Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

Dear Family & Friends,

Merry Christmas! Thanks for visiting our site and we hope you enjoy some photos while you're here. Check out the links to the left for photos of our family adventures over the past year.

Here's a little about what we've been up to this year. Wade has been continuing his research in the Peter Flynn lab in the Chemistry Department here at the University of Utah. He hopes to complete his research, begin writing his thesis, and complete his PhD within the next year. He has enjoyed some road cycling, wildlife photographing, and the usual hiking/camping that he loves. He finished his first century in May (that's 100 miles on a road bike for those of us who are not cyclists)! Wade also turned 30 years old! He keeps very busy with his work, hobbies, and family.

I have had some fun over the past year as well. I've been continuing my duties as the Resident Assistant of our apartments here at the University of Utah student housing, as well as serving in a stake primary calling, which ended this month. Both have been a lot of fun and kept me pretty busy. I also started doing a pre-school, switching off weeks with three of our neighbors. Then we found out in July that we were expecting another baby, which we found out in August is actually two babies. So we'll be having identical twin boys sometime in February of next year. I'm already measuring about full term, but we have two more months to wait. It can get uncomfortable, but mostly I just hope that the boys grow to be big and healthy.

Peter turned two last May and is now talking about everything. He asks questions and comments on what he sees all around him. He is so much fun and we never know what he's going to say next. He started pre-school in September with a group of neighborhood kids that he loves. They sing songs, learn useful stuff, eat snacks, play games, dance, and do all the other fun things that 2 and 3 year-olds love to do.

It has been a good year and we would like to wish you and your family a very happy year to come! Merry Christmas.

Love, The Van Horns