Showing posts with label fleetwood mac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fleetwood mac. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fleetwood Mac, and unsuccessfully crashing a festival

Yay, I'm back! Overall, last week was great. The Fleetwood Mac concert was amazing and the trip to and from Columbus with Chandra to see them went smoothly. Here are some pics I took. Some make it look like it was much closer than we were, but that's just because they had two large screens above the audience to show the on-stage action better to those who were not close. So sometimes I just took a pic of the screen, haha. I have way more photo's of the concert than this but I figure this probably doesn't interest most of my readers, so here are just a few. :9

Then I stayed in Richmond (Ky) for the week and got to go back to the studio at EKU and work in my old studio space all week and see my art friends. That was super awesome, and I made some great beads (ceramic and glass) and more pod pendants. I'll post about the things I made later. I wish I had taken pics through the week, but I didn't. Boooo on me!

Then there was the Mushroom Festival in Irvine Ky which I was originally excited about, but ended up being extremely disappointed with. It's not that the festival itself was bad, there were a lot of nice booths, and it was much larger than I thought it was going to be. However, when Chandra called them a few weeks ago to see about us getting a booth, they told us there was still space and that they would call us back. That didn't happen, so she called them back and was told "Oh, no, we've been full since March." Gee, thanks. A similar thing happened to another good friend of mine who called even before March and was told they would send him an application for a booth, and he never received it. The all around vibe from them just seemed unprofessional.
But despite that news, Chandra is a bit of a rebel sometimes and thought maybe we can set up somewhere nearby the festival and still make some much needed money. I was all for that. Seemed like a harmless shot. Lets crash this festival! ...sort of. It was so hot out this past weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and we only had three hours of sleep the night before, but that Saturday we set up our table around the corner from the festival in the only spot we could find. We were too cranky and tired to bother with our tent, so we looked a little understated. No one bothered us or questioned why we were there. No one told us to take our "booth" down. There was actually some people with a sort of yard sale set up in the parking lot next to us. "Excellent!" we though. But then we only sold two things allllll day. Luckily for me they were my items. But regardless, that still sucks. But on the bright side, our spot was free, and there was always tomorrow. And we would have our tent up then, and look so much nicer!
So that Sunday we get to our spot and set up the tent, which was way easier than we thought it was going to be. We had our batiked scarves hanging from the side, and the purses Chandra's mom makes, and some things I had crocheted. Our jewelry was displayed on the table with the boxes Chandra's roommate paints here and there. It looked so nice! And as soon as we got it all set up and could sit down to relax, a man walks over to us and asks "Who gave you girls permission to set up here?" *blank stares, fast thinking* We explained our situation to him but of course we still had to tear down. We were so freakin' mad. A cop even drove by and told us the mayor had called us in. At least the officer was nice enough to tell us if we set up on the other side of the Irvine bridge we didn't have to have permission from anyone. But regarless, give me a break. The mayor? Really? Nothing better to do? That's small town Kentucky for ya. Not to mention that Chandra was told by the festival people that if any booths became available they would call her. Yet when I went hunting for a bathroom, I myslef spotted an empty booth space. And the guy that originally approached us told us himslef that threre were three! He got our number down to have someone call us if we could fill one of those spaces, but after all that crap, and it being sooooo hot out, we didn't feel like fooling with it any more. There were only about 5 hours left in the festival anyway. So theres the story of the mushroom festival. I tried to make it short. :p And I didn't even get any pictures! I was putting it off for Sunday since we were so tired and hot Saturday, and then that mess happened, so it just didn't happen. ugh. whatever, over all my week was still great. And while I was away, I was on he front page of Etsy and got featured on a popular website, and someones bog! But I'll talk about that tomorrow. I have things to make!

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