Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

We carved pumpkins the other day. Audrey had the gooiest time of her life. Then we baked the pumpkin seeds. How I love fall! Tim is holding the camera by the way.

Audrey was SO excited to be a ballerina. She had the time of her life trick-or-treating.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall is in the air! We took a drive up into Provo canyon to look at the leaves. some of the trees are turning. I love the beauty of fall! The entire time we were up in the canyon, Audrey kept talking about her Uncle Erik. Somehow she recognized the scenery and remembered that we had gone into the canyon when Erik was visiting a long time ago. I am constantly amazed at the things this little girl can remember from months and months ago!

We recently decided to get out the Johnny Jumper. Lincoln really liked it and had a fun time until his "special helper" decided she needed to spin him around and around and around. Needless to say, Lincoln hasn't gotten back into the Johnny Jumper since his last terrifying experience. We hope to get him back in soon when the "special helper" is distracted.

Yummy hands! I am always amazed at how quickly babies find their hands and everything starts getting inserted into their mouths. We are there!

Focusing really hard.

Thumb sucking.

Tim and I were on our way to bed the other night and we happened to discover this little hand. We laughed really hard! She must not have been tired when we put her to bed and decided to entertain herself by looking under the door. Then she fell asleep there.

I wanted to share this little story before I forgot it. I was making dinner the other night. Audrey always likes to "help" me cook dinner so she had pulled a chair over to the counter where I was cutting the onions. She usually likes to sample all of the chopped ingredients before I add them to dinner. Well, this particular day she was very interested in the onions and grabbed a handful and put them in her mouth before I could warn her of their flavor. There was an immediate look of distress on her face and she muffled out the word "hot." Then she just kept chewing the onions, got down from her chair, went and got her water, took a drink, and came back to sample more onions. She ate several more handfuls of them before she had had her fill and kept saying "yummy" or "delicious" after each bite when her facial expression said otherwise. It was just so funny. I didn't want to discourage her from eating the onions because they are healthy, but I know that raw onions are not very good to eat. The look on her face was priceless and I wish I could gotten a picture of it!

In Lincoln news... he laughs all the time and is a calm little baby. We love having him around! He entertains all of us with his sweet baby noises. It is nice to having another calming influence, like Tim, in our house to keep us estrogenated girls in check.

For those of you that don't know, we are moving to Orlando, in December. Tim has been accepted to Nurse Anesthesia school. We are getting very excited to start that time of life. It will be a big adventure!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

An Update

Lincoln now smiles at us

His smile melts my heart

Big eyes

Audrey keeps wanting her picture taken. When I get the camera out she starts throwing a fit. I finally got an okay one with her.

I bought these at the store hoping they would encourage less screaming at bath time. Unfortunately, they haven't helped at all!

Audrey taking her pink bath. It took a lot of patience to get her smiling in this picture!

I love Audrey's toe in this picture. She was using all her concentration and effort to hold Lincoln this time. The toe says it all...

He IS gaining weight and he has a perfect swirl for a belly button.

Good looking fam

Cousins Brynlee and Lincoln. Only nine days apart.

We blessed Lincoln on Sunday...

The grandma that made the blessing outfit.


My Side

Tim's Side

The blessing was great and it was so fun to see all of you that came! Thanks for coming!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

An update

This last month has felt like a big whirlwind for me. So much has happened and changed. We have been trying to adjust to having two kids, and let's just say it has been quite the adventure. Between kids pooping at the same time and bouts of screaming there is never a lack of work to be done. Audrey is doing well. She tells me she loves the baby. She has done a lot better with the transition than we imagined. Hooray! I have only caught her once trying to ride Lincoln like a horse. We put an end to that pretty quick.

Lincoln's first bath

Just hangin'

My two favorite boys enjoying a few zzzzzz's

The two kiddos

Audrey still doesn't care for babies of the human variety, but this little dolphin will do. She insisted I wrap it up in this blanket for her. Must say it was kind of hard because there was so much blanket and so little dolphin to wrap up.

Audrey has decided that she is ready to be a "big girl." So that entails wearing her "big girl panties." She doesn't quite understand yet what wearing her panties really means.... In other words, we are still working on the potty training thing. However, she is really proud to wear her panties and answers the door wearing them like this. We have gotten some really funny looks from visitors...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Baby Lincoln has arrived!

Our baby boy was born on Monday at 6:42 pm. He was one week early and weighed in at 7lb 14 oz. We were completely shocked to have had the baby when we did. It was our doctors fault! He "accidentally" broke my water at my check up. I ran home, packed my hospital bag, Molly rushed over over to babysit Audrey, and off to the hospital I went. Tim met me at the hospital a few minutes later, and within a few hours we had a baby boy. It was a whirlwind of a day but well worth the effort.

We named him Lincoln Kendell Strong after his Grandpa Strong

Lincoln and mommy

Lincoln and daddy

He has Tim's ears and hair line. Lots of dark blonde hair. I think he is adorable!

Audrey is really happy about being a big sister. Earlier today Lincoln was getting his diaper changed and crying at the same time. I heard Audrey say, "Baby brother, you stop crying or you'll go to time out." I can't wait to see what the future will bring. :)

Post more pix when I get a chance.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Audrey...

I have a friend in the ward that is a photographer. We went to the park the other day and she took some pix of Audrey for us.

I think we got some real winners!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to all you females that read this blog....

Tim had to work today, so to spoil myself a little bit I have turned the thermostat down a few degrees degrees. Boy-oh-boy am I in hog heaven. I love that AC! We live on the second floor of an apartment building... You know what they say? Heat rises. I know it is because I am pregnant, but I tell you what... I think 65 degrees inside and outside is the perfect temperature. I know Tim disagrees as he kindly puts his sweater, hat, and gloves on. I think I freeze he and Audrey out a lot. They endure ever so kindly.

For all of you anxious readers... Tim has another interview for master's school on the 24th of this month. It is in Florida. Yes. You read that right, Florida. Miami to be precise. We were shocked and surprised to hear back so quickly from the school. We were so busy applying to bunches of schools, it took us by surprise when one actually wanted to interview us. We have found a lot of information about this university and it seems like it would be a great opportunity. This school in particular has many different locations all throughout the state of Florida. Tim would take his courses via satellite where he could see his professor and his professor could see him all through the internet. It sounds pretty high-tec and impressive. The biggest perk is that the clinical sites are so close by. If we did get accepted here, Tim wouldn't have to leave for weeks on end to go to some obscure place for clinical experience. He would be able to get all the experience he needs while still living at home. :) We will see what happens....

In Audrey news.... dress up, dress up, dress up. Everyday she takes all of her shoes out of her drawer and tries to put them all on herself. This usually ends up in screaming and throwing her shoes until she calms down enough to ask mom or dad to "help" her get her shoes on. Hats are also all the fashion these days. Any hat of any variety goes on her head to stay for basically the whole day. She LOVES stickers and puts them all over herself if I allow her too. She has learned so many new things lately, I have a hard time keeping up with her. Here are a few examples....

Last week we had stake conference. She learned the new word "seriously" while we were there. On the ride home she decided it was time to put her new word into use. She began..."Seriously cars," "seriously houses," "seriously food," "seriously trees......." You get the picture. It was pretty funny.

Audrey is getting really interested in the potty and still insists that everything is "scary." She starts out, "scary poo," "scary toilet paper," "scary washing hands....." Now I understand that these things could really be scary to a little girl, but she has no idea what "scary" means! She also says that her peanut butter is "scary."

She recently has started singing a lot more. We LOVE it! She has a darling singing voice and can carry a tune pretty well. She has just about exhauseted "ABC's," "Baa baa Black sheep," and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little star." So she has started making up her own words to these songs to keep them more interesting to herself. Her new words are "aaaaaapppppppppppplllllllllleeeeeessssssssaaaaaaaaauuuuuucccccceeeeee, aaaaaaaaappppppppppppllllllllleeeeeeeeessssssaaaaaaaauuucccccccceeeeeeeeee...."

I don't know why "applesauce" is the word of choice, but whatever makes her happy, right?

That lovely bruise is from a head plant into the wall.

In case you were wondering, she posed herself for this picture.

Note* Stickers on sweater.

We had our little Easter egg hunt with the neighbor girls a week or two after Easter because it was so cold. Audrey didn't really care about getting any of the eggs. Oh well. Maybe next year.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bunch of pix

Life seems to be moving really fast lately. Here are the last couple of months in a nutshell...

Riding the horse while visiting Wade, Josh, and Jack. We had a blast! What sweet boys!

The Easter bunny came to visit this last weekend. I decided to carry out the old tradition of name spelling with the jelly beans. We had a couple of visitors Uncle Erik and Aunt Molly. It was wonderful spending time with them! Boy-oh-boy we have fun seeing them! I think Audrey wore them out :)

Swinging at the park on a cold day.

Frisbee practice

Playing with the Easter bunnies Uncle Erik brought.

The Easter dress (Audrey likes to call it her "pretty princess dress")

A cheeser of a smile

Audrey making sound FX with her sippy cup lid. She is definitely my daughter... :)

Every Sunday there is a Fiesta across the parking lot at our apartment complex. This particular Sunday Audrey refused to come inside after church and insisted on "dancing."