Saturday, September 10, 2011


That's right, it says ZERO. A couple weeks ago we made some really big payments on my students loans and I can now say my education is MINE. I can't tell you what a great feeling it is after paying for4 years and not seeing the amount going down much, and now it's gone! All we have left on our credit report as far as debt is my car and Scott's school loan which we have a plan to pay both off by next May (knock on wood). When we moved here to Price we were swimming, just trying to stay afloat. Someone had given us Dave Ramsey's book "The Total Money Makeover" for our wedding, we read it and it taught us how to best get out of debt as quickly as possible. I would recommend it to anyone, it really has some good advice. Having 2 incomes has been a huge blessing for us. Yay for one less bill!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Congrats! What a great feeling to have that paid off.