Sunday, October 18, 2009

Must see video on ocean acidification

This video has wonderful production values (I had never seen a school of rays before) and introduces the issue of ocean acidification.


Scott in Montreal said...

loved it! thanks for posting this.

tedhsu said...

Yes Canada Guy,

Thanks for that link. Quite scary even without ocean acidification.

sparklehouse said...

For a more personal perspective on the ocean and climate change, you might want to check out A Sea Change. ASC explores causes and solutions to ocean acidification from the perspective of a grandfather concerned about the legacy he's leaving for his grandson. For more info, see

tedhsu said...

Thank you sparklehouse.

Yes, in fact I purchased a license to show "A Sea Change" on October 24 here in Kingston, Ontario.

sparklehouse said...

Super duper! Hope the screening goes really well.