Showing posts with label tea party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea party. Show all posts

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Random Stuff

August has been a busy month at our house! Here are a few things that have happened:

The girls had a pretend tea party in the kitchen.Brooke "eating" her water at the pretend tea party Carli had some dental work done at the hospital. She is not tolerant of the dentist doing work in his office so we had to take drastic measures. She did great, but it was a rough time for her. Here she is all snug in the wagon going back to the car after her procedure. Her dentist was so sweet and brought her a cute stuffed animal for her to snuggle with.

Carli and her great little friend had a blast dressing up when she came to play the day after Carli's hospital experience. They put on a great show dancing to the "Enchanted" soundtrack. Aren't they adorable?!
Brandon is playing percussion this year in 6th grade. He loves it! He received his supplies at band camp and went to town practicing!
I'm slowly working my way through my hundreds of photos from our summer. Hope to have some more posted soon!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tea Party Anyone?

After birthday breakfast we opened gifts while everyone was home. Carli first saw this fun Tinkerbell table! It's really cute and the best thing is she can draw all over it and wipe it off! Wahoo! Carli loves to draw...on this is a good thing for her. :)Here she is drawing a little person on her table. She loves to draw people!Then it was on to the unwrapping. Here is her first Barbie! It is a singing Barbie from The Three Musketeers, which she loves. She is a little singer as well as an artist so this was right up her ally. :)A bouncing ball! She was excited about this one--can you tell?Next...She concentrates very hard on unwrapping. :)It was a tea set!!! So cute! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!Brooke enjoying the new table...yum.The Birthday GirlBrooke and her spoon. She had fun playing tea party, too.Carli played tea party practically all day and was so excited when her sisters got home from school and couldn't wait to have a tea party with her! Even Dora joined the party.
Next post...cake!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tea Party at Grandma's

I have one of the sweetest Grandma's. She loves to have little parties for the kids. Today she had the little girls over for a tea party. They had lemonade and mini cupcakes, played on the swingset, played Polly Pockets, and made little scrapbook pages. They had so much fun and it was so cute to see all the little cousins together.

Carli swinging

Kate, Carli, Shelby, Megan, and Addy enjoying their treats. Megan is such a poser. LOL!

Addy (my cousin's daughter) Kate
Shelby (my cousin)Carli loving the frosting. Megan got this cute dress from her NaNa for her birthday. She loves it!!!

Here's Carli learning to use scissors. She insisted on being part of the group, of course. :) Notice the concentration with her tongue hanging out. Hee, hee.