Happy Mother's Day to all you females that read this blog....
Tim had to work today, so to spoil myself a little bit I have turned the thermostat down a few degrees degrees. Boy-oh-boy am I in hog heaven. I love that AC! We live on the second floor of an apartment building... You know what they say? Heat rises. I know it is because I am pregnant, but I tell you what... I think 65 degrees inside and outside is the perfect temperature. I know Tim disagrees as he kindly puts his sweater, hat, and gloves on. I think I freeze he and Audrey out a lot. They endure ever so kindly.
For all of you anxious readers... Tim has another interview for master's school on the 24th of this month. It is in Florida. Yes. You read that right, Florida. Miami to be precise. We were shocked and surprised to hear back so quickly from the school. We were so busy applying to bunches of schools, it took us by surprise when one actually wanted to interview us. We have found a lot of information about this university and it seems like it would be a great opportunity. This school in particular has many different locations all throughout the state of Florida. Tim would take his courses via satellite where he could see his professor and his professor could see him all through the internet. It sounds pretty high-tec and impressive. The biggest perk is that the clinical sites are so close by. If we did get accepted here, Tim wouldn't have to leave for weeks on end to go to some obscure place for clinical experience. He would be able to get all the experience he needs while still living at home. :) We will see what happens....
In Audrey news.... dress up, dress up, dress up. Everyday she takes all of her shoes out of her drawer and tries to put them all on herself. This usually ends up in screaming and throwing her shoes until she calms down enough to ask mom or dad to "help" her get her shoes on. Hats are also all the fashion these days. Any hat of any variety goes on her head to stay for basically the whole day. She LOVES stickers and puts them all over herself if I allow her too. She has learned so many new things lately, I have a hard time keeping up with her. Here are a few examples....
Last week we had stake conference. She learned the new word "seriously" while we were there. On the ride home she decided it was time to put her new word into use. She began..."Seriously cars," "seriously houses," "seriously food," "seriously trees......." You get the picture. It was pretty funny.
Audrey is getting really interested in the potty and still insists that everything is "scary." She starts out, "scary poo," "scary toilet paper," "scary washing hands....." Now I understand that these things could really be scary to a little girl, but she has no idea what "scary" means! She also says that her peanut butter is "scary."
She recently has started singing a lot more. We LOVE it! She has a darling singing voice and can carry a tune pretty well. She has just about exhauseted "ABC's," "Baa baa Black sheep," and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little star." So she has started making up her own words to these songs to keep them more interesting to herself. Her new words are "aaaaaapppppppppppplllllllllleeeeeessssssssaaaaaaaaauuuuuucccccceeeeee, aaaaaaaaappppppppppppllllllllleeeeeeeeessssssaaaaaaaauuucccccccceeeeeeeeee...."
I don't know why "applesauce" is the word of choice, but whatever makes her happy, right?
That lovely bruise is from a head plant into the wall.
In case you were wondering, she posed herself for this picture.
Note* Stickers on sweater.
We had our little Easter egg hunt with the neighbor girls a week or two after Easter because it was so cold. Audrey didn't really care about getting any of the eggs. Oh well. Maybe next year.