Photoshop Shortcut Keystrokes
Operation | Photoshop Shortcut |
Actual Pixels | Ctrl+ Alt+ zero (0) |
Auto Levels | Ctrl+ Shift+ L |
Bring Layer Forward | Ctrl+ ] |
Bring Layer to Front | Ctrl+ Shift+ ] |
Clear | Backspace or Delete |
Close | Ctrl+ W or Ctrl+ F4 |
Color Balance | Ctrl+ B |
Color Balance, with last settings | Ctrl+ Alt+ B |
Copy | Ctrl+ C or F3 |
Copy Merged | Ctrl+ Shift+ C |
Curves | Ctrl+ M |
Curves, with last settings | Ctrl+ Alt+ M |
Cut | Ctrl+ X or F2 |
Desaturate | Ctrl+ Shift+ U |
Exit | Ctrl+ Q or Alt+ F4 |
Fade Filter | Ctrl+ Shift+ F |
Feather Selection | Ctrl+ Alt+ D or Shift+ F6 |
Fill | Shift+ Backspace or Shift+ F5 |
Fill from history | Ctrl+ Alt+ Backspace |
Filter, repeat last | Ctrl+ F |
Filter, repeat with new settings | Ctrl+ Alt+ F |
Fit on Screen | Ctrl+ zero (0) |
Free Transform | Ctrl+ T |
Gamut Warning | Ctrl+ Shift+ Y |
Grid, show or hide | Ctrl+ quote (") |
Group with Previous Layer | Ctrl+ G |
Guides, show or hide | Ctrl+ semicolon (;) |
Help Contents | F1 |
Help, context-sensitive | Shift+ F1 |
Hide Edges | Ctrl+ H |
Hide Path | Ctrl+ Shift+ H |
Hue/Saturation | Ctrl+ U |
Hue/Saturation, with last settings | Ctrl+ Alt+ U |
Image Size | F11 |
Inverse Selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ I or Shift+ F7 |
Invert | Ctrl+ I |
Layer Via Copy | Ctrl+ J |
Layer Via Cut | Ctrl+ Shift+ J |
Levels | Ctrl+ L |
Levels, with last settings | Ctrl+ Alt+ L |
Lock Guides | Ctrl+ Alt+ semicolon (;) |
Merge Down | Ctrl+ E |
Merge Visible | Ctrl+ Shift+ E |
New | Ctrl+ N |
New, with default settings | Ctrl+ Alt+ N |
New Layer | Ctrl+ Shift+ N |
Numeric Transform | none |
Open | Ctrl+ O |
Open As | Ctrl+ Alt+ O |
Open last edited image | Alt+ F, press number (1 through 4) |
Page Setup | Ctrl+ Shift+ P |
Paste | Ctrl+ V or F4 |
Paste Into | Ctrl+ Shift+ V |
Preferences | Ctrl+ K |
Preferences, last panel | Ctrl+ Alt+ K |
Preview CMYK | Ctrl+ Y |
Print | Ctrl+ P |
Quit | Ctrl+ Q |
Redo | Ctrl+ Z |
Reselect | Ctrl+ Shift+ D |
Revert | F12 or click first item in History palette |
Rulers, show or hide | Ctrl+ R |
Save | Ctrl+ S |
Save As | Ctrl+ Shift+ S |
Save a Copy | Ctrl+ Alt+ S |
Select All | Ctrl+ A |
Select None | Ctrl+ D |
Send Layer Backward | Ctrl+ [ |
Send Layer to Back | Ctrl+ Shift+ [ |
Step Backward | Ctrl+ Alt+ Z |
Step Forward | Ctrl+ Shift+ Z |
Snap to Grid | Ctrl+ Shift+ quote (") |
Snap to Guides | Ctrl+ Shift+ semicolon (;) |
Transform Again | Ctrl+ Shift+ T |
Undo | Ctrl+ Z |
Ungroup Layers | Ctrl+ Shift+ G |
Zoom In | Ctrl+ plus (+) |
Zoom Out | Ctrl+ minus (-) |
Scroll image with hand tool | spacebar+drag or drag in Navigator palette |
Scroll up or down one screen | Page Up or Page Down |
Scroll up or down slightly | Shift+ Page Up or Shift+ Page Down |
Scroll up or down exactly one frame in Filmstrip file | Shift+ Page Up or Shift+ Page Down |
Scroll left or right one screen | Ctrl+ Page Up or Ctrl+ Page Down |
Scroll left or right slightly | Ctrl+ Shift+ Page Up or Ctrl+ Shift+ Page Down |
Switch to upper-left corner | press Home |
Switch to lower-right corner | press End |
Magnify to custom zoom ratio | Ctrl+ spacebar+drag or Ctrl+ drag in Navigator palette |
Zoom in without changing window size | Ctrl+ spacebar+click or Ctrl+ plus (+) |
Zoom in and change window size to fit | Ctrl+ Alt+ plus (+) |
Zoom out without changing window size | Alt+ spacebar+click or Ctrl+ minus (-) |
Zoom out and change window size to fit | Ctrl+ Alt+ minus (-) |
Zoom to 100% | Ctrl+ Alt+ zero (0) or double-click zoom tool icon |
Fit image on screen | Ctrl+ zero (0) or double-click hand tool icon |
Apply zoom value but keep magnification box active | Shift+ Enter |
Cycle through full screen and normal window modes | F |
Toggle display of menu bar in full screen modes | Shift+ F |
Display Options palette | Enter or double-click tool icon |
Display crosshair cursor | Caps Lock |
Revert image with magic eraser | Alt+ drag with eraser |
Select pencil, painbrush, or airbrush | press N, B, or J |
Cycle through eraser styles | Alt+ click eraser tool icon or Shift+ E |
Specify an area to clone | Alt+ click with rubber stamp |
Cycle through rubber stamp options | Alt+ click rubber stamp tool icon or Shift+ S |
Cycle through focus tools | Alt+ click focus tool icon or Shift+ R |
Sharpen with the blur tool or blur with the sharpen tool | Alt+ drag |
Dip into the foreground color when smearing | Alt+ drag with smudge tool |
Cycle through toning tools | Alt+ click toning tool icon or Shift+ O |
Darken with the dodge tool or lighten with the burn tool | Alt+ drag |
Paint or edit in a straight line | click and then Shift+ click |
Change opacity, pressure, or exposure in 10% increments | press number (1 through 0) |
Change opacity, pressure, or exposure in 1% increments | press two numbers in a row |
Select brush mode | right-click with paint or edit tool or Shift+ Alt+ letter |
Cycle through brush modes | Shift+ plus (+) or Shift+ minus (-) |
Reset to Normal brush mode | Shift+ Alt+ N |
Display or hide Brushes palette | F5 |
Cycle through brush shapes | press bracket, [ or ] |
Switch to first shape in Brushes palette | Shift+ [ |
Switch to last shape in Brushes palette | Shift+ ] |
Delete shape from Brushes palette | Ctrl+ click brush shape |
Create new brush shape | click in empty area of Brushes palette |
Edit brush shape | double-click brush shape |
Lift foreground color from image | Alt+ click with paint tool or click with eyedropper |
Lift background color from image | Alt+ click with eyedropper |
Sample color in image | click with color sampler tool |
Delete color sample | Alt+ click on target with color sampler tool |
Display or hide Color palette | F6 |
Lift foreground color from color bar at bottom of Color palette | click color bar |
Lift background color from color bar | Alt+ click color bar |
Cycle through color bars | Shift+ click color bar |
Specify new color bar | right-click color bar or Ctrl+ click for dialog box |
Lift foreground color from Swatches palette | click swatch |
Lift background color from Swatches palette | Alt+ click swatch |
Delete swatch from palette | Ctrl+ click swatch |
Replace swatch with foreground color | Shift+ click swatch |
Add new swatch to palette | click in empty area of palette or Shift+ Alt+ click on swatch |
Fill selection or layer with foreground color | Alt+ Backspace |
Fill layer with foreground color but preserve transparency | Shift+ Alt+ Backspace |
Fill selection on background layer with background color | Backspace or Delete |
Fill selection on any layer with background color | Ctrl+ Backspace |
Fill layer with background color but preserve transparency | Shift+ Ctrl+ Backspace |
Fill selection with source state in History palette | Ctrl+ Alt+ Backspace |
Display Fill dialog box | Shift+ Backspace or Shift+ F5 |
Edit text layer | double-click on T in Layers palette or right-click with type tool |
Select word in Text Tool dialog box | double-click on word |
Select word to left or right | Ctrl+ Shift+ left or right arrow |
Select all text | Ctrl+ A |
Increase type size two pixels (or points) | Ctrl+ Shift+ greater than (>) |
Decrease type size two pixels | Ctrl+ Shift+ less than (<) |
Increase type size 10 pixels | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ greater than (>) |
Decrease type size 10 pixels | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ less than (<) |
Tighten leading two pixels | Alt+ up arrow |
Expand leading two pixels | Alt+ down arrow |
Tighten leading 10 pixels | Ctrl+ Alt+ up arrow |
Expand leading 10 pixels | Ctrl+ Alt+ down arrow |
Kern together 2/100 em | Alt+ left arrow |
Kern apart 2/100 em | Alt+ right arrow |
Kern together 1/10 em | Ctrl+ Alt+ left arrow |
Kern apart 1/10 em | Ctrl+ Alt+ right arrow |
Raise baseline shift two pixels | Shift+ Alt+ up arrow |
Lower baseline shift two pixels | Shift+ Alt+ down arrow |
Raise baseline shift 10 pixels | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ up arrow |
Lower baseline shift 10 pixels | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ down arrow |
Exit Type Tool dialog box | Enter on keypad or Ctrl+ Enter |
Left-align text | Ctrl+ Shift+ L |
Center-align text | Ctrl+ Shift+ C |
Right-align text | Ctrl+ Shift+ R |
Magnify view in Text Tool dialog box | Ctrl+ plus (+) |
Zoom out in Text Tool dialog box | Ctrl+ minus (-) |
Select everything | Ctrl+ A |
Deselect everything | Ctrl+ D |
Restore selection after deselecting | Ctrl+ Shift+ D |
Hide or show marching ants | Ctrl+ H |
Feather the selection | Ctrl+ Alt+ D or Shift+ F6 |
Reverse the selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ I or Shift+ F7 |
Cycle through all marquee tools (including crop tool) | Alt+ click marquee tool icon |
Toggle between rectangular and elliptical marquees | Shift+ M |
Draw out from center with marquee tool | Alt+ drag |
Constrain marquee to square or circle | press Shift while drawing shape |
Move marquee as you draw it | press spacebar |
Cycle through lasso tools | Alt+ click lasso tool icon or Shift+ L |
Add corner to straight-sided selection outline | Alt+ click with lasso tool or click with polygonal lasso |
Add point to magnetic selection | click with magentic pen tool |
Delete last point added with magnetic lasso tool | Backspace |
Increase or reduce magnetic lasso width | press bracket, [ or ] |
Close polygon or magnetic selection | double-click with respective lasso tool or press Enter |
Close magnetic selection with straight segment | Alt+ double-click or Alt+ Enter |
Cancel polygon or magnetic selection | press Escape |
Add to selection | Shift+ drag or Shift+ click with selection tool |
Subtract from selection | Alt+ drag or Alt+ click with selection tool |
Retain intersected portion of selection | Shift+ Alt+ drag or Shift+ Alt+ click with selection tool |
Add character outlines to a selection | Shift+ click with type mask tool |
Cut letter-shaped holes into a selection | Alt+ click with type mask tool |
Retain areas where character outlines and selection intersect | Shift+ Alt+ click with type mask tool |
Select move tool | press V or press and hold Ctrl |
Move selection | drag with move tool or Ctrl+ drag with other tool |
Constrain movement vertically or horizontally | press Shift while dragging selection |
Move selection in 1-pixel increments | Ctrl+ arrow key |
Move selection in 10-pixel increments | Ctrl+ Shift+ arrow key |
Clone selection | Alt+ drag selection with move tool or Ctrl+ Alt+ drag with other tool |
Clone selection in 1-pixel increments | Ctrl+ Alt+ arrow key |
Clone selection in 10-pixel increments | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ arrow key |
Clone selection to different image | Ctrl+ drag selection from one window and drop it into another |
Move selection outline independently of its contents | drag with selection tool |
Move selection outline in 1-pixel increments | press arrow key when selection tool is active |
Move selection outline in 10-pixel increments | Shift+ arrow key when selection tool is active |
Copy empty selection outline to different image | drag selection from one window into another with selection tool |
Change opacity of floating selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ F |
Paste image into selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ V |
Paste image behind selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ V |
Display or hide Layers palette | F7 |
View single layer by itself | Alt+ click eyeball icon in Layers palette |
Create new layer and set blend options | Alt+ click page icon at bottom of Layers palette or Ctrl+ Shift+ N |
Create new layer and bypass blend options | click page icon at bottom of Layers palette or Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ N |
Clone selection to new layer | Ctrl+ J |
Convert selection to new layer and leave hole behind | Ctrl+ Shift+ J |
Convert floating selection to new layer | Ctrl+ Shift+ J |
Diplicate layer to new layer | drag layer name onto page icon or Ctrl+ A, Ctrl+ J |
Ascend one layer | Alt+ ] |
Descend one layer | Alt+ [ |
Ascend to top layer | Shift+ Alt+ ] |
Descend to background layer | Shift+ Alt+ [ |
Go directly to layer that contains specific image | Ctrl+ Alt+ right-click image with any tool |
Preserve transparency of active layer | press slash (/) |
Convert layer’s transparency mask to selection outline | Ctrl+ click layer name in Layers palette |
Add transparency mask to selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ click layer name |
Subtract transparency mask from selection | Ctrl+ Alt+ click layer name |
Retain intersection of transparency mask and selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ click layer name |
Move entire layer | drag with move tool or Ctrl+ drag with other tool |
Move entire layer in 1-pixel increments | Ctrl+ arrow key |
Move entire layer in 10-pixel increments | Ctrl+ Shift+ arrow key |
Bring layer forward one level | Ctrl+ ] |
Bring layer to front of file | Ctrl+ Shift+ ] |
Send layer backward one level | Ctrl+ [ |
Send layer to back, just above the background layer | Ctrl+ Shift+ [ |
Link layer with active layer | click in front of layer name |
Unlink layer from active layer | click on chain icon in front of layer name |
Unlink all layers from active layer | Alt+ click on brush icon in front of active layer name |
Change opacity of active layer in 10% increments | press number (1 through 0) when selection tool is active |
Change opacity of active layer in 1% increments | press two numbers in a row when selection tool is active |
Edit blend options for layer | double-click layer name in Layers palette |
Select blend mode | Shift+ Alt+ letter |
Cycle through blend modes | Shift+ plus (+) or Shift+ minus (-) when selection tool is active |
Reset to Normal blend mode | Shift+ Alt+ N |
Adjust "fuzziness" in Layer Options dialog box | Alt+ drag slider triangle |
Merge layer with next layer down | Ctrl+ E |
Merge linked layers | Ctrl+ E |
Merge all visible layers | Ctrl+ Shift+ E |
Copy merged version of selection to Clipboard | Ctrl+ Shift+ C |
Clone contents of layer into next layer down | Ctrl+ Alt+ E |
Clone contents of linked layers to active layer | Ctrl+ Alt+ E |
Clone contents of all visible layers to activate layer | Ctrl+ Alt+ Shift+ E |
Group neighboring layers | Alt+ click horizontal line in Layers palette or Ctrl+ G |
Ungroup neighboring layers | Alt+ click dotted line in Layers palette or Ctrl+ Shift+ G |
Switch between layer effects in Effects dialog box | Ctrl+ 1 through Ctrl+ 5 |
Switch between layer effects outside dialog box | right-click on ƒ in Layers palette |
Edit layer effect | double-click on ƒ |
Move shadow when Effect dialog box is open | drag in image window |
Disable last layer effect | Alt+ double-click on ƒ |
Disable specific layer effect | Alt+ choose command from Layer >> Effects submenu |
Create adjustment layer | Ctrl+ click page icon at bottom of Layers palette |
Save flattened copy of layered image | Ctrl+ Alt+ S |
Switch between independent color and mask channels | Ctrl+ 1 through Ctrl+ 9 |
Switch to composite color view | Ctrl+ tilde (~) |
Activate or deactivate color channel | Shift+ click channel name in Channels palette |
Create channel mask filled with black | click page icon at bottom of Channels palette |
Create channel mask filled with black and set options | Alt+ click page icon at bottom of Channels palette |
Create channel mask from selection outline | click mask icon at bottom of Channels palette |
Create channel mask from selection outline and set options | Alt+ click mask icon at bottom of Channels palette |
View channel mask as Rubylith overlay | click top eyeball in Channels palette or press tilde(~) |
Convert channel mask to selection outline | Ctrl+ click channel name in Channels palette or Ctrl+ Alt+ number (1 through 0) |
Add channel mask to selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ click channel name |
Subtract channel mask from selection | Ctrl+ Alt+ click channel name |
Retain intersection of channel mask and selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ click channel name |
Enter or exit quick mask mode | press Q |
Toggle quick mask color over masked or selected area | Alt+ click quick mask icon in toolbox |
Change quick mask color overlay | double-click quick mask icon |
View quick mask independently of image | click top eyeball in Channels palette or press tilde(~) |
Create layer mask filled with white | click mask icon at bottom of Layers palette |
Create layer mask filled with black | Alt+ click mask icon |
Create layer mask from selection outline | click mask icon |
Create layer mask that hides selection | Alt+ click mask icon |
Switch focus from layer mask to image | Ctrl+ tilde (~) |
Switch focus from image to layer mask | Ctrl+ backslash (\) |
View layer mask independently of image | Alt+ click layer mask thumbnail in Layers palette or press backslash (\) then tilde (~) |
View layer mask as Rubylith overlay | Shift+ Alt+ click layer mask thumbnail or press backslash (\) |
Disable layer mask | Shift+ click layer mask thumbnail |
Toggle link between layer and layer mask | click between layer and mask thumbnails in Layers palette |
Convert layer mask to selection outline | Ctrl+ click layer mask thumbnail or Ctrl+ Alt+ backslash (\) |
Add layer mask to selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ click layer mask thumbnail |
Subtract layer mask from selection | Ctrl+ Alt+ click layer mask thumbnail |
Retain intersection of layer mask and selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ click layer mask thumbnail |
Add spot color channel | Ctrl+ click page icon at bottom of Channels palette |
Select pen tool | press P |
Cycle between standard, freeform, and magnetic pen tools | Shift+ P |
Select insert point tool | press plus (+) |
Select remove point tool | press minus (-) |
Add corner to path | click with pen tool or Alt+ click with freeform pen tool |
Add smooth arc to path | drag with pen tool |
Add cusp to path | drag with pen tool, then Alt+ drag same point |
Add point to magnetic selection | click with magentic pen tool |
Delete last point added with standard or magentic pen tool | Backspace |
Draw freehand path segment | drag with freeform pen tool or Alt+ drag with magnetic pen tool |
Increase or reduce magnetic pen width | press bracket, [ or ] |
Close magnetic selection | double-click with magnetic pen tool or click on first point in path |
Close magnetic selection with straight segment | Alt+ double-click or Alt+ Enter |
Cancel magnetic or freeform selection | press Escape |
Select arrow (direct selection) tool | press A or press and hold Ctrl when pen tool is active |
Select insert or remove point tool | press plus (+) or minus (-) |
Move selected points | drag point with arrow tool or Ctrl+ drag with pen tool |
Select multiple points in path | Shift+ click point with arrow or Ctrl+ Shift+ click with pen |
Select entire path | Alt+ click path with arrow or Ctrl+ Alt+ click with pen |
Clone path | Alt+ drag path with arrow or Ctrl+ Alt+ drag with pen |
Convert corner or cusp to smooth arc | Ctrl+ Alt+ drag point with arrow or Alt+ drag with pen |
Convert arc to corner | Ctrl+ Alt+ click point with arrow or Alt+ click with pen |
Convert arc to cusp | Ctrl+ Alt+ drag handle with arrow or Alt+ drag with pen |
Insert point in path | click segment with pen tool or Alt+ click with remove point tool |
Remove point from path | click point with pen tool or Alt+ click with insert point tool |
Convert path to selection outline | Ctrl+ click path name in Paths palette or press Enter on keypad when selection or path tool is active |
Add path to selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ click path name or Shift+ Enter on keypad |
Subtract path from selection | Ctrl+ Alt+ click path name or Alt+ Enter on keypad |
Retain intersection of path and selection | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ click path name or Shift+ Alt+ Enter on keypad |
Apply brushstroke around perimeter of path | press Enter on keypad when paint or edit tool is active |
Revert around perimeter of path | press Alt+ Enter on keypad when eraser tool is active or Enter when history brush is active |
Save path for future use | double-click Work Path item in Paths palette |
Hide path (it remains active) | Ctrl+ Shift+ H |
Deactivate path | click in empty portion of Paths palette |
Select crop tool | press C |
Move cropping boundary | drag inside boundary |
Resize cropping boundary | drag boundary handle |
Rotate cropping boundary | drag outside boundary |
Accept crop | double-click inside boundary or press Enter |
Cancel crop | press Escape |
Transform selection or layer numerically | none |
Freely transform selection or layer | Ctrl+ T |
Duplicate selection and freely transform | Ctrl+ Alt+ T |
Move image in Free Transform mode | drag inside boundary |
Move transformation origin | drag crosshair target |
Resize image | drag boundary handle |
Resize with respect to origin | Alt+ drag boundary handle |
Rotate image (always with respect to origin) | drag outside boundary |
Skew image | Ctrl+ drag side handle |
Skew image along constrained axis | Ctrl+ Shift+ drag side handle |
Skew image with respect to origin | Ctrl+ Alt+ drag side handle |
Skew image along constrained axis with respect to origin | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ drag side handle |
Distort image | Ctrl+ drag corner handle |
Symmetrically distort opposite corners | Ctrl+ Alt+ drag corner handle |
Constrained distort for perspective effect | Ctrl+ Shift+ drag corner handle |
Constrained distort for symmetrical perspective effect | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ drag corner handle |
Apply specific transformation in Free Transform mode | right-click in image window |
Accept transformation | double-click inside boundary or press Enter |
Cancel transformation | press Escape |
Replay last transformation | Ctrl+ Shift+ T |
Duplicate selection and replay last transformation | Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ T |
Display or hide rulers | Ctrl+ R |
Display or hide Info palette | F8 |
Change unit of measure | drag from X,Y pop-up in Info palette or double-click ruler |
Select measure tool | press U |
Measure distance and angle | drag with measure tool |
Move measure line | drag measure line |
Change length and angle of measure line | drag point at either end of measure line |
Measure angle between two lines (protractor option) | Alt+ drag endpoint |
Display or hide guides | Ctrl+ semicolon (;) |
Create guide | drag from ruler |
Move guide | drag guide with move tool or Ctrl+ drag with other tool |
Toggle horizontal guide to vertical or vice versa | press Alt while dragging guide |
Snap guide to ruler tick marks | press Shift while dragging guide |
Toggle guide magnetism | Ctrl+ Shift+ semicolon (;) |
Lock or unlock guides | Ctrl+ Alt+ semicolon (;) |
Display or hide grid | Ctrl+ quote (") |
Toggle grid magnetism | Ctrl+ Shift+ quote (") |
Edit guide color and grid increments | Ctrl+ double-click guide |
Repeat filter with last-used settings | Ctrl+ F |
Repeat filter with different settings | Ctrl+ Alt+ F |
Scroll preview box in corrective filter dialog boxes | drag in preview box or click in image window |
Zoom preview box in corrective filter dialog boxes | Ctrl+ click and Alt+ click |
Increase selected Option- box value by 1 (or 0.1) | up arrow |
Decrease value by 1 (or 0.1) | down arrow |
Increase value by 10 (or 1) | Shift+ up arrow |
Decrease value by 10 (or 1) | Shift+ down arrow |
Adjust Angle value (where offered) in 15° increments | Shift+ drag in Angle wheel |
Reset options inside corrective filter dialog boxes | Alt+ click Cancel button |
Clone light in Lighting Effects dialog box | Alt+ drag light |
Delete Lighting Effects light | press Delete |
Adjust size of footprint without affecting angle of light | Shift+ drag handle |
Adjust angle of light without affecting size of footprint | Ctrl+ drag handle |
Switch between arrow tools in 3D Transform dialog box | press V or A, or Ctrl+ Tab |
Select 3D cube, sphere, or cylinder tool | press M, N, or C |
Edit shape with pan camera or trackball | press E or R |
Delete selected 3D Transform shape | Backspace |
Add point in Curves dialog box | click on graph line |
Add specific color as new point on composite curve | Ctrl+ click in image window |
Add color as new point on independent channel curves | Ctrl+ Shift+ click in image window |
Nudge selected curve point | press arrow key |
Select next curve point | Ctrl+ tab |
Select previous curve point | Ctrl+ Shift+ tab |
Delete curve point | Ctrl+ click point |
Select multiple curve points | Shift+ click point |
Deselect all points | Ctrl+ D |
Move Hue/Saturation range to new location | click in image window |
Add colors to Hue/Saturation range | Shift+ click or drag in image window |
Subtract colors from Hue/Saturation range | Alt+ click or drag in image window |
Edit all colors in Hue/Saturation dialog box | Ctrl+ tilde (~) |
Edit predefined color range | Ctrl+ 1 through Ctrl+ 6 |
Undo or redo last operation | Ctrl+ Z |
Undo operation prior to last one | Ctrl+ Alt+ Z |
Redo undone operation | Ctrl+ Shift+ Z |
Undo to specific point | click on item in History palette |
Duplicate previously performed operation | Alt+ click on item in History palette |
Select state to revert to with history brush | click in front of item in History palette |
Create snapshot from active state | click page icon at bottom of History palette |
Create duplicate image from active state | click ... box icon at bottom of History palette |
Revert to saved image | F12 or click first item in History palette |
Display or hide all palettes, and toolbox, and status bar | Tab |
Display or hide palettes except toolbox | Shift+ Tab |
Hide toolbox and status bar | Tab, Shift+ Tab |
Move a panel out of a palette | drag panel tab |
Snap palette to edge of screen | Shift+ click palette title bar |
Fully collapse palette | Alt+ click collapse box or double-click panel tab |
Display or hide Actions palette | F9 |
Play script | Ctrl+ double-click on item in Actions palette |
Permanently delete item from palette that includes trash can | Alt+ click trash can |
Preview how image sits on printed page | click preview box |
View size and resolution of image | Alt+ click preview box |
Change the preference settings | Ctrl+ K |
Display last used Preferences dialog box panel | Ctrl+ Alt+ K |
Bring up dialog box with last-used settings | Alt+ choose command from Image >> Adjust submenu |
Duplicate image and bypass dialog box | Alt+ choose Image >> Duplicate |
Cancel the current operation | Escape |
Activate No button when closing image | press N |
Activate Don’t Save or Don’t Flatten button | press D |