Earlier this year, I wrote up a review of GRACELING. I had a few issues with the ending and the main character’s growth, but I still liked the story.
Fire is better. I still have some of the same issues, but, overall, the author handled things in a more sympathetic and understandable manner.
As with all my book discussions, there are SPOILERS below.
The biggest issue I had with GRACELING was her lack of growth due to an incredibly large aversion to marriage. In FIRE, the aversion to marriage is still there, but the motivation behind it is more understandable. Fire is a human monster, meaning she’s unnaturally beautiful and has powers of mind control. But she’s not a monster in the sense that she takes advantage of these gifts and bends everyone to her whims.
Her father, however, was a monster both genetically and mentally. He took joy in making others suffer, and, in the process, made the whole kingdom miserable. Fire managed to grow up with compassion (something her father lacked entirely), so she won’t do what he did. But she’s afraid of turning into him, so she has written off both marriage and children.
I completely understand her reasoning here. She has valid reasons for not wanting to risk her own children turning into someone like her father. I wouldn’t be able to handle that, either. In GRACELING, there wasn’t a clear reason for Katsa to be so resistant to marriage. Not by the end, anyway. But FIRE handles this much better.
That said, the whole aspect of marriage still has an awkward feel to it.
Two of the royal family have illegitimate children (one of which is a woman, and she never marries). The king ends up courting a commoner, who also has an illegitimate child. These are all wonderfully open-minded ideals, and perfectly acceptable in today’s world. But with royalty? The whole basis of royalty is that royals are on a level higher than everyone else, therefore everything they say or do has to have a veneer of perfection fixed over the top. This definition of royalty was even acknowledged in the story, so I found it a bit odd. If royalty had been defined differently, then that would have made this much less awkward.
Another issue I had with GRACELING was Katsa’s lack of struggle – she never had to fight in order to gain something. Unfortunately, the same thing happens in FIRE. Fire’s story is largely internal, and she is on a personal journey to accept herself and acknowledge that she can do good with her powers. I think that’s wonderful, because there are many people on similar journeys. The big difference is that we struggle along the way, make mistakes, and have to work really hard in order to get what we want. Neither Fire nor Katsa do this. They’re both clearly on a journey, but we don’t experience any struggling with them. We’re told that they’re working on something, and then a few pages later they have it. For me, that’s cutting the reader out of the most important part of the journey. After all, it’s the hardest part, and watching Fire struggle would have sparked more sympathy, as well as created a closer connection to her.
The last big issue I had with the story was Leck. I don’t understand why he was there, except to tie this story to GRACELING. He made some things more difficult and he did something that was really awful, but he wasn’t central to the story. If he’d been written out, those complications he caused could have easily been picked up by the real bad guys. I think his presence was supposed to intrigue me, but instead he annoyed me. Especially with what happened to him at the end.
Still, I liked the story, and I will definitely read the next book after FIRE. But I do wish the author would insert less of her own beliefs and stay true to what the story demands. Even if that isn’t what she herself would do.
You always write such interesting, thoughtful reviews. Thanks!
I feel *exactly* the same as you.
Graceling bothered me because I thought Katsa would have shown growth if she *had* married. I was more comfortable with Fire's choice to have no children--she had a reason to not bear children, and it was a sacrifice for her. But overall, I think that many of the characters' issues with love and marriage and children come from the author, not the characters.
Bish - thanks! .It had been a very long time since my last review, and I am glad to be getting back into the swing of things.
Beth - yeah, I remember what you said about Graceling. And most definitely love/marriage issues are coming from the author here. I guess I will take it as a lesson to never let myself take over my character's story. :)
Wow very thorough!!
Thanks for the review. :)
*add to wishlist*
I didn't read the spoilers but this sounds like a cool book.
Okay, I didn't read the whole review because I won this book not too long ago and I'm reading this Christmas vacation as my special treat.
But I was so glad I wasn't the only one who was bothered by the lack of reason why in Graceling Katsa was so against marriage. It almost felt preachy to me like the author was trying to make a point and I really avoid those type of books.
So I'm glad that Fire isn't so much that way. I'm interested in seeing what I think of it after I've read it.
Keri - thanks! I felt a little rusty writing this review because it has been a long time. :)
Yuna - it's a good book. Definitely read it!
Christina - too funny! I said the exact same thing at the end of the review - that the issues with marriage were coming from the author, not the character. :) Fire is definitely less preachy than Graceling, and I found the overall story more compelling. Definitely read it!
You do such thorough reviews!
I didn't read Fire because I was so disappointed with Graceling. The first half was brilliant and I loved it. But the story lost its steam after Katsa and Po got together and once he got left behind, I didn't really care anymore. If I get to the point where I have nothing else to read (!) I might give Fire a chance.
Great review! I enjoyed FIRE and GRACELING (about the same). Oddly, I felt they were a tad on the long side and very character driven (almost to the point of needing more plot for the length). Yet I enjoyed the time spent reading and the writing. I'll definitely keep reading Kristin's books.
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