I must document some of the funny things my kids have done/said recently. I taught Ben's primary class today and I wish I had taken notes on his hilarious commentary and attitude he displayed in class. During the opening free-discussion time, each of the children can share whatever they would like to talk about. When Ben's turn came around, he stood up, insisting that he needed to stand, stretch, and clear his throat in preparation for the amazing things he was going to say. Then he proceeded to talk about Super Mario. He told about how he beat the sand level and then, turning to Eli, matter-of-factly suggested, "Eli, you can say 'Wow'."
I've also been night-training the boys (and washing a lot of bedding in the process). One night about midnight, I went into the boys room to wake them up for a potty attempt. When I went to get Jack up it was too late. His bed was wet so I just picked him up and started undressing him without even speaking to him. I stood him beside his bed and without any words exchanged, he immediately said, "It's all Peter's fault!" I busted out laughing and couldn't stop, which I think woke him up a bit, and then he gave me the pouty bottom lip and acted a bit offended by my laughter. It didn't last long and he went back to sleep pretty easily after a change of clothes and bedding. We all had a good laugh about it the next morning.
Recently, when Jack went to work with Wade on a Saturday, he was introduced to an acquaintance of Dad's. When introducing himself, Jack said, "My name is Jack, there are two of me."
Jack and Ben have recently invented a new game. I've seen them playing impromptu games for a few weeks, but today I caught them in a very serious attempt. I overheard Jack say, "Let's play booger fingers," to which Ben replied, "Yeah, booger fingers." Hearing this, I looked over at them and watched them each, very seriously, start to put every finger, one-by-one, into their nose. At that point, I decided to intervene and told them, "No booger fingers! Go wash your hands right now." From the impromptu games I've seen in the past few weeks, I know that the game continues by wiping their own booger fingers on each other and laughing. So much fun.