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lundi 13 février 2012


If you happen to be in Zurich these days, don't miss the expo at Museum für Gestaltung about Swiss graphic design of the last decennium. A feast for the eyes!

mercredi 25 janvier 2012


If you happen to be in Antwerp these days, please don't miss the retrospective exhibition of the fabulous work of designer Walter van Beirendonck. Until february 19th at MOMU. Truly excellent!

lundi 26 septembre 2011

High art, low design

If you happen to be in London these days, you shouldn't miss the current exhibition at the Victoria& Albert Museum about Postmodernism - Style& Subversion 1970-1990. The exhibition leads you through 3 rooms and shows you in a clever, noisy but elegant presentation what postmodernism means and where it comes from. Think Talking Heads, Laurie Anderson, Grace Jones, the radical design groups Memphis or Studio Alchymia..think MTV!

lundi 29 août 2011


We were one of the lucky ones to make it last minute to the Antwerp MoMu exhibition UNRAVEL. Very inspiring to travel through the last centuries knitwear in (high) fashion with its exquisite knitted garments and accessories. Hope you've had a chance to get a glimpse!
If you missed this exhibition, don't miss the next one!
Walter van Beirendonck - Dream The World Awake
Sept 14th 2011 to febr 2nd 2012 at MoMu, Fashion Museum Antwerp