Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ready to Order?

I woke up today with the realization that it is December 1st.  I'm not ready.  I say that every year, despite the fact that every year I really try to get ready.  This year, as you may recall, I even ordered my Christmas cards early.  But they are not done yet.  This year, I even started shopping earlier.  It doesn't mean I'm any closer to being finished.  In fact, I have not yet even decided if we are going to give Logan and Griffin the cornsnake and tortoise, upon which decision the pattern of Christmas shopping depends.

However, I am glad I started earlier this year because if I hadn't I'd really be in the weeds.  Just to make myself crazy, I took on two enormous projects: Writing and editing a family cookbook for the holidays and repainting my kitchen and family room.  Finally I got rid of that gold paint that has been really bugging me.  I spent Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving painting my guts out while Mr. Wicke entertained the kiddos.  I'm not sure about the timing of the whole effort, but I did it, and I love the new color.

Now if I could only get my house back in order and feel ready for Dec. 1st.


Ashlee said...

I want to order a family cookbook! In fact...I have you (and, okay a little baby!) to thank for the countless extra inches I enjoy because of your vanilla syrup. Aye aye aye that stuff is good!

tawnya said...

Painting! During the holidays! You are a brave woman...(though I think its brave to paint, um, ever.)

Liz said...

Oh, can we see pictures of the new paint job??

P.S. My son got in trouble AGAIN today at's a boy thing...maybe!

Rochelleht said...

Need pictures!

The best feeling in the world is sending those Christmas cards off. I did so Tuesday and then promptly got pulled over and ticketed. Talk about a buzz kill.