Showing posts with label book quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book quilt. Show all posts

Friday, July 3, 2020

Tall Tale Quilt Finished Part 2

In my last post, I shared a Tall Tale Quilt with light gray background made with modern fabric choices. I had the image in my head of how it was going to look like the moment I decided to make one for my sister.

This one that I just finished is for me! I think you already know I LOVE white (if you have been reading my blog for a while). Without a second thought, I chose white for background color; and for the book covers theme, I chose floral patterns. I love, love how this top turned out. The next difficult decision to make was how I wanted to quilt it. Hand quilting or machine quilting? If it was going to be hand quilted, what kind of design and with what kind of thread? Did I want to use thick colored thread to make the quilting pop or white thread for a more softer look? If I was going to get it machine quilted, should I do it myself (which would be a very simple design) or ask a professional to do it? I know it is kind of silly, but there was so much to think about!

Since I machine quilted my sister's quilt, I decided to hand quilt this one. Some people might cringe about the thought of doing hand quilting, but I started out as a hand quilter decades ago, I don't mind that at all. As a matter of fact, I enjoy it very much. I love sitting in a comfy chair and just quilting away. I also love how I can take the quilt anywhere I go if I want to. It is very calming and soothing to me.

I went with white thread. Oh, how I love the look and whimsical feeling hand quilts create.

For the tag, I decided to use decorative stitches with my beloved sewing machine instead of doing it by hand. I don't have an embroidery hoop for the machine, so I just added a stabilizer on the back beforehand. I love how it turned out! There were several book quotes I had in mind, but ultimately, I decided to go with "A book is a dream that you hold in your hand". I couldn't agree more with this statement.

Because I love Tall Tale Quilts, I might make another one in the future, but for now, I am ready to move on. I am going to find the time to curl up somewhere in the house with this quilt and start reading more. :) What are you reading this summer?

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