Showing posts with label Workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workshop. Show all posts

19 August 2012

Almsgiving, Worship & Spiritual Care Workshop at Faith, Greenfield (15 September)

The Reverend Dr. John Nunes of Lutheran World Relief will be the plenary speaker on almsgiving in the life of the Church, as well as the preacher for the Divine Service, at the Indiana District Worship & Spiritual Care Workshop at Faith Lutheran Church, Greenfield, Indiana, on Saturday the 15th of September, A.D. 2012.

Rev. David Koeneman and Rev. Wm. Daniel O'Connor will present a sectional on the conduct of the Easter Vigil, and Rev. James Wetzstein will present a sectional on Beauty, Holiness, and Design for the Liturgy.

Special music for the workshop will be provided by Musik Ekklesia, under the direction of Philip Spray.

The workshop is a one-day event, from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.  The $25 registration fee includes lunch.  For more information, including directions and registration form, link here to the Indiana District website.