I apologize for the lack of updates. If I was not busy, I was just plain lazy. How often does a final year medical student gets a chance to be lazy? Haha.
If you guys have noticed, I'd placed a site counter at the end of my blog, and since my last entry there were 138 visits(I think about 20 are mine). To those who repeatedly came hoping to see a new entry, I'm so sorry. I've taken out that counter already. It's just too much pressure to see how many people were coming to my blog each day.
Here are just some pictures I've had, taken during my last semester that I haven't put up on my blog.
This was taken in Poison Rose Port Dickson some time during our study break in the last semester. 2 girls visited KarSeng and CheeYoong's girlfriend came by also on the same day, so some of us went as spies to check out the female visitors.. Haha.. We were that bored in Seremban.
This was taken during Jenn's surprise birthday party. We were having our study group in campus that night, and quietly a large group came with the cake to surprise her. Azman's being a 'psych' patient candidate as usual..
Group picture! Can't you feel the love?
My last dinner together with my Christian Fellowship friends in Pizza Hut. Some of the greatest lessons in life I learnt during my CF meetings, and I learnt from these people, eventhough they are younger than me.
This was our celebration dinner at Chillis Midvalley. What better way to replace all the calories lost during stressful exam periods than a large helping of food!
I have more pictures to put up, and I'll do that slowly over this weekend. And thanks for being a statistic on my site counter and giving me pressure to update soon. And don't be a stranger-lah, I want to know who is reading my stuff, because I can only think of less than 20 people. Have those 20 people been coming to my blog 10 times since my last entry? Argh.. pressure.
bum!! update more often lar!! hehehe...