I was living in the woods with my Momcat and brothers and sisters. I was the runt of the litter and never seemed to get enough to eat. One day when I was about 11 weeks old, we were crossing a yard on the edge of the woods, and a lady came out of the house. My Momcat ran away with my brothers and sisters and left me. But the lady had some yummy food and called me. I went to her, she picked me up, and it was love at first sight. That was 14 years ago.
What a magnificent story. We're so glad you found the lady! "Love at first sight" ... the best!!!
Love, Grace & Marilynn
Oh, Tommie, you were such a lucky little one! And what a sweetie you were too, so adorable.
Awwww. What a lovely story of love at first sight.
Oh Tommie, this is such an adorable picture of you! We just love the story of how you were gotcha'd into your wonderful and loving forever home!
Moosey and Dad
What a smart boy you were.
Tommie you were so adorable!! We're glad you found your forever home. We think your Momacat knew you were in the right spot!
The Florida Furkids
How sweet. 14 years with the lady with the yummy food.
What a lucky boy you are! Such an adorable baby.
Nubbin wiggles,
tommie that is such a wonderful story...thank you for sharing!
It was meant to be!
You look very like a young Kizzie, even down to the tail. What a happy ending to your story, and I hope you have many more years in your forever home.
Oh you sweet baby! We had similar starts in this world. I am so glad that you were found and given yummies!!!!
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