Showing posts with label culinary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culinary. Show all posts

19 August 2013

Kent's Activities..

So this is it, a blog post only for my little cutie, Little Kent.. He is in Primary One right now, and he is one curious boy, he asks a lot of questions every time!! He watched this cartoon on YouTube about a little girl who help her bear and teddy friend to make dumplings; and he said to us that he would like to make dumplings too!! I always told him that when he grow up, I want him to be a Chef, and he takes it seriously..=p
So we planned out different activities in the kitchen where he could actually help and takes part in it without creating too much mess (coz my mom will freak out)..

Making Jello.

Kent helped in jelly moulding process..=`)
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After that, he put them in the fridge and wait form them to be jelled..=`)
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After jelled, he took a small spoon and fork them out one by one..=`)
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Then he helped to store them in a container..=`)
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Then he enjoy his jelly while they are cold and nice..=`)
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Making Dumplings.

Kent took instructions from mommy on how to fold the dumplings..=`)
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So he prepared the minced meat..=`)
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and he glazed the dumpling skin with egg yolk and then folded it..=`)
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then he arranged them nicely on a plate..=`)
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He repeated the process until he got as much dumplings as he wanted..=`)
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and tadaaahhh.. Kent was happy with his dumplings..=`)
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then my mommy used them to make dumplings soup..=`)
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Making Spring Rolls.

Kent helped older sister to make spring rolls..=`)
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The process is almost the same with making dumpling, only this time we used a lot of veggies!! =`)
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You can't see it but Kent was holding his first spring roll..=`)
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and then mommy fried them and they were delicious!! =`)
 photo springroll_zps8e9cdbb5.jpg

That is all for "cooking with Kent" time.. Have you cooked together with your family yet?

23 July 2013

You take me all the way..

Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having..

So last month I was in Medan again for another 10 days, gotta get used to it since I'm moving back there.. But I do not know how can I handle being away from my Little Kent..=`((
So this post is filled with Kent-less pictures, I'm so sad I'm gonna miss him so so much!! *depressed*

I always love date nights with my boo..=`))
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I am so craving for these right now!! 
 photo schnitzelhermeshotel_zpsdb147427.jpg photo lupishermeshotel_zps69c604d1.jpg photo nasipadang_zps8903574c.jpg

Hair treatments are way cheaper in Medan than Singapore..=`))
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Spent my last day visiting baby Chloe, my buddy Erni's new born baby girl..=`))
She looks exactly like her brother, Ethan..=`)
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Pretty full month souvenir from baby Chloe..=`)
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Had my flight back to Singapore together with the cousin who won Super Junior concert tix in Singapore.. 
I don't get all this Korean fever.. =.="
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My shirt that day was identical with Polonia's stain glass.. FML.. =.="
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Gonna post more entries soon and I promise it's gonna be filled with Little Kent!! =`))

22 September 2012

7-Eleven Leading Brands Blogger Contest

Who doesn't know 7-Eleven?? It is the leading convenience store retailer in Singapore. This year 7-Eleven's Leading Brands Contest has travel vouchers to be won!! I wanna win!!!
I have followed the steps to join the contest, spent $3 in the store, liked 7-11's Facebook page, and chose my favorite brands.
But, but, but, they have another chance to win cash for bloggers!! I wanna win!!
So I went to my nearby 7-11 store..=`)
I wiki-ed 7-11 history, they used to operated from 7am to 11pm, thus the name, but because of high customer demand, it went 24 hours!! Convenient!! =`)
Everyone go join the contest!! It's time to travel!! =`)
What I like from 7-11:
 Its famous Slurpee!! =`)
It's chocolate array!! =`)
My favorite magazine..=`)
Wide selection of drinks!! =`)
The product that I purchased for the contest..
To stock up my candy supply, eclipse, at 2 for $5.50!! =`)
Payment!! =`)
Keep the receipt  for verification!! =`)
I recently asked my  mom, if I were to bring her to travel, where would she wanna go, and her answer is: Taipei. 
So if I should win the 7-Eleven Leading Brand Contest, I would like to go to Taipei with my mom and for one main reason only: Its yummy street food!! =`)

So, 7-Eleven, I hope I win!!! =`)

** 7-11 contests pictures from 7-11 Website
** Taipei pictures from Google Image

14 September 2012

a dessert story..

People who love to eat are always the best people..
-Julia Child

Another day, another dessert story with the sis..
Everything must be Instagramed!!!!
Ice cream makes me cold so have to settle with Ice Lemon Tea..=.="
Moon cakes craze has started again for the Mid Autumn..=`)
Double Scoop!!! =`)
Banana Split..=`)
These made really sinful supper..=p
Yes, yes..=`)

** gif from Tumblr

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