Wednesday, October 20, 2010

great pumpkin roll




Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

tiger cub pete

Pete and some of his buddies from his kindergarten class last year all joined Cub Scouts through the elementary school. Pete is loving it! He gets to hang out and play with his friends that he doesn't get to see much during the school day since they're all in different classes. Anyway, every Tuesday, they have a den meeting and last weekend there was a Jamboree overnight-er. Wade took Pete and I stayed home with Jack and Ben. From what I heard all about it and the photos dad took, Pete had a blast! He got to sleep in a tent right next to his friend's tents and spent the whole day Saturday doing fun activities followed by a big scout campfire ceremony complete with a laser show!

Tiger Cub

Pete, Garrett, Luke, Alex

Getting ready for the race

Sack Races

Tug of War

Whistlin' while he walks

The Jamboree

Bow Shoot

Pete, Alex, Garrett being silly.