Showing posts with label metalwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metalwork. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2008


For the record, I hate the word 'blog'. For some reason it sounds a little pretentious to me, I'm not sure why. And gross, haha. I'll just refer to this as a journal. I am hoping this helps keep me motivated to make things. I get really antsy if I go very long without making something regardless of what media I use, but it gets hard to peel myself off of the computer sometimes, and the next thing I know it's time to go to bed and I didn't do a damn thing that day. It's pretty sad, haha. But I think posting here about current projects and whatever other randomness comes up will give me a reason to actually have things to post. As if selling work currently being my only means of making any money wasn't reason enough.
Since this is my first real entry I will start by posting a project from my jewelry and metals class that I finished in the winter. It is one of my favorite things I have ever made and I probably worked longer and harder on it than anything I have ever made also (so far, anyways). It is a functional copper corset. It took several weeks to finish and I can really wear it, but it takes a couple of people to get me in it. :9

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