My Blog

Thanks for stopping by! I use to blog to "keep in touch," I use to blog to brag, I use to blog for an outlet. I have now realized I blog because these are the things I want my children to know/remember about our life together as a family. These days won't stop passing, but having a record of it when it is all a memory will be priceless to me.
I read your blog because I love you!

Monday, September 5, 2011

New Chapters

Last week was a huge one at our house. Josh finished school!!! For reals for reals! Hopefully he can now find a job as a drafter. Anyone hiring?? I started homeschooling my kids! That means that Turner started Kindergarten. Max decided that he was too big for diapers (thank goodness!) and decided to start using the potty. That means that we NO LONGER HAVE THREE KIDS IN DIAPERS!!!!! We are just down to two now! And the babies weaned! The last nursing is scheduled for tonight (mixed emotions on this one.) I just can't believe that all of this that we had been working on finally came to a head in one week. Oh and plus I start teaching preschool on T/TH again tomorrow. I am just exhausted writing all of this. So with all of this change comes one more change. I will no longer be blogging at this address. I have finally decided to stop blogging at an address that has my last name spelled wrong!
My new address is It will be basically the same although more heavy in the homeschool/education department. Oh and I am going to open up a lot more on my spiritual side. I need to give more credit where credit is due.  I am thinking of making it a "professional blog" with advertising and such. I have a couple of posts already up so give it a look, change your blog roll or feed or whatever you do because this is my last post from!! I love you all and the the few regular readers of this blog, thank you so much leaving comments and encouraging me in my journaling of our daily life... now keep doing it at my new address!


Heather said...

I was always wondering why your blog didn't spell your last name right. I look forward to the new blog.

Kendra said...

How exciting to have all that happen at once! You are one amazing woman. I'm excited to read your new blog!

Sherrie said...

How ambitious! I'll update my blogroll right now, I love your posts.

Shawna said...

A new blog, I am excited to follow. Are you going to have all your friends on the sidebar? You know me the stalker!!! Good luck with all the new things in your life.

hope said...

Lots of big news over there! Congrats all around!!

Melissa said...

I was wondering if I could ask you a favour and to take us off of your side bar list?
We just wanna be more private without going private.