Thursday, June 5, 2014

A few of my favorites....

Aunt Di's new piglets this spring

Looking for the Easter Bunny out the window.  

Getting her blood drawn at Primary's this year...  She is a freak... She loves it and just sits there as they do it.

Playing with her sisters make-up


Genevieve Ross said...

I love the picture of the piglet- so cute! Zoe also does amazing with medical things. We flush her port at home and she gets so excited she rolls over to the table and makes lots of vocalisations. Then she laughs as I jab the big needle in to her chest! Like you said- what a freak!

I am sorry to hear you will be moving to instagram- we don't have that technology yet. Will you still be updating your blog as well? I hope so. I am sure our paths will cross either way.

Thank you for your lovely comments on our blog. I try to be a strong/good woman but sometimes I can only see my shortcomings. So thank you for the reminder that I am doing a good job. And yes, we are extremely lucky to have some family in our lives- as the master card commercials say- it's priceless!

Jenny said...

Yes I am going to try and still update this blog more often. I just use instagram weekly. lol

Jenny said...
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