Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Seeing Life at 40: a naked tale of vomit

Somehow, turning 40 feels like I should be wiser. Or at the very least, standing around looking smarter. I am neither and I suppose this story will reinforce that. Don't get me wrong, I have moments of pure genius. But! They are not while others are around to witness my momentary brilliance. No, they are while I stare at my vomit covered socks, shivering and naked.

I guess I should set the scene. This tale of wisdom happened in the winter. Everyone had been sick at my house, and as flus go, it was my turn to carry the puke bucket. The last of the gang, I had already seen my share of vomit that week.

While I stared at my puke-covered socks, I realized that we each have a different style of throwing up. Which didn't make me feel better, but it explained me being suddenly naked, except for the socks. And well, those were about to go, too.

There is the Mad-Dasher. This vomiter WILL make the bathroom at all cost so stay the heck out of the way 'cause it might take some acrobatics to get there and shoving is an option.

There is the Pail-Seeker. This one pauses, looks around for something appropriate to toss those cookies in, and blah, hits it dead on.

Oh my, the I-Will-Never-Hit-A-Pail-So-Why-Bother is the opposite. Even the dog was victimized. Yet amazingly, there is this magical bubble around this one that stays safe, so returning to sleep peacefully while the rest of us look after the mess is possible.

Then there is me. My first stomach twist happened in the car, so you can follow the trail of me getting in the house and to the bathroom by the pieces of clothing I threw up on and quickly discarded (because who wants to take another step in puke covered clothes.) Yup. Scarf, mitts, jacket, boots, sweater, a variety of endless layers, pants, more layers, undies, and that left me staring at the socks. How was it possible to get every single article of clothing I was wearing covered in puke and nothing else? Magic or dedication?

And so here I am suddenly 40 (yes, it came out of nowhere.) and wondering what brilliant thing I can share with the world, and this is the story that comes to me. Why? Because it reflects quite well how life works. We can have a focused goal in mind, or just aim for anything. We can protect ourselves while others suffer. Or we can take the hits and lose bits of ourselves in the process. But the real value of each lesson we learn is found in that moment when we stand naked and stare at our vomit covered socks knowing we will survive.

Deep, I know.
Okay! And now for the birthday inventory. Last one I did was when I turned 35: these were the goals:
my goals at 35;-I want to learn to surf. (I learnt to swim, stood in the crashing, crazy waves and watched others surf up close. Given that I only made it to an ocean a few times, that's a good start.)
-I want to actively participate in community development in another country. (Decided to dedicate myself to this community instead. For now.) 
-I want to hold one of my books, sign my name in it, and hand it to someone who I know will enjoy it. (Hope you enjoyed it.)
My new and improved goals now that I am 40?
-Sleep, nightly. I read somewhere that 35-45 are the hardest years because your aging parents need more attention, your career is at its peek, your children are teens and need you to be a role model and a friend and a dictating monster, you suddenly need to think about planning for retirement and college, and your health is suddenly an issue... So as all this comes crashing on me, my only goal is sleep, so I can survive another one.

Things I Can't Do

Birthdays are just those horrible days that remind you that you should be one more year wiser. I even hear that little voice of reason inside me scream that I can do anything, that nothing is impossible. Yet I think it's time to accept that there are just some things I will never be able to do.

Like doing my hair. Don't get me wrong, I'll still try, (even bought myself one of them straight irons for my birthday) but it's safe to say that if after 37 years I haven't mastered this daily chore, really, I never will.

Sing. I enjoy listening to singing, and there's a magic there I don't understand but feel in my soul. I long ago accepted that the beauty of song was in my ears, not my voice.

Kill little pests. I mean, mice freak me out, gophers annoy me, snakes are always in my way, but I just can't kill them. Relocate-- let them freak out, annoy and get in the way of my friends.

Figure out Google Plus. I love that place. I feel the potential there. I see the interactions. I watch others doing things, but for the love of writing, what is it?

Wear high heels. Another thing I can't figure out. Why do I need to pretend I'm taller by cramming my extra large feet into that tiny itty bitty slant? Can't do it.

Cook a perfect meal. We'll survive, we made it this far. This one really just come down to my attention span, it's easily distracted by other kitchen chores I have neglected.

Draw. What my mind sees can't ever be recreated with that much detail or perfection, not by these clumsy hands anyway. Words have always been more my thing.

Which brings me to writing. What is it I can't do as a writer? 

Take a day off. I'd kinda like to know that I could go without writing for a day or several and come back to it, but something inside me screams that if I taste freedom, I won't ever chain myself to my desk again. Maybe I'm just obsessive. Passionate. Insane. afraid.

I considered picking one of my non-talents and working on them, perfecting them, or at the very least making the attempt, but then, really, do I have time to waste on things I haven't cared enough about to master yet?

What has wisdom taught you? Are there things you accept that you can't do?

Ah, To Be 34 Again

Well, this week I turn 35. Normally, birthdays slip by unnoticed in my world, but this one does need attention. I mean, it is 35. Plus, with all the things happening in my life, it feels like I should stop and reflect for a moment. Just a brief one, to  make sure I'm ready.
Ever get those moments, where you pause and take inventory before heading out again on the path of life?

Now, there are good things about being 35 so I plan to enjoy the following;
-My new found power of turning the volume way down or way up with no one questioning it.
-The fact that I can ruin, and I mean ruin, any meal I want by eating ice cream before it, and no one tells my mom.
-Speaking of moms, she gave up on reforming me to her cleaning ways, and now calls my house "lived in." I feel like I won a life long battle against disappointment.

Of course, there are some weird things about being 35 too, and like some crab crawling in the sand toward me, I could see these things coming, but I ignored them until they snipped at me;
-I told someone I was 33 only to realize 2 days later how wrong I was. Doesn't matter, I don't remember who I told this to. hmmm.
-My friends and I discuss the odd-wild-untameable-grey hair, and not our out-of-control children. I suspect soon, we'll just love them for the joy they are. Denial?
-My daughter tells me I have the coolest old people clothes. Yay me?

Now giving up certain things isn't easy, yet I did give up trying to lose those prego pounds. Yay me!
I even gave up trying to understand certain things and just accept them for the pain in the back they are.
I accept the fact that some things annoy me, make me bitter, and that I am not the all motherly, loving, happy person I never used to be.

So what are my goals? I only have three, and they didn't change since the last time I took inventory. (When I turned 30.)

my goals;
-I want to learn to surf. Coming from Saskatchewan, this is HUGE. And involves swimming lessons and me standing on a beach at awe of waves I had no clue could be so noisy.
I have no logical reason for wanting to this, I just do.
-I want to actively participate in community development in another country. Don't get me wrong, I love working as a community development officer here, but when I read articles about 14 year old married girls who go through childbirth alone... well... there might be a more useful place for me and my husband to use our skills.
I have no reason for feeling this way, I just do.
-I want to hold one of my books, sign my name in it, and hand it to someone who I know will enjoy it.
Again, I have no reason for dreaming about this, I just do.

Now, based on those goals, I did learn somethings I need to... ah... work on this year;
-I need to learn to swim BEFORE I try surfing again. yeah.
-I need a better retirement plan than a library of books if I intend to volunteer in another country. huh.
-I have to actually send my MS out if I expect to see it in print. Who knew? 

So. I do have new rules for this year, just to make things easier. 
-Always take a moment for myself, one to spoil a loved one, and one to help others outside my box.
-Enjoy a rockstar life at least once a month.  
-Never try to save an animal in danger without gloves on.
-Never catch a falling cactus without gloves on.
-In fact, there are a few other reasons to keep my gloves on, I'll just keep them handy.
-Always, always sleep with a nightlight on.

Should be fun. I'm ready. Bring on 35! I plan to kick some serious words this year! oh yeah.