Showing posts with label blogfest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogfest. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getting to Know You...

Today, I'm taking part in Nicole Ducleroir's Bernard Pivot blogfest!

Without further ado, here are my answers to the man's iconic questions.

What is your favorite word?
Level. It's just so... balanced. On all counts.

What is your least favorite word?
Smear. Need I even explain? *shudder*

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Do I need to be honest here? Erm... okay. Control. Yes, I said it. I like being in control, people!Where's my whip?

What turns you off?
Being controlled!

What is your favorite curse word?
Shit. I like that you can say it quickly, or drag it out: shhhhhhhit.

What sound or noise do you love?
I love the bird-song of chickadees.

What sound or noise do you hate?
The screeching brakes of double-decker buses. I swear that sound haunts my sleep.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
What profession haven't I attempted? Um... sommelier.

What profession would you not like to do?
Rubbish collector! Ugh....

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
White or red?

So there you have it! Visit Nicole's blog to see the list of other participants. Thanks, Nicole!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A to Z Blogging Challenge!

Last April, Arlee Bird set up a fantastic blogfest: blogging Monday to Saturday, using a letter of the alphabet.

And the good news? He's doing it this year, too! This time, Alex J Cavanaugh, Jen Daiker and I are all helping out, as well.

It's simple. There are 26 letters in the alphabet. There are 26 days in April (if you take out Sundays). You would blog Monday - Saturday writing a blogpost with the appropriate letter for that day. April 1 - A, April 2 - B, etc.

So... join in the fun, click the link and grab a badge because April is going to be fantastic. I'll even throw in a cupcake and a glass of wine!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Significant Other Blogfest!

It's the Significant Other Blogfest today, the chance to let your other half hold forth on... you! Since I've no idea what Mr TR might say if left to his own devices, I decided to ask him a few questions.

Check out the other Blogfesters here!

Me: Why did you encourage me to get serious about my writing?

Mr TR: I hated seeing someone I love wasting their life (ouch!).

Did (or do) you think I might have a chance to have a successful writing career?

Mr TR: You're talented and clever, and I knew you'd make it (I didn't pay him, I swear!).

How do you think my attitude towards my writing has changed, since I started?

Mr TR: From the first day, you had the right attitude: committed, respectful of your time writing, conscious of the fact that you're your own manager. What has changed is your awareness of the world of publishing, particularly in the last year or so.

How do you think you help me with my writing ambitions?

Mr TR: By two opposing acts: either nagging you (or pushing you to commit to some idea or project) or by shutting up and being silent and letting you do your thing (these are his words exactly. Yes, MR TR speaks like that).

How has writing full-time changed me?

Mr TR: You are definitely a happier person since you started pursuing your dream. Still as gorgeous as ever, and as nice as all Canadians (Mr TR thinks Canadians are very nice). You watch less telly and drink less wine (if you think I drink a lot of wine now, you should have seen what I consumed when I was teaching!).

Anything else to add?

Mr TR: Yes. I love you (awwww!).

Thank you, Mr TR! And thanks to everyone participating in the Blogfest, and to DL for organising it! I'm waaay behind on blog comments this week, but I'm going to try to catch up this weekend, so please bear with me.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Be Jolly By Golly!

Snow in Kensington Gardens last Saturday.

Today, I'm participating in Jen and Melissa's Be Jolly By Golly! blogfest, spreading the holiday cheer. There's plenty in London these days (unless you're trying to travel) -- a recent snowstorm has transformed the city and made it actually seem Christmas-y!

Christmas in London for me is partly trying, partly special. It's trying because I'm miles from my friends and family back home, but it's special because Mr TR and I have formed our own rituals, even though Christmas isn't something he grew up with.

We get up Christmas morning, feast on croissant and bagels, then exchange gifts. Wrapping up warmly, we then head into the deserted London streets (the one day no buses run!) and drive ten minutes to the South Bank, where we stroll along the Thames and over to St Paul's. Coming back, we'll pop into Founder's Arms for a mulled wine, then head home again.

A dab hand in the kitchen, Mr TR always creates a feast for Christmas dinner and after stuffing ourselves silly, we'll collapse on the sofa and cuddle up to watch the Christmas cartoons. Bliss.

Thanks to Jen and Melissa for organising this! Go here to see the list of other participants.

The Serpentine Lake in the blizzard.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guess That Character - The Reveal

Thanks to everyone who dropped by and guessed what my main character Jem looks like, based on the snippet below! Quite a few were correct, actually: Jem's a brunette, very well-groomed and put together. She's quite a control-freak (you'd need to be after five years of keeping your impulses in line!).

Big thank you to Jen for organising the blogfest! It was a ton of fun and I'm really enjoying getting to meet new bloggers and reading everyone's work!

Here's my snippet from yesterday:

Today I'm participating in my first blogfest, organised by the lovely Jen of Unedited. I know blogfest posts can be lengthy and time-consuming to comment on, so if you're not participating please don't feel obliged!

The Guess that Character blogfest is this: I post a snippet of my writing, and you try to guess what the main character looks like.

Here's a bit from the opening of a short story I've written called The Five-Year Itch.


Jem Ryan turned her smile on the eager crowd in front of her.

‘And that, ladies and gentleman,’ – she sighed as she spotted the man at the back of the room; there always had to be one who turned up, thinking the women were easy pickings – ‘is how I’ve gone five years without sex.’

The women clapped and looked up at her as if she’d just given them the recipe to calorie-free chocolate.

Jem held up her hands. ‘It’s my five-year anniversary today, actually!’

The applause swelled and Jem nodded graciously, smoothing down her pencil skirt and straightening the cuffs on her fitted shirt. She always made an effort to show that even though she didn’t desire, she could still be desirable. The funny thing was, ever since she’d vowed not to have sex, she’d practically had to beat off fanciable men with a stick.

‘There are CDs and T-shirts at the back, and I’ll be signing books in the foyer for the next hour,’ Jem said when the clapping finally stopped. ‘Pre-dinner drinks start at seven in the hotel bar. And remember: sex-free is sexy!’

She came down off the podium and into the swarming crowd, smiling and shaking the hands of women who gushed how she had helped them find a new direction, a new confidence... ugh. She wrinkled her nose. Some of them needed to find a new deodorant.

Jem settled behind the table in the foyer and picked up her pen.

‘Oh!’ The man she’d seen at the back of the room was smiling down at her. Close up he was even better looking, with thick blonde hair that waved over his forehead and just the right amount of stubble poking through his chin. What the hell was he doing here? If he thought any of her women would succumb to his looks, he had another think coming.

‘Can you sign my book?’ He put a copy of Living Sex Free and Loving It onto the table. Jem stared at his hands, with their long, solid fingers. Just the right amount of knuckle hair, no wedding ring... an image of his hands on her skin flashed through her mind, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. In horror, of course.

‘Are you alright?’ the man was asking.

Jem cleared her throat and looked up again. ‘Who should I make it out it to?’


Jem relaxed her grip on the pen and let out her breath. Trevor. Any man called Trevor was sure to be the type who stopped in the middle of sex to have a dump, or something equally hideous. She scrawled her name across the book, omitting the kisses she usually put.

So... what does Jem look like?
(And apologies to any man called Trevor; I just needed a name and that was it!)