Sunday, May 26, 2013

When the Reasons Don't Come As Easily...

I love this picture.  The kids are so sweet in it.  I'm putting up here because it makes me smile, and today has been a bit of a doozy.  One mood affected another affected another, until before you knew it everyone was ready to call it quits well before the end of the day...though some may have thrown some tantrums more elaborately than others...!

Isn't it just like the enemy to come at ya full force right when you decide to focus on your blessings?  Well, I've got a tiny enemy and a GINORMOUS God, so I'm gonna press in and find my 27 blessings for today.

List #2:
1. This picture.  Taken at the wedding of our MeMe's beloved daughter Taylor in December.  She had the cutest ring bearers and flower girl :)
2. Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes...especially mine
3. Sunday Church Day -- love my church home!
4. Love that my kids say 'Yea! Church!' as we head out on Sunday mornings (Thanks Gateway Frisco!)
5. The amazing guest Pastor Jimmy Evans' sermon on fear -- WOW.  It was great!
6. Pastor Robert was at church today, healed and well -- amen!
7. Einstein's Bagels gift card made the perfect after church lunch
8. Family ice cream at Baskin Robbins
9. Low prices at such Baskin Robbins
10. Presley's new dress she wore today
11. The monogram it had on it -- and the lady that made it
12. Watched a whole Hallmark movie during naptime
13. Long naps
14. Patrick was home all day
15. My friends once again supported me (via texts)
16. Very rare alone time before church for worship and reflection
17. God played a song I hadn't heard in forever that helped me remember
18. Time to journal
19. Book I'm reading was written just for me (One-in-a-Million by Priscilla Shirer)
20. Pastor Jimmy mentioned the Promised Land, which I had been noticing has been in every book, sermon, and message lately
21. Grace for a messy day like today
22. Hope for tomorrow
23. No work tomorrow!  Memorial Day
24. For the men & women who lost their lives so I could be free
25. God gave me an idea for a schedule this summer
26. All five of us home all day long and the house isn't that bad off
27. Having the opportunity to come alongside a friend in prayer and spiritual battle
28. Diet Coke

Take that, Day!  I feel better already!
Bless the Lord, O my soul!

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