Saturday, 20 April 2019

Press Note #MeToo, the Digital Mob Lynching legal tool, attacks CJI Ranjan Gogoi

Press Note #MeToo, the Digital Mob Lynching legal tool, attacks CJI Ranjan Gogoi

New Delhi, April 21, 2019 : Men Welfare Trust (MWT) urges the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, Ranjan Gogoi to correct the unfair Sexual Harassment at Workplace Law, which was created by the Supreme Court itself.

From the complaint against the Chief Justice and the official reply by Supreme Court it appears to be the issue of Woman terminated from her Job. The Supreme Court bench, hearing the case yesterday, commented that Judiciary is under threat, but we wish to bring to your notice, it’s not only judiciary every Workplace’s Men are under threat, let it be Govt/Private.

Any dispute, a woman can term you a molester/rapist and for that her verbal accusation is sufficient, with no limitation being applicable. Many organisations have paid heavy price, some are paying even today and many will have to pay in future for terminating any women employee for any legitimate reason, but Supreme Court never took any corrective action.

Because of widespread misandry in our society and biased laws against men, a man is immediately labelled as a molester, rapist and criminal on just a mere statement by a woman. He is stripped of his job and most importantly his self-respect without even given a chance to speak, let alone go through a fair trial. While everyone has the right to equality under the Constitution of India, the Indian government has provided no laws to protect Men whatsoever, whereas, there are over 49 laws to protect women. While the existing laws are unfair towards men, so is the society and media in putting a vulnerable man through a media trial.

Lakhs of cases of common men are languishing in courts where their life and liberty is curtailed because of these false cases. Even when they are acquitted after going through a trial for 5-10 years, their lives remain completely destroyed. The Indian law also does not provide for any redressal and rehabilitation for such common men who are acquitted of false cases. There is also no punishment for those women filing false cases and misusing the law; and no strong precedence for law misuse in the judiciary as well.

Hence, we strongly urge the media and the general public to be sensitive towards any person who is already going through a difficult period and avoid making any judgements till this case goes through a fair trial. The person is innocent till proven Guilty, to be respected, should not be punished or stripped of his job or forced to resign on mere allegation.

We appeal to Supreme Court of India and Mr. Ranjan Gogoi instead of crying foul, please take the corrective action and issue immediate necessary guidelines for all such cases, mere allegation of sexual harassment can’t be a right to deprive a man from his constitutional Right of Live and Liberty provided by Constitution under Article 21.

About Men Welfare Trust (MWT):
A registered NGO in New Delhi, Men Welfare Trust (MWT) works for safeguarding the interests of those Men who have been implicated in false cases because of the gross misuse of gender biased laws. MWT has been involved in several intervention petitions on issues such as Marital Rape. Mr. Amit Lakhani, President and Mr. Ritwik Bisaria, Vice-President of MWT are India’s foremost Men’s Rights Activists who have been actively involved for the last 9 years in providing free and selfless help to Men and their families who are victimised by the misuse of gender biased laws such as false IPC 498A, Rape, Sexual harassment, domestic violence and other cases of similar nature. They have provided counseling and support to lakhs of Men in distress who have been victims of false cases which are filed by many women and their families to cash in and extort from a failed relationship, defame and shame the husband and settle personal scores. They are also actively engaged in various other activities like research, documentation and publication on men’s rights issues, and regularly appear on India’s leading national news channels.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Best Bengali Poem Marriage for Men in India

Due to all Anti Men Law & Policy made and promoted by Indian Government and various @ScJudgements , the Life of Husbands had been made Hell.
No Political Party shown any concern towards the same , as they know we Stupid Men will keep voting them , they have no fear of Loosing their #MenVote, as stopping suffering of Men is not our 1st Priority. Time to wake up and take action by no more free Gift of Vote to any Political party , till they scrap all anti-men unfair laws and vote 4 #NOTA if they do not agree. #MenRHumanToo

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Refusal of Sex in Marriage : How Many time as Husband You had been refused to have Sex by Your wive ?

Reference :

First make #RefusalofSex a Criminal offence then talk about Marital rape

  • wrong done by wives refuse to have sex without any justified reason and blackmailing Husbands , radical feminist groups termed as marital rape to hide their own wrong doing.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

The Power of NOTA for Men's Commission

We have witness many trending hash Tag in twitter supported by many men as well as women, like #StopMisuseofRapeLaw, #StopAbuseMen , #Scrap498A , #SaveMale , # StopMenSuicide , #StopElderAbuse , #MenAreHumantoo , #No2maintenance etc , but none of the Political Party had given any Place in their manifesto as concern.

The safety, suffering , crime against men and their other family members had been ignored by all most every Political Party, as they know we men are not united for our own Constitution right, result we had been taken as granted.

Now , if you really want to stop such misuse of Law or necessary correction to be done in Law’s , there is no other option but to Join hands together and give a clear message to all Political party that we men & their family members are not Free Vote Bank any more.

More Details :
Vote for Your Party NOTA in upcoming Election !!

Friday, 8 March 2019

Pind-Daan of #MeToo

Friday, 26 October 2018

Men Welfare Trust and Save Family Foundation Activities Around the Year ...

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Don't get fooled by #MeToo gang . #SpeakUpMan to Stop #MeToo4Publicity

Unfair Law or Policy can't bring any Fairness in Society .There is No Law in India to Punish any Girls or Women who Rape, Molest Man, as the law is not Gender Neutral . So , when a Man try to say his assault , instead of consider him as Victim , he himself had been termed as Molester , Rapist. More than 35 country have gender neutral Work Place Harassment LAW , but in India its does not Protect Men or women when the assault done by Women. Result all Rapist Women are moving freely in India , as the same not crime for them in India.

Don't get fooled by #MeToo gang . #SpeakUpMan to Stop abuse of Men and Demand Gender Neutral law. If Women do not do such crime , why they afraid for Gender neutral Law?

Friday, 12 October 2018


अमेरिका से चलकर भारत में तबाही मचाने आ गया है #Mee2 Virus

Sunday, 7 October 2018

तनुश्री दत्ता के 2008 के F.I.R का सच| Mumbai Tak

Friday, 5 October 2018

Annu Kapoor SLAMS Tanushree Dutta On Nana Patekar Controversy | ANGRY RE...

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

For #MenCommission in India Need to act before 2019 Election : #SpeakUpMan by Amit Lakhani

President of Men Well Fare Trust (MWT) - Mr. Amit Lakahani address the gathering at Jantar Mantar on 2nd Oct-2018 for the Road map and action plan to create #MenCommission in India .

#SpeakUpMan , when any Political party come to your door for your Vote , all Men must demand their 5 Points agenda and must Create importance of #MaleVote . More than 70 Years all Political party ignored the well fare of Men in this country, result men are getting help less and end their life which we termed as Suicide .

Stop Abuse of Men and Join hands to #SpeakUpMan Movement to create Men Commission In India.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Full Interview: Hrithik Roshan On Kangana Ranuat | Nation Wants To Know ...

A must watch and Learn the Men done Basic Mistakes when any Women accuses You.
The most Important #SpeakUpMan before too late .

We gone through all such real story in SIF one Help Line : 8882498498.

Hope this will help many to learn , whoever you may be , who big you may me , when a Women put allegations on you , your life is not a normal life like others . So , you must talk to those who had gone through such cases . No advocate or Media person can help you , its your fight , you have to fight than surrender.

#TanushreeDutta allegations against #NanaPatekar: All you need to know: 2008 Video!

#TanushreeDutta allegations against #NanaPatekar: All you need to know , how we Indian men are stupid . Thanks to #MeToo gang .

#SpeakUpMan or next can be You too.

Now #MeToo gang will you believe this Journalist Men too like #TanushreeDutta ?

Very Interesting : #TanushreeDutta made so many Allegation against #NanaPatekar , #GansehAcharya, #VivekAgnihotri , #RajThackeray , #MNS , Indian Judiciary , but no allegation against Pankaj Bhardwaj ( he claim to be Media Camera Man of Sahara News) , who seen damaging her car .
Here evidence is there , but her silence about this incidence raise a Big Question mark or the act of Pankaj Bhardwaj is not to be termed as Crime or Harassment ? 
Seems some thing she is hiding which she does not want the real truth to come in Public domain ?

There must be Police complaint copy available on record  , why not all big Media House get that copy and tell to Public what was written there ? 

Friday, 28 September 2018


Press Release on Adultery & Sabrimala Verdict of Supreme Court

Men Welfare Trust (Regd. NGO) is part of Save Indian Family (SIF) Movement which is the biggest representative of Men’s Rights Movement of India. SIF is a conglomerate of over 40 NGOs across India & Abroad, working tirelessly for Men;s Rights in India. SIF has been working for Empowerment of Men at Legal, Policy, Health, Govt Budgeting level. SIF conducts weekly Support group meetings at over 30 places in India, 5 places outside India. In addition, SIF also runs multiple Websites, Blogs, Email support groups and even Whatsapp First Aid groups to help and support Indian men and boys. SIF runs the world’s largest Private Helpline for Men in Distress, “SIF One”, which gets over 6000 calls every month. SIF One Android Mobile app also allows Men/Boys in distress to connect with SIF.

September 2018 continues to be BLACK SEPTEMBER in the lives of Indian Men.

This Month, after Triple Talaq Ordinance and removal of Family Welfare Committee, 2 more blows to the rights and dignity of men have happened:

Ø  Hon’ble Supreme Court decriminalized IPC 497 #AdulteryØ  Hon’ble Supreme Court allowed entry of women to #Sabrimala Shrine


The Hon’ble Supreme Court in a 5 judges bench, headed by Chief Justice of India, decriminalized Adultery thus making Sexual relationship outside the Marriage not a Criminal Offence.

With the way the definition and reality of Marriage has changed in India, where Husbands were forced to live under constant fear of False Dowry, Maintenance, Domestic Violence, Custody cases, Adultery law was the only protection they had in case of adulterous wife filling false bouquet of cases. That shield, which could have helped Husband prove the Cruelty he has undergone because of Wife’ Adultery has been taken off and Husbands are left defenceless.

The Hon’ble Supreme Court while pronouncing the judgment mentioned that Husband is not a Master of the wife. MWT wishes to submit an amendment that, No Spouse if Master or Other Spouse. It is highly unfortunate that though the Husband is not a Master of Wife, but still the Hon’ble Supreme Court allowed archaic and draconian laws like Maintenance, Alimony laws which force the Husband to be the PROVIDER to his wife.

With the removal of Adultery law, which gave 100% immunity to an Adulterous wife, now wife will have no deterrent in having Sexual Relationship outside her marriage. It would be pertinent to add that a Husband, if at all, even talks to another female (or doesn’t even do that much), a wife has all the right to file Criminal Case on her Husband (and his entire family members) under IPC 498A, CrPC 125, PWDVA 2005 and many other sections.

It had been our demand for long time that Adultery law MUST be amended to make it Gender Neutral. With Hon’ble Supreme Court doing away with the law inspite of correcting it, the value of Marriage has been left to nothing in India. Now the big question remains, CAN A CHILD BE EVER BE SURE WHO IS IT’S FATHER?


                Entry of women between 10-50 years of age was not allowed in the shrine of Sabrimala, which is considered to be the abode of Celibate Lord Ayyappa. Interestingly, a religious sentiment case, was conveniently converted and viewed as a Feminist Issue which means that Feminists don’t regard females under 10 years and over 50 years as women at all.

                Hon’ble Supreme Court 5 judges bench, headed by Chief Justice of India, also used terms like “Patriarchy”, “Women not inferior to Men” etc. Though, the case was never a Gender based case, the Hon’ble Supreme Court verdict made it like one.

                MWT believes in religious autonomy to remain untouched by Judiciary but would request the Hon’ble Supreme Court to also issue directions to Attukal Temple, Chakkulathukavu Temple, Santoshi Maa ‘Vrat’, Lord Brahma Temple (Pushkar), Bhagati Maa Temple (Kanyakumari), Mata Temple (Muzaffarpur), Trimbakeshwar Temple, Kamrup Kamakhya Temple TO ALLOW MEN INSIDE THESE TEMPLES FOR THE SAME EQUALITY.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Adultery not A crime : IPC497 Unconstitutional by SC, but Men have to continue to Pay Price !

Last 158 years , a crime Adultery which was done by Both Men & Women together , but IPC497 was never termed Un-Constitutional in spite lacks of Men had been termed as criminal .

Then the various study came out that increasing number of women in adultery, killing of Husband by women due to adultery and demand to push to adulterous women also along with Men. It was almost common agreement among public that women also should be punishment for the same crime if men had been punished as in that crime both are having 50:50 partnership.

Even LAW commission came out with commendation that the law should be Gender Neutral .

The demand was starting keep rising every day , but alas , how can our Supreme Court term a crime done by Women as Crime in India and send a "Fertile Women" to Jail ?

They do not have any problem to send any age old women or unmarried women to jail in 498A or 304B law.

So Supreme Court of India after 158 yrs ,  today wake up and termed IPC497 ( adultery) is Un-Constitutional. 
The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code that makes adultery a punishable offence for men. In four separate but concurring judgments, the five-judge bench of the Supreme Court said the 158-year-old law was unconstitutional and fell foul of Article 21 (Right to life and personal liberty) and Article 14 (Right to equality).

The apex court also declared Section 198(1) and 198(2) of the CrPC, which allows a husband to bring charges against the man with whom his wife committed adultery, unconstitutional. Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra, who pronounced the judgment in concurrence with Justice AM Khanwilkar, said while adultery could be a ground for civil issues, including dissolution of marriage, it could not be a criminal offence. 

Way back in 2006 , it was asked to me whatt is our view on such LAW , we categorically said , adultery should be a criminal law or civil law the word should be Person instead of Men or Women and Spouse instead of Husband or Wife.

The argument of national Commission stand was Adultery by Women cant be termed as Crime , as she is victim , not the men. So , it never became as Gender Neutral Crime in India and Men continue to pay the price for a crime which done by both Men and women as a 50 : 50 partnership.

Now as the IPC497 became un-constitutional instead of making it Gender Neutral , means a married women Lived or Living in adultery cant be questioned . She can even Claim Money from her Husband in CRPC125 , Domestic Violence Act , can term husband Criminal under 498A which Supreme Court does not find Un-constitutional .

Hey Stupid Indian Men , you married a Women , now you beg, brow or steal , you have to provide her Food, Home, Money and whatever she want as a wife to make her happy, even through out your age old parents from their own Home, as you married her.

But when comes to sexual relationship , She can have as many Man as she want , its her right . She have have multiple sexual partner and your Job to provide Money to her as per LAW like CRPC125, Domestic Violence Act , Section 24 irrespective its her fault or your fault.

Now , if as a Men forget to get involved to any adultery , don't even to dare to dream , not only you , your parents , sisters , Brothers ,  all be send to Jail under 498A , as Supreme Court says they cant even act to correct the Loop Hole in any Law made by parliament , forget about to term the same Unconstitutional .

So , hey stupid Indian Men Change your Mind set , marriage does not mean she had taken oath that she will be committed to you , she can have as many Men as she like , its her constitutional Right , if you dis agree , be ready to go to Jail along with your parents , Brother , sisters too.

#SpeakUpMan or the day is not too far , Supreme Court is going to make new law : "Any crime done by Women should not be termed as Crime in Book of Law ." 
In a country where : Adultery by married Women is not a Crime but any aligation by women for simple verbal abuse , mental abuse , economical abuse , staring to women , refusal to marry by Men - is heinous crime as per IPC354 (Molestation) , IPC376 ( Rape) , IPC498A .

Time to enjoy the unleash #LegalTerrorism against men by Indian Law Makers and supported by Judiciary . Be ready for more extortion , Blackmailing , irrespective its your fault or her Fault . 

Adultery by Women - Child

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Save Family Foundation Commando Training Sessions: Rajesh Sharma SC Judgment - 2017 vs 2018

Save Family Foundation Commando Training Sessions: Rajesh Sharma SC Judgment - 2017 vs 2018: SUPREME COURT reviews Rajesh Sharma vs State of UP what it means for Indian men, victims of #False498A   In 2017, Hon'ble Supreme ...

Save Family Foundation Commando Training Sessions: #BlackSeptember - when Indian Men lost Family Welf...

Save Family Foundation Commando Training Sessions: #BlackSeptember - when Indian Men lost Family Welf...: PRESS RELEASE BLACK SEPTEMBER FOR INDIAN MEN " Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is free W...

#SpeakUpMan for Formation of Men Commission in India.

Do You Know NCRB- National Crime Bure Report ??

  • Murder (Adult +Child ) : Men Vs Women : 22608 Vs. 8888 ( Ratio : 72:28)- ( NCRB : 2016).
  • The overall Male: Female ratio of Suicide victims for the year 2015 was 68:32. (NCRB:2015).
  • Ratio of Male fatality to Female fatality due to un-natural accidents was nearly 80:20. (NCRB:2015).
Wonder whose Life is more danger in India , Men or Women ?

Saturday, 15 September 2018

498A Commando Training - Rajesh Sharma Judgement Explained