Showing posts with label Adultery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adultery. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Panel Discussion: #HusbandMurder - Why Being Ignored?

Panel discussion with Eminent Panel on something very important, urgent and about Life of Men and their Murders.

Panel Discussion on #HusbandMurder #HusbandBurning #GroomBurning being ignored by Law, Society.

  • Amit Lakhani, discusses #HusbandMurder #HusbandBurning #GroomBurning with a Panel of:
  • Mr. PK Malhotra - Former Law Secretary
  • Mr. Lohit Matani - Commandent, State Reserve Police Force, Amravati
  • Ms. Smita Dixit - Lawyer, Supreme Court
  • Mr. Wasif Ali - Men Welfare Trust, Delhi (Regd. NGO)
  • And 2 victims of Husband Burning, Murder Attempt by wives.

#HusbandBurntAlive by wife ! Till date no FIR registered against her , but the cases registered against him #IPC498A #CRPC125 his finger not working, he is #Jobless but wife asking Maint !

What type of Society we are Living? Be #Misandry FREE Be #Mangina FREE !
Every Men are under high risk of #Fakecases at Home, Office, Road due to multiple anti-Men #Unfairlaw - which became Blackmailing/Extortion Tool. To survive or #FightBack knowledge is Key. Law is not any rocket Science. Buy & Start to Read Law Books Now !

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Adultery not A crime : IPC497 Unconstitutional by SC, but Men have to continue to Pay Price !

Last 158 years , a crime Adultery which was done by Both Men & Women together , but IPC497 was never termed Un-Constitutional in spite lacks of Men had been termed as criminal .

Then the various study came out that increasing number of women in adultery, killing of Husband by women due to adultery and demand to push to adulterous women also along with Men. It was almost common agreement among public that women also should be punishment for the same crime if men had been punished as in that crime both are having 50:50 partnership.

Even LAW commission came out with commendation that the law should be Gender Neutral .

The demand was starting keep rising every day , but alas , how can our Supreme Court term a crime done by Women as Crime in India and send a "Fertile Women" to Jail ?

They do not have any problem to send any age old women or unmarried women to jail in 498A or 304B law.

So Supreme Court of India after 158 yrs ,  today wake up and termed IPC497 ( adultery) is Un-Constitutional. 
The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code that makes adultery a punishable offence for men. In four separate but concurring judgments, the five-judge bench of the Supreme Court said the 158-year-old law was unconstitutional and fell foul of Article 21 (Right to life and personal liberty) and Article 14 (Right to equality).

The apex court also declared Section 198(1) and 198(2) of the CrPC, which allows a husband to bring charges against the man with whom his wife committed adultery, unconstitutional. Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra, who pronounced the judgment in concurrence with Justice AM Khanwilkar, said while adultery could be a ground for civil issues, including dissolution of marriage, it could not be a criminal offence. 

Way back in 2006 , it was asked to me whatt is our view on such LAW , we categorically said , adultery should be a criminal law or civil law the word should be Person instead of Men or Women and Spouse instead of Husband or Wife.

The argument of national Commission stand was Adultery by Women cant be termed as Crime , as she is victim , not the men. So , it never became as Gender Neutral Crime in India and Men continue to pay the price for a crime which done by both Men and women as a 50 : 50 partnership.

Now as the IPC497 became un-constitutional instead of making it Gender Neutral , means a married women Lived or Living in adultery cant be questioned . She can even Claim Money from her Husband in CRPC125 , Domestic Violence Act , can term husband Criminal under 498A which Supreme Court does not find Un-constitutional .

Hey Stupid Indian Men , you married a Women , now you beg, brow or steal , you have to provide her Food, Home, Money and whatever she want as a wife to make her happy, even through out your age old parents from their own Home, as you married her.

But when comes to sexual relationship , She can have as many Man as she want , its her right . She have have multiple sexual partner and your Job to provide Money to her as per LAW like CRPC125, Domestic Violence Act , Section 24 irrespective its her fault or your fault.

Now , if as a Men forget to get involved to any adultery , don't even to dare to dream , not only you , your parents , sisters , Brothers ,  all be send to Jail under 498A , as Supreme Court says they cant even act to correct the Loop Hole in any Law made by parliament , forget about to term the same Unconstitutional .

So , hey stupid Indian Men Change your Mind set , marriage does not mean she had taken oath that she will be committed to you , she can have as many Men as she like , its her constitutional Right , if you dis agree , be ready to go to Jail along with your parents , Brother , sisters too.

#SpeakUpMan or the day is not too far , Supreme Court is going to make new law : "Any crime done by Women should not be termed as Crime in Book of Law ." 
In a country where : Adultery by married Women is not a Crime but any aligation by women for simple verbal abuse , mental abuse , economical abuse , staring to women , refusal to marry by Men - is heinous crime as per IPC354 (Molestation) , IPC376 ( Rape) , IPC498A .

Time to enjoy the unleash #LegalTerrorism against men by Indian Law Makers and supported by Judiciary . Be ready for more extortion , Blackmailing , irrespective its your fault or her Fault . 

Adultery by Women - Child

Friday, 28 July 2017

Swarup Sarkar and Amit Lakhani on SC Judgment on 498A Misuse

Friday, 9 October 2015

Unfair CRPC125: FREE ATM Password Of Indian Wives !!

Unfair Law CRPC125 : A FREE ATM Password for Indian Wives - A Film Coming soon for Indian Men !!!

Beg, brow or steal but have to pay or Go to Jail. Job-loss is not a ground to deny maintenance for Husband but Job loss is a Ground for wives to seek maintenance from Husband !!

Must Read : Indian alimony laws: Anti-men? 


Every Men in India are under high risk of #Fakecases at Home, Office, Road due to multiple anti-Men #Unfairlaw - which became Blackmailing/Extortion Tool. To survive or #FightBack knowledge is Key. Law is not any rocket Science. Buy & start Read Law Books Now!

Monday, 6 April 2015

#‎IChoseYou‬ by Vaastav in response to ‪#‎MyChoice‬

#‎IChoseYou‬ by Vaastav Foundation is in response to ‪#‎MyChoice‬ video.

It's not only women who compromise or need to suppress their choices. Men do a lot of compromises for others too. If women are going to make choices without considering its effects on others, then men can do so too.


Click for Viedo

Friday, 11 April 2014


Men in India, since times unknown, have been forced to be default Protector and Provider of just not the society but their families as well. They have been forced to give death or get death in name of Patriotism, Masculinity, Chivalry and other Feminism bred Adjectives. And the same society has always kept their ears shut to the problems of men. BUT, NOW NO MORE. Save Indian Family (SIF) announces a single number helpline for Indian Men across the globe who are suffering at the hands of various Gender Biased Laws, Rules & notions made applicable to them forcibly.

From today, Save Indian Family has launched it’s all India Helpline Number 0-8882-498-498, SIF - ONE for all men and their family members who are suffering at the hands of any of the Anti-Male Laws / Rules / Norms. This Helpline is freely available to all callers to reach out to experienced counsellors who would be more than eager to help men in distress. It, in true terms, is “SIF – One: Helpline for Men”. Anyone man in distress because of either False rape or False Matrimonial cases, can call this free helpline number to reach out to nearest location counselors or visit for other options. The Helpline also offers the special feature to callers to leave their voice mail too in case of all lines being busy. The Helpline will offer multiple lines on this single access number:

SIF is proud to announce launch of two more Tech Tools for helping men. Activists of Save Indian Family have developed and launched new tools and thus putting their footsteps on the platform of Technology based Help for Men.

SIF is also proud to present the “SIF APP”, which is a Free Mobile Application available to all users of Google Playstore. Smart Phone (Google Playstore) users just need to search “SIF App” 
and  download it on their phones and have a direct access to SIF’s helpline, email help, Yahoogroups, websites, Updates, Save Family E-Magazine and it’s Weekly Meeting details. 

Photo by Mark : SIF-One Men Help Line for Abused & Distress Men

SIF is also proud to present it’s new DOS-based Tweeting application “SWITTER” which has been developed by SIF Activists to enable & enhance SIF’s Twitter Action team have a much faster and better use of Twitter. SWITTER will be available to SIF’s twitter activists and help them do targeted twitter campaigns for spreading awareness to society.

With SIF – One, SIF App & SWITTER, Save Indian Family is confident to reach out to more and more distressed men who have no support system available from the society or from the government. We are very positive that SIF, with these new golden steps, would be able to hit upon the biggest issue for men, Misandry. India witnesses approx. 65000 Husband Suicide in India each year, which means 1 Husband commits suicide every 8.3 minutes and hence SIF would want to request whole India via this Press Release, that there is hope and now we are nearer to you to help you.

When, in 2005, Save Indian Family Movement was founded, Men were already ignored and the Law Makers, under the pressure from heavily funded Feminist groups were coming up with Legislations which in name of Women Empowerment were creating “assassin’s weapon” to penalize Men and bring in more and more hatred against men in the society. Since then, SaveIndian Family (SIF) Movement has helped over 10 Lakh families across the globe who have been suffering at the hands of various Gender Biased Laws of India. Through it’s various allied NGOs, including (SFF) Save Family Foundation, Delhi (Regd. NGO), SIF has been tirelessly working towards bringing peace and harmony to lives of Men and their family members dues to various False and Frivolous litigation instituted via these “Easy to Misuse” Gender Biased Laws.