Wow! I can't believe what a great turnout I had to my last post! You all asked some really great questions. Many of you said you wanted to know the answers to the questions that were already asked of me, so I will be answering them as well. Thank you so much for asking the questions, they have been fun for me to read and I hope you enjoy finding out the answers. So with that I ask you....Are you ready??'s going to be another long one!
First for the questions that have already been asked...
*What happened to "T"
-To be totally honest we just stopped talking one day. We talked one night about a few different things then just kind of stopped. The two of us haven't even talked since so I really can't say for sure. I think the two of us probably had a 'communication' issue more than anything. I also think what may have happened is that we are each at different places in our lives, and may want different things as well, and that is ok. I have no hard feelings against him and hope that everything works out for him in his future.
*Why haven't I ever talked about Shawn's parents on my blog?
-I'm going to try and answer this the best that I can, while keeping it simple. Since Shawn has died my relationship with his parents has become a bit strained. Over the past year they have said some hurtful things to me. While I don't think they really realize it and I don't think they have really meant it things have been said, and I have felt a little hurt. Maybe it's me, maybe my emotions are too high right now, but there have been several times where I have felt hurt and upset. This fall there was an issue and I was going to blog about it. I actually had it all typed out, but right as I was getting ready to post it I decided that probably wasn't the best course of action on my part, so I didn't post. I will always love Shawn's family...always, but for the sake of everyone involved I have decided not to write about them or our relationship, maybe in the future it will change, maybe it won't.
*What is my best memory of Shawn?
-Wow! That is a really hard question to answer.You can't be with someone for 12 years and only have one really great memory. All the memories I have of Shawn are great to me. I think one of the best though happened just eight days before he died. That was the day I found out I was pregnant. Many of you already know this, but I had written a note on our bathroom mirror for Shawn to read when he came home. However, he spoiled my plan by using the other bathroom, so he didn't read the note. Darn him!! A few minutes later we decided to run to Target. We had been picking up baby stuff for a while at that point, especially if it was on sale. Shawn happened to find an adorable outfit that he wanted. All of a sudden out of my mouth I blurted out..."great, that will even be the right size for the baby". Shawn stopped in his tracks and asked me what I had just said. Crap!!! I just told my husband in the middle of the baby aisle in Target that he was going to be a Daddy! Classy right? Anyways, I will never ever for as long as I live forget the expression on Shawn's face. He was so so happy!! He looked at me and gave me a huge hug, told me that he loved me, and told me that even though he was nervous he was happy. The look on his face was just amazing! I will never forget it!
*Am I scared to fall in love again?
-In one word no. I am not scared to fall in love. When the time is right and the right guy comes along I can't wait to fall in love. The love that Shawn and I had together was so special, I want to be able to share my love again with another man. I know that Shawn would want that for me again as well. What I am more scared about is not finding the 'right guy' to fall in love with again. To me that is a way more scary thought.
*Why have I decided to be so open and honest on my blog?
-When I first started this blog it was just going to be about our day to day life. No biggie...I didn't even really think anyone would read it. Then when Shawn died, so did the focus of my blog. Instead of sharing our life I decided I needed to share what I was going through. It was therapy for me to be able to get all of my feelings, thoughts and emotions out. Also from day one I've told people that through my pain I will help others. (in case you all haven't figured it out... I like to help people, it's what I do) Nobody deserves to live the hell I have lived the last year. However, with writing my feelings out on my blog I think I may have reached out and helped many people. I have received countless emails over the last 11 months from people saying that reading my blog has changed their marriage. People have told me that they no longer take their husbands for granted because you never know what the next day is going to bring. People have told me that because of me being up front and saying what Shawn died from they went to the Dr and found out they had just had a heart attack, but was able to receive treatment. In the days following Shawn's death I would have never thought that I would be getting emails from other widows asking for my advise, or my help. Through Shawn's death and through being up front, honest and keeping it real on my blog I have met so many amazing people, and have been able to 'help' so many other widows. That is why I continue to be up front and honest and share all of my journey with you.
*What is my ancestry?
-I'm not one hundred percent sure but I think I'm mostly German with some Indian mixed in.
*What have my friends done for me over the past year that has helped me?
-I have to say that I have about the best group of friends ever!! Each and every single one of them have been great. Each of our relationships have changed since Shawn died, they all have gotten much better and stronger. I think the main things that my friends have done is just being there for me. They have been there on good days, ok days, and days that I've called them crying so hard I couldn't even breath. They listen to me when I've needed them to, and they have given advice when I needed a little kick. We have all shared some pretty special moments during the last year. I think one of my favorite moments happened with Jennie, when she took me to a waterfall and told me how she thought that represented my life. It was a special moment between us, that I will never forget. If any of you reading have a friend going through a hard time the best piece of advice I can tell you is just to be there for them. Be there to listen, to talk, be a shoulder for them to cry on, be their comfort and support. Those are the things that will help a friend through a difficult time.
*When I was little what did I want to be when I grew up? How has that changed now?
-When I was little I always wanted to be a teacher, a wife, and a mom. For a while I went through a stint where I wanted to be an actress, but I can safely say that will never happen. As far as how that has changed now. Well, I really don't think it has. I would love to be able to be a wife once again...that was something that I was really good at. I guess I'm kind of old fashion that way. I loved taking care of our house, doing our laundry and cooking for us. Of course if I found the right man I would love to be able to have a family. Again, I think that is something I could be really great at and would take great pride in.
*What do I like to do for fun?
-Well there is an interesting question. I really don't know how much fun I've been having. Although, I can say the fun is starting to return. Shawn and I always used to workout together and we enjoyed it. Since April I have started working out again. I find I really enjoy it. Working out gives me time to think and clear my head. Although I don't know how much fun it is. I have always liked to cook and bake. However, that is something that I also have not done a lot of this year. I'm hoping to get back into it though. I love to be able to spend time and hang out with my friends. I also love to blog...I 'waste' many hours a day having fun blogging.
*How is my physical health?
-As far as I'm concerned I think my overall physical health is pretty good. Back in September I bounced back pretty quickly from my D&C. When everything first happened I lost a lot of weight. I'm talking like close to forty pounds. This winter I started to gain some of it back. I think I'm probably at a much healthier weight for my body type, although now I think I could lose a couple of pounds. In April I started going to the gym and working out again. I can honestly say that working out has helped me in many ways. Not only am I doing something good for my body but it also is a great stress reliever. I find that if I miss the gym for several days in a row I get very moody. Plus working out is starting to give me the muscles I always wanted. I have also started running. I'm up to a little over two miles a day, ran in about 27 minutes. Not great, but I think pretty darn good for a person who has never ran before. So over all I would say my over all physical health is pretty good.
*What type of work am I looking into? How about school, do you ever think about going back?
-The last two months or so I have been looking for jobs. As much as I don't want to I know I will need to go back to work. Although I will never regret taking this year off, I think it has really helped me. Right now I'm looking for part time jobs, just to kind of get me back in the swing of things. I'm looking at anything right now. What I have realized this year is that life is way way to short to work a job that you hate going to everyday. Life is to short to dread going to work and to be pulled in a thousand different directions. I no that is something that I no longer want in my life. With that being said, yes I have thought about going back to school. I'm thinking I would either like to go back and get my degree in Personal Training and work in a gym or health club. Or, the last several weeks I have really began to lean towards going to a local school here and getting my degree in Massage Therapy. When I was in college I did my thesis on massage and found is very interesting. It is a four month accelerated program so I would be done in May if I were to start in January. I missed the cut off to start in September. I think it would be great to then work in a health club or spa and give people massages. I would also like to focus my attention on pregnant woman and infant and children massages.
*Where did Shawn and I go on our honeymoon? What was the most fun thing we did? Anything turn out not-so-great on our honeymoon?
-For our honeymoon Shawn and I went to Nashville,TN. We had been there a few times before we got married and loved it. When Shawn and I had been dating for a little under a year we went there with his family. We both said that was the trip where we started to fall in love with each other. We had tons of fun on our trip, but I would say one of the best memories of that trip was when we went to the zoo. It was a great day and we just had so much fun walking around, looking at all the animals and the attractions. It was a great day. As far as what didn't turn out so well. Both Shawn and I were used to sleeping with a fan, and of course our hotel didn't have a fan. So around 11:00 on our first night there we decided we needed a fan otherwise we wouldn't sleep and we didn't want to be tired. So we went down to the lobby and asked where the nearest drug store was. They told us it was about four blocks away and gave us directions. Or so we thought...their directions were HORRIBLE!! Needless to say we ended up getting really really lost and ended up in an awful part of town. I mean bad, like we saw people shooting at each other and cops taking people down. We didn't even stop at some red lights because we were afraid of what would happen. It was stressful then, but as soon as we got back to our room...2 hours later we laughed about it.
*Will I be attending Sarah's wedding?
-Yes! The wedding is this Saturday and I can't wait!! Although, I'm fully expecting to bawl my eyes out. Not only has Sarah been a huge blessing in my life since Shawn has died, but I also keep telling her that her and her fiancee are giving widows everywhere a little bit of hope to hold onto. I'm taking my camera and if it is ok with Sarah, I will post some pictures. It is going to be a beautiful wedding.
*What gets me through each day? What and who do I lean on?
-To be totally and brutally honest with you, I really have no idea what got me through those first two months. Those were some dark and lonely times. I really remember very little of what I did, or how I did anything. Then in October just eight weeks after Shawn died I met Sarah and she had just passed the one year mark of her husbands death. I'm not sure what it was but after I the first time I met her I had a bit of hope return to me. She had made it through the year....and she was living...and smiling...and making new memories. The first night I met Sarah she told me to live one moment at a time and to take everything one day at a time. I've always been a big planner, and to some extent I still am. However, I have also come to realize that no matter what the calender on your refrigerator says...things change...things doesn't go according to what you penned out at the start of the month. I've really learned to live life one day at a time. There have been many days where I've lived moment to moment because that was all I could do, anything more hurt too much. I've learned to breath in, and breath out and get through each day to the best that I can. What and who have I leaned on? Two and friends. My parents and family have been wonderful to me and let me move back in with them until I was able to figure things out a bit more. They took care of me and where there when I needed them. As I've said before, I have the greatest group of friends anyone could ask for. They have been there for me every step of the way. They were there with me in the ER, at my house with me, and drove the five hours for the funeral. The day that Shawn's autopsy came in I called Jennie. She sat with me on the phone, and cried with me as I read her every word, not many could do that. I can also honestly tell you that I would have never of gotten through this without the love of my friends and their support. At just shy of a year later, each and every one of them continue to be there for me. Dang it...I'm crying now. I will also be honest and tell you that I've also come to lean on God. As you know until Shawn died I never went to church. I believed in God, but I didn't want some person telling me what to believe in, or how to believe. However, I've come to realize and understand is that although I may not like what happened, it happened for a reason. I will never know the why's to any of it, but what I have to believe and put my trust in is that God does, and that he has a plan for me and my life.
*What would I pick as my last meal?
-Something Mexican, dripping in cheese sauce. Probably a chicken chimmichanga.
*Would I ever eat another human if it was offered to me in a foreign country?
- No! I would rather starve!
*Coke or Pepsi?
-Diet Coke...all the way!
*If I could buy any pair of shoes what would they be?
-I would love love love to be able to buy a pair of Chriatian Louboutin. I think they are amazing shoes.
*If I had to pick between being blind and deaf what would I chose?
-I would choose to be deaf. I can't imagine what it would be like not to see my surroundings, not to see my family, my friends and their kids, or the ocean, or the blue summer sky. I think if I was blind I would find it be a very panicked type of feeling.
*If I could leave today and go on any vacation where would I go and who would I take?
-I WISH!!! I would for sure head to an all inclusive resort, sit on the beach with a good book, swim in the beautiful water, have a few fruity drinks and relax. I would take four of my best girlfriends with me. We would have a blast!
*If I could be any animal for a day what would I be?
-I think I would like to be a giraffe. I think it would be so neat to be able to see the world from and entirely different height perspective. They get to look down at everything and see what is going on, I think that would be kind of neat.
*How am I doing financially without Shawn? How is it that I have not yet gone back to work?
-I've been waiting for someone to ask me that question :) I'm not going to lie to you...I'm in by no means rich! I mean it seriously I'm not! Shawn and I had just gotten to the point where were were able to start paying things off. The only reason I have not yet had to go back to work is because I moved in with my parents after Shawn died. There for I don't have to pay for rent, utilities, or food. I do pitch in around and help buy food and I of course by what I want or what I need for myself. My parents wanted to be able to do this for me so I could take the year and grieve how I needed to, they wanted to give me the time to start to figure things out for myself. I'm just now really starting to feel like I would like to move out and get a place of my own. I think that is going to be my next big challenge, I've never lived a lone before, but I kinda think it might be fun. Also, eight days before Shawn he was 'given' a check for back pay that he had worked the year before that had some how gotten messed up in payroll. I was still given that check and that has been what I have been 'living' on. That is also money that I have used to pay off a huge chunk of credit card bills that the two of us acquired over the years. Shawn also had a life insurance policy, although I haven't touched it! It is in a bank and I'm saving it for my future whatever that holds. So yes, if it wasn't for my parents I would be in an entirely different financial situation that what I'm in currently. I will be going back to work shortley and will begin to earn my own money once again, and will then be supporting myself. First, I have to find a job that will assist me in that area.
*Will I continue my blog even though a year has passed?
-Yes!! I can 100% tell you that I will contiue to write my blog. This blog has been such a huge form of therapy for me, it has helped me cope with things in many different ways. Many times it is my oulet for my thoughts, feelings and emotions. Even though a year has passed I still have a lot of life to live, my new journey has really just begun and I still want to share that with you all. I know I have alot more to go through yet, there will still be the down times, but I'm also hoping that many more up times will occure this year as well. I want to be able to share this with you all just like I have the past year. Besides, I can't imagine not reading what is going on in your lives as well! I've said it before but I'm going to say it again. This blog has been a huge form of support for me. I have met so many wonderful and amazing people through my blog. People that I have never met before but who pray for me ever day. People that have told their friends and family about me. People that leave me the sweetest comments every day. People that I have never met in person, but yet have a connection with, people that I would love to be able to meet one day. My readers have become my friends and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your kind words, support and encouragement! You all mean so much to me, you are all my friends.
Alrighty...there you have it, the answers to all of your questions! I hope it wasn't too long putting my answers in one big post, but I kinda thought it would be better that way. Thank you so much for all the great questions. I really enjoyed answering them and I hope you enjoy reading my answers as well.