March 22, 2014

Classic Skate with UAF

We had so much fun with the United Angels Foundation (UAF) today! The Classic Skate Fun Center was rented out just for these special kiddos and their families! We are so blessed to be part of such a great organization! Lexi had so so so much fun skating! She mainly wanted to skate with Daddy! :) Who knew Lexi would ever be able to stand alone on skates, let alone try skating by herself! WAHOO! When she got pooped, Daddy pushed her real fast in her stroller. Her face was pure bliss! What a great experience for her (and mommy and daddy)!

Here they go!

Someone is so excited to try skating!


Daddy and Lexi

Lexi is very excited!

Skating with Dad

our family!

zooming fast in the stroller

Classic Skate selfies!

Daddy being silly

WHAT! Standing on skates!

Making sure the skates are nice and snug!

Mom and Lexi

Look at those legs trying to go so fast!!


Way too pooped!