Wednesday, November 18, 2015

summer 2015: Olympic Park, Park City, UT

We spent a day at the Olympic Park in Park City, UT this summer.  It was soooo much fun!  The boys ziplined, did ropes courses, and the Alpine slide.  The slide was the biggest hit, but Jack was champ at the high ropes course (the only one to finish it!). Ben was still up for the ziplines and courses even with his arm in a cast.

Pete on the high ropes course

Jack was so brave!  He made it through all the scary obstacles on the high ropes course.

Jack was the only one to finish the high ropes course. It was scary (even grown-ups were chickening out and turned around).

Ready for the ropes course.

Pete on the zipline.

Ben with a broken arm. Still being brave!

Andrew had to overcome his fears. He did it!

Pete and Ben on the way down the slide.

mancation 2015 (aka, the year of the rain/snow/sleet)

Wade and his buddy hiked the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming again this summer.  They ended up coming home a bit early due to the excessive rain/snow/sleet.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves of some of the better moments of the trip.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

2nd grade & 5th grade: The End

The boys all had a fantastic year in school during 2014-2015!  This year, I made a fun little "True teacher's uniform" and the student's helped dress up their teachers on the last day of school.  It included some beach themed goodies that I tried to tie into how hard a teacher works (ie: sunscreen= elbow grease, etc). Anyway, it was totally silly, but I think it was fun for the kids and the teachers. I loved going into the classes this year to volunteer, sub, or participate in the fun that is teaching! I seriously loved each of their teachers and felt that they each got the perfect fit for them. On to 3rd and 6th!

Jack and his 2nd Grade Class. Ms. Jenny Baugh's class 2014-2015.

Jack & classmates with Ms. Baugh in her "True teacher's uniform."

 Ben in Ms. Kim Gerodimos 2nd Grade 2014-1015

Ms. G dressed in her "True teacher's uniform."

Pete and his 5th Grade teacher, Ms. Jenny McKee

Ms. McKee's 5th graders 2014-2015.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


I found this series of cute/silly photos on the camera. I love these goofballs!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

master mother

I finished my Master's in Early Childhood Education at ASU this Spring. The last few months were intense working on my research project, writing the paper final paper, being a mom, working/subbing, but I did it! It was a good experience and now I just need to decide what I want to be when I grow up! ;)

At ASU's Mary Lou Fulton Teacher's College graduation May 15, 2015
I love my cute family!

Where's Cristi?!? ;)

That's me!

Walking across the stage to get a fake diploma!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

15 years and sedona, az

Wade and I celebrated 15 years of marriage (April 21, 2000) by taking a weekend trip to Sedona, AZ. It rained most of the time, but we had a cozy cabin with a wood burning fireplace to stay warm and dry. We did manage to hike, walk around Sedona, and eat lots of yummy food. It was nice to get away and enjoy the beautiful scenery and time together.

Wade & Cristi in Sedona, AZ

The gorgeous resort/cabins we stayed in Oak Creek Canyon

Sunday, March 22, 2015

baptism day

Jack and Ben were baptized by Wade on March 14, 2015. It was a crazy fun weekend and special day for them with lots of family here to support them.  They truly are amazing boys and are growing into unique and special young men.  I can't believe these are my children and I love them so very much.

Another fun note: There were two of their friends from the ward also baptized at the same time.  It was so fun to have 4 little boys all be baptized one right after the other! They got to watch and support each other.

In addition to the baptism, we had a fun weekend visiting with all the family that came.  The cousins had a blast at the zoo, swimming (yes, in MARCH!), jumping on the trampoline, picking and juicing citrus, watching movies, playing video games (a little too much!), sleeping over and playing board games.  

Their baptism invitation.
Jack on his baptism day.

Ben on his baptism day.

Dad and boys.

Mom and boys.
Family came from Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California for their special day!