Alright, I actually started the day I mentioned it in my previous post. But yesterday I had a huge flare up. I don't mean to sound like I am coming up with excuses, I'm just letting you know how stupid I am. ;-)
Why I didn't post it earlier? I left the camera usb plugged in to my computer yesterday not realizing until this morning when I sat down and the camera flashed to me battery low and died. My camera is the rechargeable battery kind, not the kind where you can just put in new ones. So off to the charger it went.
Oh, and looky here...I did it again. I just looked down and there's my camera plugged into the computer and turned on. Sheesh! and I complain about my kids. lol Ah crap...I just ejected it (I'm on a mac) but then I realized I hadn't transferred any pictures. Doh!
I'm alright, really...I am. Pictures are transferred now.
Before I show you my mess (can you say procrastinate much?). I wanted to show you some pics I took of a flare up. It's not the one I had yesterday because I couldn't even barely move. It hurt that bad.
Please excuse my ashy legs. They are also all scarred because I fell out of a moving car when I was younger. As you can see the leg on the left is swollen compared to the leg on the right. In that picture, both legs are actually swollen.
When they swell, they get a dent on the front. Like the one below.
As time goes by that dent gets bigger. It kind of feels like some one has all my veins and they are twisting them tighter and tighter and tighter. I should've put the remote up to the other pic but I think you can tell it's gotten bigger.
Then my wrists, they are another story, sometimes they swell like this one- evenly...
Sucks. I took those pictures one right after the other. One hand was one way and the other was well the other way they were just at the same time.
Anyway, just wanted to share what it does to me.
On to the mess...
This was when you first walked in. It's almost all the Christmas stuff packed up.
Here's some in the middle pics. That corner, after I removed all of the crap and rearranged a bookcase and the kids cottage. Keep in mind, I am not done yet. lol!
Here's my couch...can you spot what almost caused me not to post it. LOL! I tried to convince myself you couldn't and a fellow blogger also wrote about this very thing last week.
Here's that corner of crap that I had no idea what it was. I still don't...really. I do know that the box with the purple in it is a new giveaway box I've started and the baskets are clean clothes.
Oh and I cooked this yummy ham for dinner. Along with mashed potatoes and green beans.
I've done some more cleaning. I'll add those pics later. I'm hoping it will be the "Hey! Look it's done!" pics because I am seriously needing to move on to the kitchen, the pantry, the laundry room, my bedroom, etc...
Plus, I'm getting a little excited because I've had many projects in mind but with the dirty house I haven't been able to even start them.
This year I have plans for:
The Kitchen
The Living Room
The Laundry Room
The Master Bathroom
The Kids Bathroom
and a deck addition outside.
We will see what actually gets done. What about you, are you or have you recently done a Big Clean of your own? Do you have any big plans for your house this year? Tell me I'm not alone. :-)
PS. I forgot to mention ALL my laundry is done. Yup. All of it. Hate me. My ovens are self cleaning as I type these words too. I will do this. :-)