Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Baby Lincoln has arrived!

Our baby boy was born on Monday at 6:42 pm. He was one week early and weighed in at 7lb 14 oz. We were completely shocked to have had the baby when we did. It was our doctors fault! He "accidentally" broke my water at my check up. I ran home, packed my hospital bag, Molly rushed over over to babysit Audrey, and off to the hospital I went. Tim met me at the hospital a few minutes later, and within a few hours we had a baby boy. It was a whirlwind of a day but well worth the effort.

We named him Lincoln Kendell Strong after his Grandpa Strong

Lincoln and mommy

Lincoln and daddy

He has Tim's ears and hair line. Lots of dark blonde hair. I think he is adorable!

Audrey is really happy about being a big sister. Earlier today Lincoln was getting his diaper changed and crying at the same time. I heard Audrey say, "Baby brother, you stop crying or you'll go to time out." I can't wait to see what the future will bring. :)

Post more pix when I get a chance.


grandmajane said...

Looks like Audrey has claimed total ownership!

Amber said...

Tara he is so precious! I love the hair. I can't wait to meet him in person.
I see some of you in him.
P.S. You look great for just having a baby!

Katy said...

YEAH! Congrats! He is darling!

Klingler said...

Tara, he is adorable. You look great too, not like you just went through labor. I can't wait to meet him. We all know that I will be his favorite aunt.

Hokanson Family said...

Congrats! He is adorable. When you guys move to florida if you need a place to stay in ohio let us know! Enjoy your sweet newborn..

Becky said...

Congratulations Tara! I hope life with two little ones is going well! He is super cute!

Stephanie said...

Congrats! He is very cute! It's so fun to have a brother and sister.

(My doctor "accidentally" broke my water too...I wonder how common that is?)