May 15, 2014

Aquarium Visit!

Me and Lexi went to the new aquarium up in Draper today! They just opened fairly recently. We were hoping that the day and time we went would mean not very many people but unfortunately about a million schools had field trips there today! It was still fun though, and we can't wait to go back!

We saw sharks, penguins, otters, fishies, sting rays, frogs, seahorses, star fish, and ducks! Lexi's favorite, of course, was the Penguin Exhibit! I think just about all our pictures are from there. :-) After we saw the wxhibits, we ate lunch at the cafe (waste of money! lol) and browsed the gift shop! It was a fun day and Lexi says "LET'S GO BACK NEXT WEEK!"

Crowds of kids...this doesn't do it justice!

Official Aquarium Member!

Penguin sign!

She loved standing by the penguin pictures

Watching those silly penguins dive and swim

Laughing so hard when they would hop out of the water, then dive back in!

Penguin watchin'


Watching them swim

More penguin signs!

Crawling through "Discover Utah"

Crawling through "Discover Utah"

Checking her map to see about the sea otters


Huge shark jaws!


March 22, 2014

Classic Skate with UAF

We had so much fun with the United Angels Foundation (UAF) today! The Classic Skate Fun Center was rented out just for these special kiddos and their families! We are so blessed to be part of such a great organization! Lexi had so so so much fun skating! She mainly wanted to skate with Daddy! :) Who knew Lexi would ever be able to stand alone on skates, let alone try skating by herself! WAHOO! When she got pooped, Daddy pushed her real fast in her stroller. Her face was pure bliss! What a great experience for her (and mommy and daddy)!

Here they go!

Someone is so excited to try skating!


Daddy and Lexi

Lexi is very excited!

Skating with Dad

our family!

zooming fast in the stroller

Classic Skate selfies!

Daddy being silly

WHAT! Standing on skates!

Making sure the skates are nice and snug!

Mom and Lexi

Look at those legs trying to go so fast!!


Way too pooped!

March 12, 2014

Ode to the Pups

We've had quite a few dogs in and out of the Frederick house! We decided to stop trying to save dogs and puppies for a little while and let our house get under control first! Of course, we still have Rosie! So here is an ode to the pups!
First came Jagger, a Puggle, our very first pup, 10 weeks old. July 2012 
We had him for a little over a week. He was the cutest puppy I'd ever seen. He was the first dog I'd ever had and I wasn't ready. He also failed the dominance aggressive test we were looking for in a dog for Lexi. This dog was fiesty, bossy, and aggressive. Cute as heck, but not for us. We named him Jagger because he loved to shake his bum and wiggle his tail. We sold him to a loving family who spoiled him rotten from the time they saw him!
Then along came Cooper, a Texas Queensland Heeler, 10 weeks old. August/September 2012
Cooper was my buddy. I loved that little guy. He followed us everywhere, was sweeter than candy. I miss this guy. Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of our control, Cooper was taken to a shelter while we were out of town. I still look for him. We named him Cooper because he just loped around without a care in the world and I thought of Loper/Looper and ended up with Cooper!
Then we found Rosie, a Heeler/Mini Aussie. October 2012
I found Rosie in Genola, Utah on a farm. She was the littlest of a litter of 11 puppies! There was also another litter there, with 9 puppies! :) Rosie was the breeders pick of the litter! When Lexi went to pick her out, it was a blast watching all the puppies running around! Lexi wanted the "wittle owange one" and followed her around. They kind of chose each other. Rosie was only 6.5 weeks old when we picked her out, then we went back about a week later and picked her up. We're grateful for Rosie. We chose the name Rosie because that is what her breeder family named her (Rosey) and Lexi wanted to keep it! (Rosie, pictured at around 8 weeks old, the day we brought her home with us.)
Bailey, 8 weeks, heeler/border/pom/chi.  April 2013
Bailey was one of those spur of the moment buys because she was cuter than a button and really cheap. We didn't really think her through and only had her with us for about a day. We were hoping to find a match for Rosie as a play mate but it wasn't the right time for us. Luckily, we took her back to her family, and she was able to find a home that was better for her. Rosie loved showing her the ropes, but it was too much for us to handle at that time in our life.
We rescued Daisy, a 2 year old German Shepherd. May 2013
Daisy was our first foster dog through an organization called Rescue Rovers Adoptions who specialize in saving dogs from kill shelters. Daisy was scheduled to die the day we rescued her. She was the only non-puppy saved that day. She was skin and bones and covered in ticks. She was a big, strong dog though. She loved people but hated all other animals, so unfortunately we only had her as our foster for 48 hours. Daisy has since found a permanent home. We named her Daisy because we got to chose a name and thought it'd be fun to have another flower name!
Jack, 5 months, Black Lab. November 2013
Jack was another Rescue Rovers save. I saw his picture and could not get his picture out of my mind. He needed to be saved NOW! He was scheduled to die over Thanksgiving break, and we rescued him the day before. Shy and timid at first, he loved being in our home. He was a lazy dog and very fun. He and Rosie got along well, and he loved Lexi. We named him Jack after Jack Sparrow. We had him as our foster for 2 weeks until he found his awesome new home at an adoption event! His name is now Percy.
Lastly, was Tigg, 4 months, Heeler mix. March 2014
I found Tigg on KSL classifieds because he was going to be taken to the shelter immediately if someone didn't want him, so we took him. He was very spunky and playful, incredibly smart, cute cute cute, and looked a lot like Rosie. We think he may have been mixed with lab or boxer, but heeler was definitely prominent! He loved to play, and was whiney when he couldn't, little stinker. He was hard to get a picture of he was so wiggly, but we did our best. This little guy was notorious for testing our patience! We had him for 5 days before a new family found him! We named him Tigg after Sons of Anarchy's character, Tigg.
For my own sanity right now, until we can get a bigger place, we are going to be done with rescuing and finding other dogs. It's been fun, but it's definitely time for a break for us! Who knew? Me, saving pups?! It's been fun reminiscing! Great dogs! If you need help finding a good dog, let me know and we can help you! :)

March 11, 2014

Uhm oops.

DANG. It's been, ya know, like 3 months since I updated?! Oh shoot that's bad. So here is DecemberJanuaryFebruary as much as I can remember. Perhaps I'll do a post with pics next time so I can see what we did since I'm a photo and Facebook junkie!

In December we did some awesome stuff! Lexi and I were able to go see Jodi in Christmas Around the World at BYU! Lexi loved it and so did I!
We also all got to go see The Piano Guys right before Christmas, courtesy of my dad. Lexi thought the best part was when they played Silent Night! :)
Lexi also had her post-op checkup and did wonderful and we got news that it looks like the surgery was more than successful! We are ecstatic! She was also prescribed some medicine to help her spasticity at nighttime while sleeping, which has been awesome
Christmas came and went, and we had a great time remembering our Savior, and spending time with family. Lexi's big present this year was the dollhouse that Santa's elves made! She got some cool Lego sets, a dress up ballerina dress, and Barbie stuff! Terrell got lots of biking stuff this year - tips book, bicycling magazine subscription, bike tools, etc. Kellie got a Younique Make-up set that has been so fun to learn with! Rosie got  a new blanket!
We spent New Years Eve up in Midvale with most of Terrell's sisters! Kaylie and Alex hosted, and JaNae and Marsi drove down from Boise. Kizmet (Kaylie's husky), Thor (JaNae's chi mix), and Rosie got to play which was so fun. Lexi loved being able to snuggle and watch Barbie movies with her aunts!

WOW. What was in January?!?! Lexi started a dance class and she was learning a routine to the Frozen music, which she thought was the best! She also became cute little Sunbeam at church! She was very excited about that - she loves going to Primary!
Terrell started working temporarily for his old company that outsourced his job in the first place (lame much?!) and I kept doing what I do! I guess the coolest thing of the month was that I was able to fly down to Tampa FL for a big 10,000+ people It Works Conference for 3 days! And...that is all I can remember.

Man, is my memory bad! Hahaha!
Lexi gave her first talk in Primary, which she was very excited for! She talked about how Heavenly Father has a Plan for all His children! She also had a birthday and turned 4 years old! This month, Lexi also stopped her dance class that she was in. (long story) Lexi also had a "Frozen" birthday party with her two best friends Scarlett and Phoenix. We went to the theater and got popcorn and drinks while we watched the show!
Terrell meanwhile is working his booty off for RHR. Not fun, folks. 60+ work weeks! Gag.
I am...uh.......I don't know. BAH! I need a memory jog or something. My It Works team kicked booootay in February and we had a lot of fun signing up new team members and clients!
Terrell and I decided we needed to get back on track with our health and started wrapping and making sure we were being healthy again! Lexi got to start tapering off some of her therapy and doesn't have to go as often, luckily! She's doing great. She is also starting to exhibit some autistic behavior that has provided us with a new challenge to figure stuff out with.
We also go to go see my sister Lisa up in Layton which was great! First time we've been back up there since they moved out here!

December 5, 2013

Welcome to My Soap Box

Time to debunk those stereotypes or myths or "things" that are currently floating around me lately. Soap box, on.

1. Motorcycle clubs are not always those bad boys who ride around wreaking havoc every where they go that you see in the movies. More often then not, they are the opposite. The ones I know are the most kind hearted people I've ever met and would do anything for you and go about the world doing good.

2. Children with special needs are NOT broken, contagious, or weird. They cannot be fixed or trained to be "normal" as you see it.

3. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not a cult and we ARE Christian. I'm am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. It is my Rock, my Peace, and my Life.

4. Legit MLM companies do not sell you a "get rich quick" scheme. And It Works is not a scam. I'm not the kind of person who does scams.

5. The world is NOT all evil. We need to focus on the good things that happen. There are oh so many.

6. Dogs are not people. They are animals. Now, I have a dog that I love very much and we are currently fostering a dog as well, however, I will not put dogs before my own child. I'm sorry.

7. Let's talk about all natural healing. I'm all for essential oils, and use them frequently. . All natural is wonderful and has many uses and benefits, but... it will not "fix" everything. That's why Heavenly Father blessed people with knowledge and talents to be able to ensure that modern medicine is here. Especially when I hear that it will "cure" my daughter. Please no.

8. People who set up their tree for Christmas before Thanksgiving are Thanksgiving killers. Lies. We set up our tree after we got home from the hospital. We still celebrated Thanksgiving like there's no tomorrow. It's that dang Black Friday shopping that's creeping into Thanksgiving we should be worried about, not setting up our tree before Dec. 1!

9. Contrary to the "belief" Obama has, he is not disliked by the color of his skin. And also, Obama, I feel that race is dumb anyways. Aren't we all people? So, no, Obama, people don't like you because of the content of your character. Not because of your "race"". Thanks MLK Jr. for my words.

10. Dude, Iowa is NOT flat okay? That would be Kansas. And while we're at it, Idaho, Iowa, and Ohio are 3 separate states. :)

Soap box, off.