Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta the fonix. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta the fonix. Mostrar todas las entradas
13 abr 2015



Don’t worry if we aren’t qualified, your performance has been outstanding!

5th Primary: MARTÍN MARTÍN, PAULA: 106.8
6th Primary: BASAGAÑA GRAU, MIREIA: 93.6
1st Secondary: JAHRMANN PONS, KAIRA: 106.8
2nd Secondary: PÉREZ SORRIBAS, ALBA: 112.8
3rd Secondary: DOMÍNGUEZ PLA, PAULA: 115.2
4th Secondary: MANAUT BRAVO, MARTA: 112.8

26 ene 2015

Get ready!

Next Monday, 5th and 6th students will be doing The Fonix test in order to know who are the two candidates selected for the next round.

You can find information regarding the contest (prizes, timetables, etc), here 

27 may 2014

Congratulations Dafne!!

Our student, Dafne Broquetes, won the 3rd prize of The Fonix. After competing with more than 43.000 students, she received the 3rd prize last Friday, 23rd. Well done angel!!!

11 feb 2014


We've got the winners!!

Dafne Broquetes (5th)
Esther Salvador (6th)

Congratulations and good luck for the next stage on March, 1st 

27 ene 2014

The Fonix 2014

Dear 5th and 6th students,

We remind you that next Wednesday, 29, you'll have The Fonix Test. Good luck!!

More info, click here

22 mar 2013

Good luck winners!

7 feb 2013

The winners are...

Here they go:

Blanca Marín Serrano (5th B)
Alba Perez Sorribas (6th A)

Congratulations and the best luck for the next round!!
24 ene 2013

Are you ready? Exams are next week!!

If you want to practice for the exam, click here

13 abr 2012



Julieta Vallet 86.4 out of 120

Paula Domínguez 102 out of 120

Congratulations for these results, we are extremely proud of you two!!

You can check the photos here
13 mar 2012


A partir del 2 d’abril: publicació a la web del concurs dels guanyadors de la prova territorial que passen a la gran final absoluta. Click here
5 mar 2012


14 feb 2012

And the winners are...

The winners are....

Julieta Vallet (5è A)
Paula Domínguez (6è A)

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Next destination: Barcelona Competition