Monday, November 24, 2008


Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more.
--Brother David Steindl-Rast

Here's a start on my gratitude list this year:

I am thankful for...

...the many souls who nurtured in me a curious and thinking mind. A father who was full of wisdom and wit; a mother who is gifted with natural curiosity and a quick mind; siblings with strong opinions who are always game for a good debate; dinner table conversations; good teachers; a spouse who shares a love of learning and deep conversations; my children who always make me search for right answers and seek truth.

...the opportunity to experience life grow inside of me and for a healthy body that is putting up with it rather well.

...the miracle of adoption. My life's greatest journey and teacher.

...a tremendously hardworking husband who always finds a way.

...little answers to prayer that let me know He is aware and listening. two children--the delight of my eyes.

...Costco pizza. (I could eat it every day right now. I know. Weird. I'm blaming pregnancy cravings.)

...the comfort of dear friends who take me as I am and still see the person I can be., my guiding star and refuge.


Melissa said...


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I'm grateful for you, and the friendship we had years ago, and the reconnection through our blogs. You have always been such a great example to me, and I thank you. Happy Thanksgiving:)

Aubrey said...

You're so good...
Hmm, I'm thankful for disposable diapers and Clorox wipes and those Clorox sprays. And blogs--but my husband isn't.
Did you find out what your baby is, or are you being surprised? I've gone both ways and was surprised to find I didn't like being surprised and preferred planning. Which is so not me. Like, I never plan on spending all day on the computer but it always happens. Don't tell my husband. He'll ground me.

Kyle said...

I love that you included Costco pizza...hilarious! I think I am going to Costco you need me to pick some up for you?

"The Queen in Residence" said...

That was a great list, so honest and right on the mark. I just noticed that you are on the double digit count down, I hope that you are celebrating that.♥