Monday, January 7, 2008

At Least One Thing is Regular Around Here

Is anyone having a hard time getting back into the routine besides me? If not maybe someone could come over here and motivate me? Seriously...I may have post-holiday-stress-disorder or something.

Or maybe it's just PMS and cramps...yeah, that's probably it. But post-holiday-stress-disorder sounded more exotic and probably wouldn't be as disturbing to the three men who sometimes read my posts.

Hey guys, just to get you to come back, this week you can expect another installment of "when things go really wrong." This one involves car trunks and utter embarrassment in front of strangers. You'll love it. I promise.


Amanda said...

I can totally relate to the difficulty in getting back into the groove of things. Except, my holidays are not over as I currently have house guests.

Looking forward to another story about you embarrassing yourself. I just love starting stories with, "I know this woman and you wouldn't believe what happened to her!" :D

Melissa said...

So funny. By the way, I put tobasco sauce in my kids mouths for potty talk. I say keep trying until you find something he doesn't gag on. LOL.

You were awesome yesterday! I came because the thought of you stuck there conducting a sort of put together choir made me feel guilty. 4 hours of church - whew. You are amazing!

Lisa-Marie said...

I have the same "disorder." Actually I have both that you mentioned and a fun me that does not make!!! One or the other I can handle, but BOTH at the same time. Grrr.

Can't wait to "hear" what you did this time!!!! LOVE IT.

Madame Queen said...

You crack me up with your message for the guys. I have a couple of guys that I know read my blog -- my stepbrother being one -- and I kind of wish I didn't know. It makes me feel like I have to censor myself or something. Maybe I'll just start writing about it anyway, but with a warning! :)

1blueshi1 said...

remind me to tell you about the time I was Trying TO LEave the mall when Zac was a baby, first time out with his big new fancy stroller and I COULD NOT Get the thing folded up and into the car. I was about ready to just drive off and leave it (the stroller, not Zac) but since I had a really good parking spot, the nice ladies waiting for my space leaped from their car and collapsed it for me.

It's NOT just you, honey! I can still feel the humiliation, the panic, the complete and utter surety that NO ONE ELSE had ever screwed up this motherhood as royally as yours truly.

And just think, mine are both STILL ALIVE! there must be hope.

Megan B said...

Wow! 3 men actually read your posts???? That's pretty good! I posted something similar to the dragging my booty in getting back into reality. Totally with you.

Megan B said...

P.S. I miss you.

Lauren said...

I'm so looking forward to your next post! (I still chuckle about the Christmas party