Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Big Six...

Another multiples play date has come and gone. This one, however, consisted of a lot more baby chasing! All the babies are on the move with about half already walking. Taking a picture was a bit more tricky because one-year-olds do NOT like being forced to sit in one place. We tried to have an older sister sit with them but even she couldn't be the baby whisperer to so many rowdy babies.

Our three are closest to the back corner. Zachary is facing the camera crying. Leah is sucking on a ball and Caleb is turned around trying to climb out.

It's always nice going over to another house because the babies are totally entertained with all the new toys. When it was time to leave we had to pry the babies away. The hosts of the playdate were lucky we didn't just leave them there! This get together was a pool party but because our nap time didn't allow us to be there for the first hour, we thought everyone would've been done swimming. When we showed up though, no one had gotten in yet! So we all just put our feet in and let the babies splash.

Zachary was loving the fountain and kept screaming and waving his hands.

Once the kids got tired of just sitting still, it turned into a wrestling match trying to keep Leah from destroying the plants, Caleb from eating the rocks and dirt, and Zachary from falling in.

Here's our attempted family photo. Leah is undressed because she kept whining and whining and whining. I thought she wanted to get in the water but that just turned her whining into crying. Not sure what her deal was.

We had a good time despite the hot weather and wild babies! Thanks Amy!

Later that evening, we called over a babysitter and the husband and I went out to have an early 6th anniversary celebration. Since our 5th anniversary consisted of a 20-minute wheelchair ride through the halls of the hospital, we decided that this year we needed to go do something we'd never done before. We first thought about doing a couples massage...then we thought about doing dinner plus a 30-minute plane ride over Dallas. Finally, we decided on an activity. We went out to Spring Creek BBQ to eat some decent Texas brisket then headed off to watch the FC Dallas major league soccer team play! We were excited to just hang out and watch my favorite sport. Clark was a champion and endured my glory day stories, opinions, and comments throughout the whole game. The high temperature for that day was about 107 degrees so by the time the game started it had only cooled off to about 100.


If felt like we were in an indoor arena with no air conditioning. Just stifling. Nobody at the game seemed to mind though so we didn't either! FC Dallas lost 1-0 but it was a good game nonetheless. We brought a little water spray fan that saved my life. In those types of situations, paying an atrocious amount of money for a cold bottle of water isn't given a second thought.

One more year of marriage in the books. Let's hope this next year isn't quite as exciting. :)


  1. Fun! Can't say we're sad we missed the heat, but the fun- yes. Happy anniversary!

  2. What a FUN play date with your kiddos!! I love that you guys do those- even though I'm sure it's complete chaos. And what a blessing that Clark can come with you- could you imagine doing those ALONE?!?!? And YAY for getting out and celebrating anniversaries!!! love what you guys chose to do- despite the scorching heat!! HAPPY SIX YEARS (this Friday:). Crazy how much happens in just 6 years. Love you guys!

  3. I love reading your blog! You are such a wonderful mother and your babies are so blessed to have you! Cute family picture and congrats on 6 years of marriage! xoxo

  4. Hey there! Such a fun blog! I didn't realize you played soccer? I wish we had more than just the third hour of church to chat! Thanks for saying hello. Take care and we'll definitely be in touch!
