Sunday, 12 October 2008


I've managed to use all four criteria (could choose 3 of 4) being Handstitching Purple Animal somewhere on LO Garden theme I've used part of a very old silk scarf, it was perfect for the setting! I love working with fabric! Booky has her own LO now - she usually shares with Scrappy! LOL. She is a very alert bird, constantly looking out for danger. She is very very flighty and hasnt learnt to trust us yet. Its unusual really knowing that she was an aviary breed bird, yet Scrappy is very laid-back and came in from the wild. Interesting!


Lea said...

love this mandy! you are using some really interesting pieces in your the scarf, paper doily, mesh, gorgeous trims. beautiful work:)

Shimano (aka Christine) said...

So love this LO. I agree with Lea, you are using some interesting pieces in you LO's lately.
Keep up the fab work as I always look forward to it.

AlexM said...

Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous! Love. Love.

Leanne said...

Just gorgeous Mandy! Beautiful lo.