she started to suspect all of you.
The letter that Mr. Cameron sent you proves that he did not do the homework that the his position required him to do. Too little, very poor for a PM
Who pulled the strings here?
ReplyDeleteReading this I have a horrible feeling that the Met have been brought in to cover up those involved because the public are getting too close to the truth and won't go away. To spend this amount of money on one child when the Portuguese have offered to re-open. Surely it would cost less to re-open and the British could help fund it.
I never thought Cameron was leadership material and now I'm certain. He either hasn't a clue about the McCann case or he has replied to them like he did for a reason. Whichever it is he has proved without doubt he should be booted out. If he can make decisions to spend that amount of public money without knowing the facts of the case he will come in for criticism.
ReplyDeleteIf he does know the truth then he is supporting fraud and a crime.
I know the Met are denting they were 'forced' to make this decision but it's hard to believe anything about the case.
I think that the McCanns are trying to suck up money from their pals by centering the attentions back on them. The more we worry (or talk) about them, the less is talked about the other players. I think that this amount of money given to the Metropolitan Police is a way of the Gov to show that the loyalty of "politics" remains with those in "power" and will not allow anything to taint their names. The McCanns, are simply manipulated puppets as the pictures show.
ReplyDeleteToday, from your favorite tabloid The Sun:
“A LABOUR peer sparked fury yesterday - by branding the Met case review a waste of money.
Lord Harris also said David Cameron's request was political interference with police business.
He said: "What we are looking at is a case where the Met has no direct responsibility. There is clearly an issue about the resources being used."
Harris, A MEMBER OF THE METROPOLITAN POLICE AUTHORITY, added: "It's not just a question of direct costs - it's a question of opportunity costs too.
"Our detective capacity is limited as it is."
No10 hit back at the claim the PM was interfering in police business.
His official spokesman said he made "A REQUEST, NOT A DIRECTION" for a review.
Asked why other families with missing children were not offered the same treatment, he replied: "It's quite an exceptional case. It's been going on for some time and there's a huge amount of public interest.
"The Prime Minister has been very clear that he wants to do everything we can to support the family."
The Met confirmed Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson WAS ASKED, NOT TOLD, "to provide expertise".
A spokesman said: "He took the decision it was the right thing to do."
There were suggestions yesterday that the review could take millions away from fighting crime.
But Home Secretary Theresa May has agreed to foot the bill from her department's excess budget.
Leader Ed Miliband's spokesman said: "Lord Harris does not represent the party's view."
Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper added: "We fully back Kate and Gerry McCann's request for information to be reviewed. Any overlooked piece of this jigsaw could be important."
Oh Dear, Oh Dear, did someone forget that the truth isn’t to be said?!?
Today, from your favorite tabloid The Sun:
“A LABOUR peer sparked fury yesterday - by branding the Met case review a waste of money.
Lord Harris also said David Cameron's request was political interference with police business.
He said: "What we are looking at is a case where the Met has no direct responsibility. There is clearly an issue about the resources being used."
Harris, A MEMBER OF THE METROPOLITAN POLICE AUTHORITY, added: "It's not just a question of direct costs - it's a question of opportunity costs too.
"Our detective capacity is limited as it is."
No10 hit back at the claim the PM was interfering in police business.
His official spokesman said he made "A REQUEST, NOT A DIRECTION" for a review.
Asked why other families with missing children were not offered the same treatment, he replied: "It's quite an exceptional case. It's been going on for some time and there's a huge amount of public interest.
"The Prime Minister has been very clear that he wants to do everything we can to support the family."
The Met confirmed Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson WAS ASKED, NOT TOLD, "to provide expertise".
A spokesman said: "He took the decision it was the right thing to do."
There were suggestions yesterday that the review could take millions away from fighting crime.
But Home Secretary Theresa May has agreed to foot the bill from her department's excess budget.
Leader Ed Miliband's spokesman said: "Lord Harris does not represent the party's view."
Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper added: "We fully back Kate and Gerry McCann's request for information to be reviewed. Any overlooked piece of this jigsaw could be important."
Oh Dear, Oh Dear, did someone forget that the truth isn’t to be said?!?
thr british police would not release details of gerald mccanns financial details...why will they do so now? maddies health records were held back and who know what else..
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by mentioning that people outside the UK read Amaral's book without paying a cent for his effort... Where did they read it? I am in Africa and bought it on a web site in the USA and had to patiently wait for 6 weeks for it to arrive. I am surprised, if I understand you correctly. It is sad really!
ReplyDeleteMay 14, 2011 10:03:00 PM
When GA's book was published, back in 2008, it was immediately scanned and went "viral" in the net. This meant that GA lost a significant amount of money that was his rightfully. If I remember right, Joana Morais protested at the time against this breach of GA's rights, and was mocked by many. Very few did like yourself. So my comment certainly does not apply to you, nor to all those like you, bought Amaral's book. Hope I clarified.
ReplyDeleteIf this re-investigation does go ahead I just hope that the McCanns are not given any information which will enable them to wriggle out of any possible charges.
I would buy Goncalo Amarals Book here in the UK if I could get an English translation even though I have read it on the web, in fact, I would buy more than one. But it is still not available
i will go and try to buy Mr Amarals book..in any language just to help.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree that Cameron has to know about the McCann case. The man is PM not a cop. And he has more important things to do than reading novels!
ReplyDeleteWhat he has replied to them was done by a a reason but we do not know exactly what was that.
I guess people have reacted with criticism because MCCanns cannot have a preferential treatment. And that is that!
I won't buy Kate book because I do not contribute to illegal funds but someone has to read first and comment next: I'll do it reading a few notes I found in newspapers occasionally and in other sources.
But I do not have to read much to find the content absolutely psychiatric. I guess intellectual people got that but are to polite to say it. They rather want to wait that life itself do the right thing as it happens on cases like this.
It Always Does.
I hope this investigation is a proper investigation done effectively and at last we will see justice for Madeleine, and those awful, vile Mccanns locked up in prison where they belong.
ReplyDeleteSo many people are wanting justice and wanting the truth it cannot stay hidden.
Thank you Textusa and team xx